Instituto de Investigación
en Matemáticas

Curso de Doctorado
Curso de Doctorado

Big Data: How to learn on massive data sets

Jean-Michel Loubes (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

Fecha: 27/03/2017 16:00
Fecha de Finalización: 30/03/2017
Lugar: Aula 133/134, Facultad de Ciencias
Grupo: G.I.R. Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática


The course will cover the following topics: 
(1) Learning features: A structured model. Introduction to clustering and features extraction. Learning a model using regression and logit regression. Sparsity in high dimension.

(2) Automatic representation learning with Non­Negative Matrix Implementation. Matrix factorization and SVD methods. NMF. Completion using NMF and recommendation.

(3) Using spark, hadoop. Principle of map reduce. Divide and conquer method. Stochastic gradient optimization.

(4) Application to movie lens recommendation. Admission is limited to 24 students (contact: