Mathematics Research Institute

Sistemas Dinámicos


Objetivos: La teoría matemática de sistemas dinámicos tuvo su origen hace más de cien años en los trabajos de A. M. Lyapunov en teoría de estabilidad y de H. Poincaré en mecánica celeste. Desde entonces su crecimiento ha sido continuo y significativo, tanto desde el punto de vista conceptual como desde el punto de vista de las técnicas empleadas en su desarrollo. En nuestro días las aportaciones de la teoría de sistemas dinámicos a la profundización del conocimiento cientifíco y tecnológico son enormes y exceden ampliamente el ámbito de las matemáticas, siendo su aplicación relevante en numerosas áreas de ingeniería. La finalidad de este grupo de investigación es promover el desarrollo de dicha teoría científica así como facilitar y ampliar sus aplicaciones tecnológicas. Podemos destacar los siguientes objetivos principales: O1) Investigación y desarrollo de metódos dinámicos con aplicación en el estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales no-autónomas. Descripción de las dinámicas local y global. O2) Elaboración y análisis de los modelos en biología e ingeniería que se describen mediante ecuaciones diferenciales. Estudio cualitativo y computacional de dichos modelos. O3) Investigación de problemas de teoría de bifurcación y teoría de control con influencia en ingeniería. O4) Investigación y desarrollo de métodos matemáticos para el cálculo y refinamiento de órbitas de objetos celestes y estudio de posibilidades de impacto con la Tierra. O5) Divulgación del trabajo científico y los resultados obtenidos que permita un mejor conocimiento y una mayor valoración social del trabajo realizado.
Líneas de investigación: Dinámica orbital. Teoría de control no autónoma. Teoría de bifurcación no lineal. Modelos en biología e ingeniería. Ecuaciones diferenciales no autónomas. Dinámica casi-periódica y casi-automórfica.
Petviashvili type methods for traveling wave computations: I. Analysis of convergence J. Comput. Appl. Math. 266 39--51 (2014) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
An extended Petviashvili method for the numerical generation of traveling and localized waves Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 19 2272--2283 (2014) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
On the influence of numerical preservation of invariants when simulating Hamiltonian relative periodic orbits J. Comput. Appl. Math. 236 2954--2961 (2012) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
On the preservation of invariants in the simulation of solitary waves in some nonlinear dispersive equations Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 17 637--649 (2012) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
A numerical scheme for periodic travelling-wave simulations in some nonlinear dispersive wave models J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 1790--1797 (2011) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
Error propagation when approximating multi-solitons: the KdV equation as a case study Appl. Math. Comput. 217 1522--1539 (2010) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
Error propagation in numerical approximations near relative equilibria J. Comput. Appl. Math. 234 3373--3386 (2010) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
Petviashvili type methods for traveling wave computations: II. Acceleration with vector extrapolation methods Math. Comput. Simulation 123 19--36 (2016) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
Corrigendum to ``Petviashvili type methods for traveling wave computations: I. Analysis of convergence'' [J. Comput. Appl. Math. 266 (2014) 39--51] [MR3176279] J. Comput. Appl. Math. 277 215--216 (2015) Álvarez, J. and Durán, A.
Numerical generation of periodic traveling wave solutions of some nonlinear dispersive wave systems J. Comput. Appl. Math. 316 29--39 (2017) Álvarez, J. and Durán A.
An improved class of generalized Runge-Kutta methods for stiff problems. II. The separated system case Appl. Math. Comput. 159 717--758 (2004) Alvarez, Jorge and Rojo, Jesús
An improved class of generalized Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for special second-order differential equations Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 9 217--227 (2004) Alvarez, Jorge and Rojo, Jesús
An improved class of generalized Runge-Kutta methods for stiff problems. I. The scalar case Appl. Math. Comput. 130 537--560 (2002) 'Alvarez, Jorge and Rojo, Jesús
Obtaining new explicit two-stage methods for the scalar autonomous IVP with prefixed stability functions Internat. J. Appl. Sci. Comput. 6 39--44 (1999) Alvarez, Jorge
A new family of explicit two-stage methods of order three for the scalar autonomous IVP Internat. J. Appl. Sci. Comput. 5 246--251 (1999) Alvarez, Jorge and Rojo, Jesús
On certain partial derivatives involved in a Delaunay normalization process Rev. Acad. Cienc. Zaragoza (2) 49 93--104 (1994) 'Alvarez, J. and Floría, L.
Special methods for the numerical integration of some ODEs systems 47 5703–5708 (2001) Alvarez, Jorge and Rojo, Jesús
A direct method to calculate the energy evolution of a turbulent flow Appl. Math. Model. 31 1067–1078 (2007) Manuel Núñez, Jorge Álvarez and Jesús Rojo
Blowup of certain analytic solutions of the Hall magnetohydrodynamic equations Phys. Plasmas 15 062104-1 a 062104-6 (2008) Manuel Núñez, Jorge Álvarez and Jesús Rojo
Bicrossproduct structure of the null-plane quantum Poincaré algebra J. Phys. A 31 L1--L7 (1998) Arratia, Oscar and Herranz, Francisco J. and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Moyal quantization on the cylinder Rep. Math. Phys. 40 149--157 (1997) Arratia, O. and del Olmo, M. A.
Elementary systems of $(1+1)$ kinematical groups: contraction and quantization Fortschr. Phys. 45 103--128 (1997) Arratia, Oscar and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Contraction of representations of $(1+1)$ kinematical groups and quantization Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 12 125--130 (1997) Arratia, Oscar and Del Olmo, Mariano A.
Moyal quantization and group theory Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 54 191--201 (1996) Arratia, O. and Martín, M. A. and del Olmo, M. A.
Induced representations of quantum kinematical algebras and quantum mechanics J. Phys. A 35 8449--8466 (2002) Arratia, Oscar and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Representations of quantum bicrossproduct algebras J. Phys. A 35 10247--10276 (2002) Arratia, Oscar and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Dynamical systems and quantum bicrossproduct algebras J. Phys. A 35 5347--5363 (2002) Arratia, Oscar and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Deformation on phase space RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 96 63--81 (2002) Arratia, O. and Martín, M. A. and del Olmo, M. A.
Induced representations of quantum kinematical algebras Yadernaya Fiz. 64 2195--2199 (2001) Arratia, O. and del Olmo, M. A.
Induced representations of quantum $(1+1)$ Galilei algebras J. Math. Phys. 41 4817--4832 (2000) Arratia, Oscar and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Applications of the exponential ordering in the study of almost-periodic delayed Hopfield neural networks Phys. D 241 1551--1566 (2012) Arratia, Oscar and Obaya, Rafael and Sansaturio, M. Eugenia
$(2+1)$ Newton-Hooke classical and quantum systems Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 50 2035--2045 (2011) Arratia, Oscar and Martín, Miguel A. and del Olmo, Mariano A.
Time averages for continuous functions on distal flows Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 58 445--452 (1998) Núñez, Carmen
Rotation number for non-autonomous linear Hamiltonian systems. I. Basic properties Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 54 484--502 (2003) Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen
Rotation number for non-autonomous linear Hamiltonian systems. {II}. The Floquet coefficients Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 54 652--676 (2003) Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen
On the Yakubovich frequency theorem for linear non-autonomous control processes Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 9 677--704 (2003) Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen
A non-autonomous bifurcation theory for deterministic scalar differential equations Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 9 701--730 (2008) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Disconjugacy and the rotation number for linear, non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 185 S3--S21 (2006) Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen
A perturbation theorem for linear Hamiltonian systems with bounded orbits Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 13 623--635 (2005) Fabbri, Roberta and Núñez, Carmen and Sanz, Ana M.
Skew-product semiflows for non-autonomous partial functional differential equations with delay Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 4291--4321 (2014) Novo, Sylvia and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
The Kalman-Bucy filter revisited Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 4139--4153 (2014) Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen
Dynamical methods for linear Hamiltonian systems with applications to control processes J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 679--713 (2013) Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows {II}: Two-dimensional systems of differential equations J. Differential Equations 252 3575--3607 (2012) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Minimal sets in monotone and sublinear skew-product semiflows. {II}. Two-dimensional systems of differential equations J. Differential Equations 248 1899--1925 (2010) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Remarks on linear-quadratic dissipative control systems Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 20 889--914 (2015) Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen
Null controllable sets and reachable sets for nonautonomous linear control systems Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1069--1094 (2016) Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Preface [Issue on nonautonomous dynamics] Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1--iii (2016) Johnson, Russell and Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows I: a general theory J. Differential Equations 252 5492--5517 (2012) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Nonautonomous Linear-Quadratic Dissipative Control Processes without Uniform Null Controllability Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0 29 (0) Russell Johnson, Sylvia Novo, Carmen Nuñez, Rafael Obaya
Dynamical properties of nonautonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems A 0 24 (0) Ismael Maroto, Carmen Nuñez, Rafael Obaya
Exponential stability for non-autonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 0 31 (0) Ismael Maroto, Carmen Nuñez , Rafael Obaya
Minimal sets in monotone and sublinear skew-product semiflows. I. The general case J. Differential Equations 248 1879--1897 (2010) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Global attractivity in concave or sublinear monotone infinite delay differential equations J. Differential Equations 246 3332--3360 (2009) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Some remarks concerning weakly disconjugate linear Hamiltonian systems J. Math. Anal. Appl. 380 853--864 (2011) Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen
On linear-quadratic dissipative control processes with time-varying coefficients Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 33 193--210 (2013) Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen
Uniform weak disconjugacy and principal solutions for linear Hamiltonian systems Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 94 131--159 (2014) Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Exponential dichotomy and trichotomy for difference equations Comput. Math. Appl. 38 41--49 (1999) Alonso, A. I. and Hong, Jialin and Obaya, R.
Almost periodic and almost automorphic dynamics for scalar convex differential equations Israel J. Math. 144 157--189 (2004) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Almost periodic type solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument via almost periodic type sequences Appl. Math. Lett. 13 131--137 (2000) Alonso, A. I. and Hong, Jialin and Obaya, R.
Absolutely continuous dynamics and real coboundary cocycles in ^p$-spaces, $0<p<infty$ Studia Math. 138 121--134 (2000) Alonso, Ana I. and Hong, Jialin and Obaya, Rafael
A non-autonomous bifurcation theory for deterministic scalar differential equations Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 9 701--730 (2008) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Stability and extensibility results for abstract skew-product semiflows J. Differential Equations 235 623--646 (2007) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Exponential stability in non-autonomous delayed equations with applications to neural networks Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 18 517--536 (2007) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Attractor minimal sets for non-autonomous delay functional differential equations with applications for neural networks Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 461 2767--2783 (2005) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
A note on non-autonomous scalar functional differential equations with small delay C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 340 155--160 (2005) Alonso, Ana I. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Attractor minimal sets for cooperative and strongly convex delay differential systems J. Differential Equations 208 86--123 (2005) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Skew-product semiflows for non-autonomous partial functional differential equations with delay Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 4291--4321 (2014) Novo, Sylvia and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Topological dynamics for monotone skew-product semiflows with applications J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 1201--1231 (2013) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Dynamical methods for linear Hamiltonian systems with applications to control processes J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 679--713 (2013) Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Uniform persistence and upper Lyapunov exponents for monotone skew-product semiflows Nonlinearity 26 2409--2440 (2013) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Applications of the exponential ordering in the study of almost-periodic delayed Hopfield neural networks Phys. D 241 1551--1566 (2012) Arratia, Oscar and Obaya, Rafael and Sansaturio, M. Eugenia
Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows {II}: Two-dimensional systems of differential equations J. Differential Equations 252 3575--3607 (2012) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Minimal sets in monotone and sublinear skew-product semiflows. {II}. Two-dimensional systems of differential equations J. Differential Equations 248 1899--1925 (2010) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Continuous separation for monotone skew-product semiflows: from theoretical to numerical results Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 20 915--944 (2015) Calzada, Juan A. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Uniform and strict persistence in monotone skew-product semiflows with applications to non-autonomous Nicholson systems J. Differential Equations 261 4135--4163 (2016) Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Characterization of cocycle attractors for nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 26 1650135, 20 (2016) Cardoso, C. A. and Langa, J. A. and Obaya, R.
Recurrent equations with sign and Fredholm alternative Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 959--977 (2016) Campos, Juan and Obaya, Rafael and Tarallo, Massimo
Null controllable sets and reachable sets for nonautonomous linear control systems Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1069--1094 (2016) Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Preface [Issue on nonautonomous dynamics] Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1--iii (2016) Johnson, Russell and Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Direct exponential ordering for neutral compartmental systems with non-autonomous D-operator. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B (2013), no. 1, 185–207. 18 185-207 (2013) Obaya, Rafael; Villarragut, Víctor M.
Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows I: a general theory J. Differential Equations 252 5492--5517 (2012) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
A variant of the Krein-Rutman theorem for Poincaré difference equations J. Difference Equ. Appl. 18 1751--1762 (2012) Obaya, Rafael and Pituk, Mihály
Exponential ordering for neutral functional differential equations with non-autonomous linear D-operator J. Dynam. Differential Equations 23 695--725 (2011) Obaya, Rafael; Villarragut, Víctor M.
Nonautonomous Linear-Quadratic Dissipative Control Processes without Uniform Null Controllability Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0 29 (0) Russell Johnson, Sylvia Novo, Carmen Nuñez, Rafael Obaya
Favard theory for the adjoint equation and Fredholm alternative Journal of Differential Equations 0 54 (0) Juan Campos, Rafael Obaya, Massimo Tarallo
Pullback, forward and chaotic dynamics in !D non-autonomous linear-dissipative equations Nonlinearity 0 26 (0) T Caraballo, J A Langa, R Obaya
Asymptotic behaviour for a class of non-monotone delay differential systems with applications Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0 25 (0) Teresa Faria, Rafael Obaya, Ana M. Sanz
Dynamical properties of nonautonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems A 0 24 (0) Ismael Maroto, Carmen Nuñez, Rafael Obaya
Exponential stability for non-autonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 0 31 (0) Ismael Maroto, Carmen Nuñez , Rafael Obaya
Favard theory and Fredholm alternative for disconjugate recurrent second order equations Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 0 36 (0) Juan Campos, Rafael Obaya , Massimo Tarallo
Minimal sets in monotone and sublinear skew-product semiflows. I. The general case J. Differential Equations 248 1879--1897 (2010) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Global attractivity in concave or sublinear monotone infinite delay differential equations J. Differential Equations 246 3332--3360 (2009) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Uniform weak disconjugacy and principal solutions for linear Hamiltonian systems Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 94 131--159 (2014) Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael
Non-autonomous functional differential equations and applications 2065 185--263 (2013) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael
Motion of rigid bodies in a set of redundant variables Celestial Mech. 42 263--277 (1987) Cid, Rafael and San Saturio, María-Eugenia
The non-integrability of the truncated two fixed centres problem J. Differential Equations 143 147--150 (1998) Sansaturio, M. E. and Vigo-Aguiar, I. and Ferrándiz, J. M.
Nonintegrability of the truncated zonal satellite Hamiltonian at any order Phys. Lett. A 221 153--157 (1996) Ferrándiz, J. M. and Sansaturio, M. E. and Vigo, I.
Applications of the exponential ordering in the study of almost-periodic delayed Hopfield neural networks Phys. D 241 1551--1566 (2012) Arratia, Oscar and Obaya, Rafael and Sansaturio, M. Eugenia
Almost periodic and almost automorphic dynamics for scalar convex differential equations Israel J. Math. 144 157--189 (2004) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Stability and extensibility results for abstract skew-product semiflows J. Differential Equations 235 623--646 (2007) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Exponential stability in non-autonomous delayed equations with applications to neural networks Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 18 517--536 (2007) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Attractor minimal sets for non-autonomous delay functional differential equations with applications for neural networks Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 461 2767--2783 (2005) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
A perturbation theorem for linear Hamiltonian systems with bounded orbits Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 13 623--635 (2005) Fabbri, Roberta and Núñez, Carmen and Sanz, Ana M.
A note on non-autonomous scalar functional differential equations with small delay C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 340 155--160 (2005) Alonso, Ana I. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Attractor minimal sets for cooperative and strongly convex delay differential systems J. Differential Equations 208 86--123 (2005) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Skew-product semiflows for non-autonomous partial functional differential equations with delay Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 4291--4321 (2014) Novo, Sylvia and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Topological dynamics for monotone skew-product semiflows with applications J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 1201--1231 (2013) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Uniform persistence and upper Lyapunov exponents for monotone skew-product semiflows Nonlinearity 26 2409--2440 (2013) Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows {II}: Two-dimensional systems of differential equations J. Differential Equations 252 3575--3607 (2012) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Minimal sets in monotone and sublinear skew-product semiflows. {II}. Two-dimensional systems of differential equations J. Differential Equations 248 1899--1925 (2010) Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Continuous separation for monotone skew-product semiflows: from theoretical to numerical results Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 20 915--944 (2015) Calzada, Juan A. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Uniform and strict persistence in monotone skew-product semiflows with applications to non-autonomous Nicholson systems J. Differential Equations 261 4135--4163 (2016) Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows I: a general theory J. Differential Equations 252 5492--5517 (2012) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Asymptotic behaviour for a class of non-monotone delay differential systems with applications Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0 25 (0) Teresa Faria, Rafael Obaya, Ana M. Sanz
Minimal sets in monotone and sublinear skew-product semiflows. I. The general case J. Differential Equations 248 1879--1897 (2010) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Global attractivity in concave or sublinear monotone infinite delay differential equations J. Differential Equations 246 3332--3360 (2009) Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M.
Estabilidad, bifurcación y caos en dinámica no autónoma. Aplicaciones en Biología y en Ingeniería
Métodos dinámicos, modelización matemática y computación en dimensión finita e infinita
Ecuaciones diferenciales no autónomas. Modelización en Ingeniería y Biología
Métodos dinámicos y numéricos para modelos matemáticos no autónomos. Aplicaciones a Ingeniería
Critical Transitions in Complex Systems
Métodos de Dinámica no Autónoma con Aplicación en Modelización Matemática
Ecuaciones diferenciales no autónomas. Dinámica, modelización y computación.
Otros datos: