Mathematics Research Institute

Traveling-wave solutions for Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equations through factorizations

Cornejo-Pérez, O. and Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. and Rosu, H. C.


Datos de la publicación

Referencia (Año de Publicación): MR2281589 (2006)
Título: Traveling-wave solutions for Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equations through factorizations
Autores: Cornejo-Pérez, O. and Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. and Rosu, H. C.
Revista: Found. Phys. (Foundations of Physics. An International Journal Devoted to the Conceptual Bases and Fundamental Theories of Modern Physics)
Volumen: 36
Número o capítulo: 10
Páginas: 1587--1599
ISSN: 0015-9018
DOI: 10.1007/s10701-006-9069-5

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Clase MR: 35Q53 (34A05)
Número MR: 2281589
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