Mathematics Research Institute

A complex analogue of the Rolle theorem and polynomial envelopes of irreducible differential equations in the complex domain

Novikov, D. and Yakovenko, S.


Datos de la publicación

Referencia (Año de Publicación): MR1489139 (1997)
Título: A complex analogue of the Rolle theorem and polynomial envelopes of irreducible differential equations in the complex domain
Autores: Novikov, D. and Yakovenko, S.
Revista: J. London Math. Soc. (2) (Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series)
Volumen: 56
Número o capítulo: 2
Páginas: 305--319
ISSN: 0024-6107
DOI: 10.1112/S002461079700536X

Datos MR:

Clase MR: 34M99 (30C15 34C07 34C08 34M35)
Número MR: 1489139
Revisor MR: Fernando Sanz

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