Mathematics Research Institute

Seminario de Doctorado
Seminario de Doctorado

A Simple Parametric Representation of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model

Alejandro Rodríguez (Universidad de Valladolid)

Fecha: 02/07/2021 13:10

The Hodgkin-Huxley model, decades after its first presentation, is still a reference model in neuroscience as it has successfully reproduced the electrophysiological activity of many organisms. The primary signal in the model represents the membrane potential of a neuron. A simple representation of this signal is presented in \cite{Rod21}. The new proposal is an adapted Frequency Modulated Möbius multicomponent model defined as a signal plus error model in which the signal is decomposed as a sum of waves. The main strengths of the method are the simple parametric formulation, the interpretability and flexibility of the parameters that describe and discriminate the waveforms, the estimators' identifiability and accuracy, and the robustness against noise. The approach is validated with a broad simulation experiment of Hodgkin-Huxley signals and real data from squid giant axons. Interesting differences between simulated and real data emerge from the comparison of the parameter configurations. Furthermore, the potential of the FMM parameters to predict Hodgkin-Huxley model parameters is shown using different Machine Learning methods. Finally, promising contributions of the approach in Spike Sorting and cell-type classification are detailed.