Mathematics Research Institute

A Bayesian neural network approach to compare the spectral information from nasal pressure and thermistor airflow in the automatic sleep apnea severity estimation

Gutierrez-Tobal, G.C., De Frutos, J., Alvarez, D., (...), Del Campo, F., Hornero, R.

Datos de la publicación

Referencia (Año de Publicación): (2017)
Título: A Bayesian neural network approach to compare the spectral information from nasal pressure and thermistor airflow in the automatic sleep apnea severity estimation
Autores: Gutierrez-Tobal, G.C., De Frutos, J., Alvarez, D., (...), Del Campo, F., Hornero, R.
Revista: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS ()
Volumen: 0
Número o capítulo: 8037670
Páginas: 3741-3744
ISSN: 1557170X
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037670

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