Mathematics Research Institute

Profitability ratio maximization in an inventory model with stock-dependent demand rate and non-linear holding cost

Pando, Valentín and San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín


Datos de la publicación

Referencia (Año de Publicación): MR3876827 (2019)
Título: Profitability ratio maximization in an inventory model with stock-dependent demand rate and non-linear holding cost
Autores: Pando, Valentín and San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín
Revista: Appl. Math. Model. (Applied Mathematical Modelling. Simulation and Computation for Engineering and Environmental Systems)
Volumen: 66
Número o capítulo: 0
Páginas: 643--661
ISSN: 0307-904X
DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2018.10.007

Datos MR:

Clase MR: 90B05
Número MR: 3876827
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