R.B. Christensen, C. Munuera, F.R.F. Pereira, D. Ruano An algorithmic approach to entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from the Hermitian curve Adv. Math. Commun. 17 78-97 (2023) |
2023 |
C. Galindo, F. Hernando, H. Martín-Cruz, D. Ruano Stabilizer quantum codes defined by trace-depending polynomials Finite Fields their Appl. 87 33 pp (2023) |
2023 |
Guiomar Martin-Herran & Simon-Pierre Sigué An integrative framework of cooperative advertising with reference price effects Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 70 Article Number 103166 (2023) |
2023 |
E. del Barrio and A. González-Sanz and J.M. Loubes and Jonathan Niles-Weed An Improved Central Limit Theorem and Fast Convergence Rates for Entropic Transportation Costs SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 5 639--669 (2023) |
2023 |
del Barrio, Eustasio; Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A.; Matran, Carlos; The complex behaviour of Galton rank-order statistic Bernoulli 28 2123--2150 (2022) |
2022 |
Besse, Philippe; del Barrio, Eustasio; Gordaliza, Paula; Loubes, Jean-Michel A survey of bias in machine learning through the prism of statistical parity American Statistician 76 188--198 (2022) |
2022 |
del Barrio, E., Inouzhe, H. and Loubes, J.M. Attraction-repulsion clustering: a way of promoting diversity linked to demographic parity in fair clustering Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 0 (2022) |
2022 |
Guiomar Martin-Herran & Simon-Pierre Sigué Demand-enhancing services for tangible products in a distribution system with online and off-line channels Journal of Service Research 25 390-401 (2022) |
2022 |
Salma Karray & Guiomar Martin-Herran The impact of a store brand introduction in a supply chain with competing manufacturers: The strategic role of pricing and advertising decision timing International Journal of Production Economics 244 Article Number: 108378 (2022) |
2022 |
Salma Karray & Guiomar Martin-Herran The impact of a store brand introduction in a supply chain with competing manufacturers: The strategic role of pricing and advertising decision timing International Journal of Production Economics 244 Article Number: 108378 (2022) |
2022 |
Javier de Frutos, Víctor Gatón, Paula López-Pérez, Guiomar Martín-Herrán Investment in cleaner technologies in a transboundary pollution dynamic game: A numerical investigation Dynamic Games and Applications 12 813-843 (2022) |
2022 |
Calvo, M. P. and Sanz-Alonso, D. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. HMC: reducing the number of rejections by not using leapfrog and some results on the acceptance rate. J. Comput. Phys. 437 110333 (2021) |
2021 |
Blanes, S. and Calvo, M. P. and Casas, F. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Symmetrically processed splitting integrators for enhanced Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 43 A3357–A3371 (2021) |
2021 |
Pedro C Álvarez-Esteban, Eustasio Del Barrio, Oscar M Rueda, Cristina Rueda Predicting COVID-19 progression from diagnosis to recovery or death linking primary care and hospital records in Castilla y León (Spain) PLoS One 16 (2021) |
2021 |
Hallin, Marc; del Barrio, Eustasio; Cuesta-Albertos, Juan; Matrán, Carlos Distribution and quantile functions, ranks and signs in dimension d: a measure transportation approach. Annals of Statistics 49 1139--1165 (2021) |
2021 |
M. Serrurier, F. Mamalet, A. González-Sanz, T. Boissin, J. -M. Loubes and E. del Barrio Achieving robustness in classification using optimal transport with hinge regularization 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 0 505--514 (2021) |
2021 |
C. Galindo, F. Hernando, D. Ruano Entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes from RS codes and BCH codes with extension degree 2 Quantum Inf. Process. 20 26 pp (2021) |
2021 |
Salma Karray, Guiomar Martin-Herran & Simon-Pierre Sigué Cooperative advertising in competing supply chains and the long-term effects of retail advertising Journal of the Operational Research Society 0 (2021) |
2021 |
Salma Karray, Guiomar Martin-Herran & Simon-Pierre Sigué Cooperative advertising in competing supply chains and the long-term effects of retail advertising Journal of the Operational Research Society 0 (2021) |
2021 |
Salma Karray & Guiomar Martin-Herran The effects of decision timing for pricing and marketing efforts in a supply chain with competing manufacturers International Transactions in Operational Research 0 (2021) |
2021 |
Salma Karray, Guiomar Martin-Herran & Simon-Pierre Sigué Managing advertising investments in marketing channels Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0 Article Number 102852 (2021) |
2021 |
Santiago Rubio & Guiomar Martín-Herrán On Coincidence of Feedback and Global Stackelberg Equilibria in a Class of Differential Games European Journal of Operational Research 293 761-772 (2021) |
2021 |
Calvo, M. P.; Sanz-Serna, J. M.; Zhu, Beibei High-order stroboscopic averaging methods for highly oscillatory delay problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics 152 466-479 (2020) |
2020 |
Cascudo, Ignacio and Gundersen, Jaron Skovsted and Ruano, Diego Squares of matrix-product codes Finite Fields Appl. 62 101606 (2020) |
2020 |
Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and and Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego Asymmetric entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes and BCH codes IEEE Access 8 18571-18579 (2020) |
2020 |
Calvo, M. P. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Zhu, Beibei High-order stroboscopic averaging methods for highly oscillatory delay problems Appl. Numer. Math. 152 466--479 (2020) |
2020 |
Campillo, A.; Delgado, F. and Gusein-Zade, S. M. Are algebraic links in the Poincar'e sphere determined by their Alexander polynomials? Math. Z. 294 593--613 (2020) |
2020 |
Cano, B. and Moreta, M. J. A modified Gautschi's method without order reduction when integrating boundary value nonlinear wave problems Appl. Math. Comput. 373 125022, 19 (2020) |
2020 |
del Olmo, M. A. and Gazeau, J. P. Covariant integral quantization of the unit disk J. Math. Phys. 61 022101, 20 (2020) |
2020 |
Celeghini, E.; Gadella, M. and del Olmo, M. A. Groups, Jacobi functions, and rigged Hilbert spaces J. Math. Phys. 61 033508, 23 (2020) |
2020 |
Larriba, Yolanda; Rueda, Cristina; Fernández, Miguel A. and Peddada, Shyamal D. Order restricted inference in chronobiology Stat. Med. 39 265--278 (2020) |
2020 |
Álvarez Montaner, Josep; Fernández-Ramos, Oscar and Gimenez, Philippe Pruned cellular free resolutions of monomial ideals J. Algebra 541 126--145 (2020) |
2020 |
Hervella-Nieto, Luis; López-Pérez, Paula M. and Prieto, Andrés Robustness and dispersion analysis of the partition of unity finite element method applied to the Helmholtz equation Comput. Math. Appl. 79 2426--2446 (2020) |
2020 |
Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Sigué, Simón Manufacturer defensive and offensive advertising in competing distribution channels Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 27 958--983 (2020) |
2020 |
Fotue Tabue, Alexandre; Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Mouaha, Christophe Galois correspondence on linear codes over finite chain rings Discrete Math. 343 111653, 9 (2020) |
2020 |
Bhowmick, Sanjit; Fotue-Tabue, Alexandre; Martínez-Moro, Edgar; Bandi, Ramakrishna and Bagchi, Satya Do non-free LCD codes over finite commutative Frobenius rings exist? Des. Codes Cryptogr. 88 825--840 (2020) |
2020 |
Carrillo, Sergio A.; Mozo-Fernández, Jorge and Schäfke, Reinhard Tauberian theorems for $k$-summability with respect to an analytic germ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 489 124174, 21 (2020) |
2020 |
Galindo, Carlos; Hernando, Fernando and Munuera, Carlos Locally recoverable $J$-affine variety codes Finite Fields Appl. 64 101661, 22 (2020) |
2020 |
Mohamadian, T.; Panahi, H. and Negro, J. Second harmonic Hamiltonian: algebraic and Schrodinger approaches Phys. Lett. A 384 126091, 9 (2020) |
2020 |
Novo, Sylvia; Obaya, Rafael and Villarragut, Víctor M. Asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonautonomous neutral dynamical systems Nonlinear Anal. 199 111918, 21 (2020) |
2020 |
San-José, Luis A.; Sicilia, Joaquín; González-De-la-Rosa, Manuel; Febles-Acosta, Jaime Best pricing and optimal policy for an inventory system under time-and-price-dependent demand and backordering Ann. Oper. Res. 286 351--369 (2020) |
2020 |
Pando, Valentín; San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín A new approach to maximize the profit/cost ratio in a stock-dependent demand inventory model Comput. Oper. Res. 120 104940, 11 (2020) |
2020 |
Cabo, F.; García-González, A.; Molpeceres-Abella, M. Compliance with social norms as an evolutionary stable equilibrium International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 280 283-313 (2020) |
2020 |
Cabo, F.; Martín-Herrán, G.; Martínez-García, M.P. Present bias and the inefficiency of the centralized economy. The role of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution Economic Modelling 0 (2020) |
2020 |
Arguedas, C., Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G. Enforcing regulatory standards in stock pollution problems Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 100 (2020) |
2020 |
Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., Martínez-García, M.P. Non-constant Discounting, Social Welfare and Endogenous Growth with Pollution Externalities Environmental and Resource Economics 76 369-403 (2020) |
2020 |
de Frutos, J., Martín-Herrán, G. Non-linear incentive equilibrium strategies for a transboundary pollution differential game International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 280 187-204 (2020) |
2020 |
Álvarez, P., Fernández, M.A., Gordaliza, A., Mansilla, A., Molinero, A. Geometric road design factors affecting the risk of urban run-off crashes. A case-control study PloS one 15 (2020) |
2020 |
Biernacki, C., García-Escudero, L.A., Ingrassia, S. Special issue on “Innovations on model based clustering and classification” Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 14 231-234 (2020) |
2020 |
del Pozo, R.G., Dias, L.C., García-Lapresta, J.L. Using different qualitative scales in a multi-criteria decision-making procedure Mathematics 8 (2020) |
2020 |
Gimenez, Philippe., Srinivasan, H. Syzygies of Numerical Semigroup Rings, a Survey Through Examples Springer INdAM Series 40 111-127 (2020) |
2020 |
Gómez-Valle, L., López-Marcos, M.A., Martínez-Rodríguez, J. Two new strategies for pricing freight options by means of a valuation pde and by functional bounds Mathematics 8 (2020) |
2020 |
Villar, B.F., Viñas, P.F., Turiel, J.P., Carlos Fraile Marinero, J., Gordaliza, A. Influence on the user's emotional state of the graphic complexity level in virtual therapies based on a robot-assisted neuro-rehabilitation platform Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 190 (2020) |
2020 |
Gutiérrez, C., López, R. On the Existence of Weak Efficient Solutions of Nonconvex Vector Optimization Problems Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 185 880-902 (2020) |
2020 |
Gutiérrez, C., Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. Optimality conditions for approximate proper solutions in multiobjective optimization with polyhedral cones TOP 28 526-544 (2020) |
2020 |
Barroso-García, V., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Usefulness of recurrence plots from airflow recordings to aid in paediatric sleep apnoea diagnosis Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 183 (2020) |
2020 |
Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., Gomez-Pilar, J., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Network Analysis on Overnight EEG Spectrum to Assess Relationships Between Paediatric Sleep Apnoea and Cognition IFMBE Proceedings 76 1138-1146 (2020) |
2020 |
Núñez, P., Poza, J., Gómez, C., (...), Hornero, R. Characterization of the dynamic behavior of neural activity in Alzheimer's disease: Exploring the non-stationarity and recurrence structure of EEG resting-state activity Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (2020) |
2020 |
Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Martínez-Cagigal, V., Gomez-Pilar, J., Hornero, R. Deep Learning Architecture Based on the Combination of Convolutional and Recurrent Layers for ERP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces IFMBE Proceedings 76 1844-1852 (2020) |
2020 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Hornero, R. Correction: Asynchronous Control of P300-based brain-computer interfaces using sample entropy Entropy 22 (2020) |
2020 |
Romero-Oraá, R., García, M., Oraá-Pérez, J., López, M.I., Hornero, R. A robust method for the automatic location of the optic disc and the fovea in fundus images Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 196 (2020) |
2020 |
Álvarez, D., Cerezo-Hernández, A., Crespo, A., (...), Hornero, R., del Campo, F. A machine learning-based test for adult sleep apnoea screening at home using oximetry and airflow Scientific Reports 10 (2020) |
2020 |
Martín-Herrán, G., Taboubi, S. On the modelling of price effects in the diffusion of optional contingent products International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 280 15-39 (2020) |
2020 |
Karray, S., Martín-Herrán, G., Zaccour, G. Pricing of demand-related products: Can ignoring cross-category effect be a smart choice? International Journal of Production Economics 223 (2020) |
2020 |
Borges-Quintana, M., Borges-Trenard, M.Á., Martínez-Moro, E., Torres-Guerrero, G. Computing an Invariant of a Linear Code Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11989 218-233 (2020) |
2020 |
Camps Moreno, E., Martinez-Moro, E., Sarmiento Rosales, E. Vardohus Codes: Polar Codes Based on Castle Curves Kernels IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 66 1007-1022 (2020) |
2020 |
Cuida, A., Laudano, F., Martinez-Moro, E. General remainder theorem and factor theorem for polynomials over non-commutative coefficient rings International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 51 775-785 (2020) |
2020 |
Martín-Rodríguez, F., López-Izquierdo, R., Castro Villamor, M.A., (...), Mayo-Iscar, A., Sánchez-Soberón, I., Baez, G.P. The Prognostic Value of Prehospital Blood Lactate Levels to Predict Early Mortality in Acute Cardiovascular Disease Shock 53 164-170 (2020) |
2020 |
Martin-Ferrero, M., Simón-Pérez, C., Coco-Martín, M.B., (...), Aguado-Hernández, H., Mayo-Iscar, A. Trapeziometacarpal total joint arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: 199 patients with a minimum of 10 years follow-up Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume 45 443-451 (2020) |
2020 |
Munuera, C., Tenório, W., Torres, F. Locally recoverable codes from algebraic curves with separated variables Advances in Mathematics of Communications 14 265-278 (2020) |
2020 |
Romaniega, C., Gadella, M., Id Betan, R.M., Nieto, L.M. An approximation to the Woods–Saxon potential based on a contact interaction European Physical Journal Plus 135 (2020) |
2020 |
Bencheikh, K., Nieto, L.M. Exact results for nonequilibrium dynamics in Wigner phase space Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics 384 (2020) |
2020 |
Mierczyński, J., Novo, S., Obaya, R. Lyapunov exponents and oseledets decomposition in random dynamical systems generated by systems of delay differential equations Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 19 2235-2255 (2020) |
2020 |
Combarro, E.F., Nicolás, A.P., Ranilla, J., Rúa, I.F. On finite division rings with a designed automorphism group Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 3982-3994 (2020) |
2020 |
Lubeiro, A., Fatjó-Vilas, M., Guardiola, M., (...), Poza, J., Zugasti, J., Molina, V. Analysis of KCNH2 and CACNA1C schizophrenia risk genes on EEG functional network modulation during an auditory odd-ball task European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 270 433-442 (2020) |
2020 |
Tapia, J.A., Salvador, B., Rodríguez, J.M. Data envelopment analysis with estimated output data: Confidence intervals efficiency Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 152 (2020) |
2020 |
Jiménez-Garrido, J., Sanz, J., Schindl, G. The surjectivity of the Borel mapping in the mixed setting for ultradifferentiable ramification spaces Monatshefte fur Mathematik 191 537-576 (2020) |
2020 |
E. del Barrio, H. Inouzhe, C. Matrán On approximate validation of models: a Kolmogorov–Smirnov-based approach TEST 29 (2020) |
2020 |
E. del Barrio, A. González-Sanz, M. Hallin A note on the regularity of optimal-transport-based center-outward distribution and quantile functions Journal of Multivariate Analysis 180 104671 (2020) |
2020 |
E. del Barrio, H. Inouzhe, C. Matrán Box-constrained Monotone Approximations to Lipschitz Regularizations, with Applications to Robust Testing Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 187 65-87 (2020) |
2020 |
Beirlant, J.; Buitendag, S.; del Barrio, E.; Hallin, M. and Kamper, F. Center-outward quantiles and the measurement of multivariate risk Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 94 70--100 (2020) |
2020 |
E. del Barrio, H. Inouzhe, J.M. Loubes, C. Matrán and A. Mayo‐Íscar optimalFlow: optimal transport approach to flow cytometry gating and population matching BMC Bioinformatics 21 1-25 (2020) |
2020 |
Cano, Felipe and Mattei, Jean Franccois and Ravara-Vago, Marianna Invariant hypersurfaces and nodal components for codimension one singular foliations Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F'is. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 114 Paper No. 186, 35 (2020) |
2020 |
Ferrari, A. and Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. and Santillan Marcus, E. Approximate solutions of one-dimensional systems with fractional derivative Internat. J. Modern Phys. C 31 2050092, 17 (2020) |
2020 |
García-Escudero, Luis Ángel and Mayo-Íscar, Agustín and Riani, Marco Model-based clustering with determinant-and-shape constraint Stat. Comput. 30 1363--1380 (2020) |
2020 |
Gómez-Valle, Lourdes and López-Marcos, Miguel Ángel and Martínez-Rodríguez, Julia Incorporating boundary conditions in a stochastic volatility model for the numerical approximation of bond prices Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 43 7993--8005 (2020) |
2020 |
Gutiérrez, C. Approximate proper solutions in vector equilibrium problems: limit behavior and linear scalarization results Vietnam J. Math. 48 425--437 (2020) |
2020 |
Josa-Fombellida, Ricardo and Navas, Jorge Time consistent pension funding in a defined benefit pension plan with non-constant discounting Insurance Math. Econom. 94 142--153 (2020) |
2020 |
Beelen, Peter and Geil, Olav and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Wu, Xin-Wen Foreword-special issue: Codes, cryptology and curves in honour of Ruud Pellikaan Des. Codes Cryptogr. 88 1477--1478 (2020) |
2020 |
Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Munuera, Carlos Computing sharp recovery structures for locally recoverable codes Des. Codes Cryptogr. 88 1687--1698 (2020) |
2020 |
Fotue-Tabue, Alexandre and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Blackford, J. Thomas On polycyclic codes over a finite chain ring Adv. Math. Commun. 14 455--466 (2020) |
2020 |
Mozo-Fernández, Jorge Entire functions polynomially bounded in several variables Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 46 1117--1122 (2020) |
2020 |
Fabbri, Roberta and Núñez, Carmen On the solvability of the Yakubovich linear-quadratic infinite horizon minimization problem Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 199 1713--1735 (2020) |
2020 |
Langa, José A. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Forwards attraction properties in scalar non-autonomous linear-dissipative parabolic PDEs. The case of null upper Lyapunov exponent Nonlinearity 33 4277--4309 (2020) |
2020 |
García-Marco, Ignacio and Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Ruano, Diego High dimensional affine codes whose square has a designed minimum distance Des. Codes Cryptogr. 88 1653--1672 (2020) |
2020 |
Jiménez-Garrido, Javier and Sanz, Javier and Schindl, Gerhard Ultraholomorphic extension theorems in the mixed setting Banach J. Math. Anal. 14 1630--1669 (2020) |
2020 |
Cano, B. and Durán, A. On nonparaxial nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 373 112163, 16 (2020) |
2020 |
Abia, L.M. , Angulo, O. , López-Marcos, J.C. , López-Marcos, M.A. The convergence analysis of a numerical method for a structured consumer-resource model with delay in the resource evolution rate Mathematics 8 (2020) |
2020 |
Cabo, F. , García-González, A. Interaction and imitation with heterogeneous agents: A misleading evolutionary equilibrium Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 179 152-174 (2020) |
2020 |
Fernández-Temprano, M.A. , Tejerina-Gaite, F. Types of director, board diversity and firm performance Corporate Governance 20 324-342 (2020) |
2020 |
Jiménez-García, J., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., García, M., ...Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Assessment of airflow and oximetry signals to detect pediatric sleep Apnea-Hypopnea syndrome using AdaBoost Entropy 22 (2020) |
2020 |
Jimeno, N., Gomez-Pilar, J., Poza, J., Hornero, R., ...Klosterkötter, J., Schultze-Lutter, F. Main symptomatic treatment targets in suspected and early psychosis: New insights from network analysis Schizophrenia Bulletin 46 884-895 (2020) |
2020 |
Pablo, V.G., Gómez, C., Poza, J., ...Pinto, N., Hornero, R. Relationship between the presence of the ApoE ε4 allele and EEG complexity along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum Sensors (Switzerland) 20 1-17 (2020) |
2020 |
Maturana-Candelas, A., Gómez, C., Poza, J., Ruiz-Gómez, S.J., Hornero, R. Inter-band Bispectral Analysis of EEG Background Activity to Characterize Alzheimer's Disease Continuum Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 14 (2020) |
2020 |
Rodríguez-González, V., Gómez, C., Shigihara, Y., ...Hornero, R., Poza, J. Consistency of local activation parameters at sensor- And source-level in neural signals Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (2020) |
2020 |
Rebelo, M.Â., Gómez, C., Gomes, I., ...Hornero, R., Pinto, N., Lopes, A.M. Genome-wide scan for five brain oscillatory phenotypes identifies a new qtl associated with theta eeg band Brain Sciences 10 1-22 (2020) |
2020 |
Romero-Oraá, R., García, M., Oraá-Pérez, J., López-Gálvez, M.I., Hornero, R. Effective fundus image decomposition for the detection of red lesions and hard exudates to aid in the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy Sensors (Switzerland) 20 1-17 (2020) |
2020 |
Llamazares, B. Generalizations of Weighted Means and OWA Operators by Using Unimodal Weighting Vectors IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28 1961-1970 (2020) |
2020 |
Llamazares, B. On the Relationship between the Crescent Method and SUOWA Operators IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28 2645-2650 (2020) |
2020 |
Güneri, C., Martínez-Moro, E., Sayıcı, S. Linear complementary pair of group codes over finite chain rings Designs, Codes, and Cryptography 88 2397-2405 (2020) |
2020 |
Fassari, S., Nieto, L.M., Rinaldi, F. The two lowest eigenvalues of the harmonic oscillator in the presence of a Gaussian perturbation European Physical Journal Plus 135 (2020) |
2020 |
Gómez, C., Poza, J., Abásolo, D. Editorial: Complexity and Connectivity: Functional Signatures of Neurodegenerative Disorders Frontiers in Neuroscience 14 (2020) |
2020 |
Jiménez-Garrido, J., Sanz, J., Schindl, G. Sectorial extensions for ultraholomorphic classes defined by weight functions Mathematische Nachrichten 293 2140-2174 (2020) |
2020 |
Jiménez-Garrido, J., Sanz, J., Schindl, G. A Phragmén–Lindelöf Theorem via Proximate Orders, and the Propagation of Asymptotics Journal of Geometric Analysis 30 (2020) |
2020 |
García-Marco, Ignacio and Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Ruano, Diego High dimensional affine codes whose square has a designed minimum distance Des. Codes Cryptogr. 88 1653--1672 (2020) |
2020 |
Guiomar Martín-Herrán & Simon-Pierre Sigué Manufacturer Defensive and Offensive Advertising in Competing Distribution Channels International Transactions in Operational Research 27 958-983 (2020) |
2020 |
Salma Karray, Guiomar Martín-Herrán & Georges Zaccour Pricing of demand-related products: Can ignoring cross-category effect be a smart choice? International Journal of Production Economics 223 (2020) |
2020 |
Carmen Arguedas, Francisco Cabo & Guiomar Martín-Herrán Enforcing regulatory standards in stock pollution problems Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 100 (2020) |
2020 |
Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán & María Pilar Martínez-García Present bias and the inefficiency of the centralized economy. The role of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution Economic Modelling 0 702-716 (2020) |
2020 |
Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán & María Pilar Martínez-García Non-constant discounting, social welfare and endogenous growth with pollution externalities Environmental and Resource Economics 76 369-403 (2020) |
2020 |
Martín-Rodríguez, F., López-Izquierdo, R., Castro Villamor, M.A., (...), Mayo-Iscar, A., del Pozo Vegas, C. Prognostic value of lactate in prehospital care as a predictor of early mortality American Journal of Emergency Medicine 37 1627-1632 (2019) |
2019 |
Mohamadian, T., Negro, J., Nieto, L.M., Panahi, H. Tavis-Cummings models and their quasi-exactly solvable Schrödinger Hamiltonians European Physical Journal Plus 134 (2019) |
2019 |
Fassari, S., Albeverio, S., Rinaldi, F., Gadella, M., Nieto, L.M. The birman-schwinger operator for a zero-thickness layer in the presence of an attractive gaussian impurity Frontiers in Physics 7 (2019) |
2019 |
Donaire, M., Muñoz-Castañeda, J.M., Nieto, L.M., Tello-Fraile, M. Field fluctuations and Casimir energy of 1D-fermions Symmetry 11 (2019) |
2019 |
Díaz-Bautista, E., Negro, J., Nieto, L.M. Partial coherent states in graphene Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1194 (2019) |
2019 |
Fassari, S., Gadella, M., Glasser, M.L., Nieto, L.M., Rinaldi, F. Spectral properties of the two-dimensional Schrödinger Hamiltonian with various solvable confinements in the presence of a central point perturbation Physica Scripta 94 (2019) |
2019 |
Núñez, C., Obaya, R. Non-Atkinson Perturbations of Nonautonomous Linear Hamiltonian Systems: Exponential Dichotomy and Nonoscillation Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31 1397-1426 (2019) |
2019 |
Javier de Frutos, Guiomar Martín-Herrán Spatial effects and strategic behaviour in a multiregional transboundary pollution dynamic game Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 97 182-207 (2019) |
2019 |
Longo, I.P., Novo, S., Obaya, R. Topologies of continuity for Carathéodory delay differential equations with applications in non-autonomous dynamics Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A 39 5491-5520 (2019) |
2019 |
Longo, I.P., Novo, S., Obaya, R. Weak Topologies for Carathéodory Differential Equations: Continuous Dependence, Exponential Dichotomy and Attractors Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31 1617-1651 (2019) |
2019 |
Ruiz-Gómez, S.J., Gómez, C., Poza, J., (...), Maturana-Candelas, A., Hornero, R. Analysis of information flux in alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment by means of graph-theory parameters Biosystems and Biorobotics 21 569-573 (2019) |
2019 |
Núñez, P., Poza, J., Gómez, C., (...), Maturana-Candelas, A., Hornero, R. Characterizing non-stationarity in alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment by means of kullback-leibler divergence Biosystems and Biorobotics 21 574-578 (2019) |
2019 |
Lubeiro, A., Fatjó-Vilas, M., Guardiola, M., (...), Poza, J., Zugasti, J., Molina, V. Analysis of KCNH2 and CACNA1C schizophrenia risk genes on EEG functional network modulation during an auditory odd-ball task European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 0 (2019) |
2019 |
Maturana-Candelas, A., Gómez, C., Poza, J., (...), Gomes, I., Hornero, R. Analysis of Spontaneous EEG Activity in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients by Means of Multiscale Spectral Entropy Biosystems and Biorobotics 21 579-583 (2019) |
2019 |
Pietro de Giovanni, Salma Karray y Guiomar Martín-Herrán Vendor Management Inventory with Consignment Contracts and the Benefits of Cooperative Advertising European Journal of Operational Research 272 465-480 (2019) |
2019 |
Salma Karray y Guiomar Martín-Herrán Fighting Store Brands through the Strategic Timing of Pricing and Advertising Decisions European Journal of Operational Research 275 635-647 (2019) |
2019 |
Guiomar Martín-Herrán y Simon-Pierre Sigué Offensive and Defensive Marketing in Spatial Competition Journal of Sercive Research 22 189-201 (2019) |
2019 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Loubes, Jean-Michel Central limit theorems for empirical transportation cost in general dimension Ann. Probab. 47 926--951 (2019) |
2019 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Cano, B. and Reguera, N. Avoiding order reduction when integrating reaction-diffusion boundary value problems with exponential splitting methods J. Comput. Appl. Math. 357 228--250 (2019) |
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Rueda, O.M., Sammut, S.-J., Seoane, J.A., (...), Rueda, C., Caldas, C., Curtis, C. Dynamics of breast-cancer relapse reveal late-recurring ER-positive genomic subgroups Nature 567 399-404 (2019) |
2019 |
Núñez, P., Poza, J., Gómez, C., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Characterizing the fluctuations of dynamic resting-state electrophysiological functional connectivity: reduced neuronal coupling variability in mild cognitive impairment and dementia due to Alzheimer's disease Journal of neural engineering 16 056030 (2019) |
2019 |
Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., Álvarez, D., Crespo, A., Del Campo, F., Hornero, R. Evaluation of Machine-Learning Approaches to Estimate Sleep Apnea Severity From At-Home Oximetry Recordings IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 23 882-892 (2019) |
2019 |
Xu, Z., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., Wu, Y., (...), Hornero, R., Gozal, D. Cloud algorithm-driven oximetry-based diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea in symptomatic habitually snoring children The European respiratory journal 53 (2019) |
2019 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Hornero, R. A novel hybrid swarm algorithm for P300-based BCI channel selection IFMBE Proceedings 68 41-45 (2019) |
2019 |
Abia, L. M. and Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Numerical analysis of a cell dwarfism model J. Comput. Appl. Math. 349 82--92 (2019) |
2019 |
Ruiz-Rebollo, M.L., Muñoz-Moreno, M.F., Mayo-Iscar, A., Udaondo-Cascante, M.A., Nistal, R.B. Statin intake can decrease acute pancreatitis severit Pancreatology 19 807-812 (2019) |
2019 |
Martín-Rodríguez, F., Castro-Villamor, M.Á., del Pozo Vegas, C., (...), Mayo-Íscar, A., Escudero-Cuadrillero, C., López-Izquierdo, R. Analysis of the early warning score to detect critical or high-risk patients in the prehospital setting Internal and Emergency Medicine 14 581-589 (2019) |
2019 |
Frühwirth-Schnatter, S., Ingrassia, S., Mayo-Iscar, A. Special issue on “Advances on model-based clustering and classification”: Preface by the Guest Editors Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 13 (2019) |
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Morejon, A., Mayo-Iscar, A., Martin, R., Ussa, F. Development of a new algorithm based on FDT matrix perimetry and SD-OCT to improve early glaucoma detection in primary care Clinical Ophthalmology 13 33-42 (2019) |
2019 |
Obaya, R., Sanz, A.M. Persistence in non-autonomous quasimonotone parabolic partial functional differential equations with delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 24 3947-3970 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-Garrido, J., Sanz, J., Schindl, G. Indices of O-regular variation for weight functions and weight sequences Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas 113 3659-3697 (2019) |
2019 |
Debrouwere, A., Jiménez-Garrido, J., Sanz, J. Injectivity and surjectivity of the Stieltjes moment mapping in Gelfand–Shilov spaces Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas 113 3341-3358 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-Garrido, J., Sanz, J., Schindl, G. A Phragmén–Lindelöf Theorem via Proximate Orders, and the Propagation of Asymptotics Journal of Geometric Analysis 0 (2019) |
2019 |
de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Fully discrete approximations to the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with a projection method in time and grad-div stabilization J. Sci. Comput. 80 1330--1368 (2019) |
2019 |
Frutos, Javier de and Gatón, Víctor An extension of Heston's SV model to stochastic interest rates J. Comput. Appl. Math. 354 174--182 (2019) |
2019 |
de Frutos, Javier and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar Spatial vs. non-spatial transboundary pollution control in a class of cooperative and non-cooperative dynamic games European J. Oper. Res. 276 379--394 (2019) |
2019 |
de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Grad-div stabilization for the time-dependent Boussinesq equations with inf-sup stable finite elements Appl. Math. Comput. 349 281--291 (2019) |
2019 |
del Barrio, E. and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. and Mayo-Íscar, A. Robust clustering tools based on optimal transportation Stat. Comput. 29 139--160 (2019) |
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Durán, Ángel and Dutykh, Denys and Mitsotakis, Dimitrios On the multi-symplectic structure of Boussinesq-type systems. II: Geometric discretization Phys. D 397 1--16 (2019) |
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Durán, Ángel and Dutykh, Denys and Mitsotakis, Dimitrios On the multi-symplectic structure of Boussinesq-type systems. I: Derivation and mathematical properties Phys. D 388 10--21 (2019) |
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Dougalis, V. A. and Durán, A. and Mitsotakis, D. Numerical approximation to Benjamin type equations. Generation and stability of solitary waves Wave Motion 85 34--56 (2019) |
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Torres, R., Di Bernardino, E., Laniado, H., Lillo, R.E. On the estimation of extreme directional multivariate quantiles Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 0 (2019) |
2019 |
Cascudo, Ignacio and Skovsted Gundersen, Jaron and Ruano, Diego Improved bounds on the threshold gap in ramp secret sharing IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 4620--4633 (2019) |
2019 |
Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes over arbitrary finite fields Quantum Inf. Process. 18 Art. 116, 18 (2019) |
2019 |
Galindo, Carlos and Geil, Olav and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego New binary and ternary LCD codes IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 1008--1016 (2019) |
2019 |
Civitarese, O. and Gadella, M. Coherent Gamow states for the hyperbolic Pöschl-Teller potential Ann. Physics 0 222--232 (2019) |
2019 |
Rivera-García, Diego and García-Escudero, Luis A. and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín and Ortega, Joaquín Robust clustering for functional data based on trimming and constraints Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 13 201--225 (2019) |
2019 |
García-Lapresta, José Luis and González del Pozo, Raquel An ordinal multi-criteria decision-making procedure under imprecise linguistic assessments European J. Oper. Res. 279 159--167 (2019) |
2019 |
Giménez, Philippe and Srinivasan, Hema The structure of the minimal free resolution of semigroup rings obtained by gluing J. Pure Appl. Algebra 223 1411--1426 (2019) |
2019 |
Gómez-Valle, L. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. The risk-neutral stochastic volatility in interest rate models with jump-diffusion processes J. Comput. Appl. Math. 347 49--61 (2019) |
2019 |
Geil, Olav and Ozbudak, Ferruh and Ruano, Diego Constructing sequences with high nonlinear complexity using the Weierstrass semigroup of a pair of distinct points of a Hermitian curve Semigroup Forum 98 543--555 (2019) |
2019 |
Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Classical and quantum evaluation codes at the trace roots IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 2593--2602 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-García, Jorge and Romero-Oraá Combination of global features for the automatic quality assessment of retinal images Entropy 21 Paper No. 311, 19 (2019) |
2019 |
Josa-Fombellida, Ricardo and Rincón-Zapatero, Juan Pablo Certainty equivalence principle in stochastic differential games: an inverse problem approach Optimal Control Appl. Methods 40 545--557 (2019) |
2019 |
Josa-Fombellida, Ricardo and Rincón-Zapatero, Juan Pablo Equilibrium strategies in a defined benefit pension plan game European J. Oper. Res. 275 374--386 (2019) |
2019 |
Cano, Felipe; Corral, Nuria and Mol, Rogério Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations Expo. Math. 37 145--164 (2019) |
2019 |
Llamazares, Bonifacio SUOWA operators: an analysis of their conjunctive/disjunctive character Fuzzy Sets and Systems 357 117--134 (2019) |
2019 |
de Frutos, Javier; García-Archilla, Bosco; John, Volker and Novo, Julia Error analysis of non inf-sup stable discretizations of the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with local projection stabilization IMA J. Numer. Anal. 39 1747--1786 (2019) |
2019 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Gordaliza, Paula and Loubes, Jean-Michel A central limit theorem for $L_p$ transportation cost on the real line with application to fairness assessment in machine learning Inf. Inference 8 817--849 (2019) |
2019 |
Julio, Ana I. and Marijuán, Carlos and Pisonero, Miriam and Soto, Ricardo L. On universal realizability of spectra Linear Algebra Appl. 563 353--372 (2019) |
2019 |
Celeghini, E.; Gadella, M. and del Olmo, M. A. Zernike functions, rigged Hilbert spaces, and potential applications J. Math. Phys. 60 083508, 18 (2019) |
2019 |
Karray, Salma and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar Fighting store brands through the strategic timing of pricing and advertising decisions European J. Oper. Res. 275 635--647 (2019) |
2019 |
De Giovanni, Pietro and Karray, Salma and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar Vendor management inventory with consignment contracts and the benefits of cooperative advertising European J. Oper. Res. 272 465--480 (2019) |
2019 |
Gutiérrez, César; Huerga, Lidia; Novo, Vicente and Sama, Miguel Limit behavior of approximate proper solutions in vector optimization SIAM J. Optim. 29 2677--2696 (2019) |
2019 |
Gutiérrez, C. Optimality conditions for weak solutions of vector optimization problems through quasi interiors and improvement sets J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 20 2507--2523 (2019) |
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de Azcárraga, J. A. and Gútiez, D. and Izquierdo, J. M. Extended $D=3$ Bargmann supergravity from a Lie algebra expansion Nuclear Phys. B 946 114706, 14 (2019) |
2019 |
Bergshoeff, Eric; Izquierdo, José Manuel; Ortín, Tomás and Romano, Luca Lie algebra expansions and actions for non-relativistic gravity J. High Energy Phys. 0 048, 36 (2019) |
2019 |
Marijuán, C.; Pisonero, M. and Soto, Ricardo L. Updating a map of sufficient conditions for the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem Spec. Matrices 7 246--256 (2019) |
2019 |
Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia and Ingrassia, Salvatore and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín Robust clustering for functional data based on trimming and constraints Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 13 1--5 (2019) |
2019 |
Mozo Fernández, Jorge and Schäfke, Reinhard Asymptotic expansions and summability with respect to an analytic germ Publ. Mat. 63 3--79 (2019) |
2019 |
Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Li-Yorke chaos in nonautonomous Hopf bifurcation patterns--I Nonlinearity 32 3940--3980 (2019) |
2019 |
Delisle-Doray, L. and Hussin, V. and Kuru, S. and Negro, J. Classical ladder functions for Rosen-Morse and curved Kepler-Coulomb systems Ann. Physics 405 69--82 (2019) |
2019 |
Tapia, Jesús A.; Salvador, Bonifacio and Rodríguez, Jesús M. Data envelopment analysis efficiency of public services: bootstrap simultaneous confidence region SORT 43 337--354 (2019) |
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Muñoz-Castañeda, J. M. and Nieto, L. M. and Romaniega, C. Hyperspherical δ - δ′ potentials Ann. Physics 400 246--261 (2019) |
2019 |
Aroca Hernández-Ros, José Manuel and Sanz Sánchez, Fernando Singular Felipe Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F'is. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113 3905--3912 (2019) |
2019 |
Mol, Rogério and Sánchez, Fernando Sanz Real analytic vector fields with first integral and separatrices Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F'is. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113 4031--4049 (2019) |
2019 |
Torres, R.; Álvarez-Esteban, P.C.; Pena, N. An Algorithm to Determine Airport Runway Usage/Configuration Based on Aircraft Trajectories AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings 0 (2019) |
2019 |
Elia, Cinzia and Maroto, Ismael and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Existence of global attractor for a nonautonomous state-dependent delay differential equation of neuronal type Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 78 104874, 23 (2019) |
2019 |
de Frutos, J., Martín-Herrán, G. Spatial effects and strategic behavior in a multiregional transboundary pollution dynamic game Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 97 182-207 (2019) |
2019 |
Fernández-Temprano, M.A., Tejerina-Gaite, F. Types of director, board diversity and firm performance Corporate Governance (Bingley) 20 324-342 (2019) |
2019 |
Fernández-Temprano, M.A., Tejerina-Gaite, F. Types of director, board diversity and firm performance Corporate Governance (Bingley) 20 324-342 (2019) |
2019 |
González del Pozo, R., García Lapresta, J.L. Ordinal treatment of qualitative scales used by the center for sociological research Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa 28 124-142 (2019) |
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Portillo, A. M. and Varela, E. and García-Velasco, J. A. Mathematical model to study the aging of the human follicle according to the telomerase activity J. Theoret. Biol. 462 446--454 (2019) |
2019 |
Ruiz-Gomez, S.J., Gomez, C., Poza, J., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Analysis of Volume Conduction Effects on Different Functional Connectivity Metrics: Application to Alzheimer's Disease EEG Signals Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 6434-6437 (2019) |
2019 |
Rodriguez-Gonzalez, V., Poza, J., Nunez, P., (...), Santamaria-Vazquez, E., Hornero, R. Towards Automatic Artifact Rejection in Resting-State MEG Recordings: Evaluating the Performance of the SOUND Algorithm Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 4807-4810 (2019) |
2019 |
Nunez, P., Poza, J., Gomez, C., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Characterization of EEG Resting-state Activity in Alzheimer's Disease by Means of Recurrence Plot Analyses Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 5786-5789 (2019) |
2019 |
Barroso-Garcia, V., Gutierrez-Tobal, G.C., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Usefulness of Spectral Analysis of Respiratory Rate Variability to Help in Pediatric Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome Diagnosis Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 4580-4583 (2019) |
2019 |
Cascudo, Ignacio and Skovsted Gundersen, Jaron and Ruano, Diego Improved bounds on the threshold gap in ramp secret sharing IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 4620--4633 (2019) |
2019 |
Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Alvarez, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Pediatric Apnea-Hypopnea Events from Oximetry Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 0 3555-3558 (2019) |
2019 |
Geil, Olav and Özbudak, Ferruh and Ruano, Diego Constructing sequences with high nonlinear complexity using the Weierstrass semigroup of a pair of distinct points of a Hermitian curve Semigroup Forum 98 543--555 (2019) |
2019 |
Ruiz-Gómez, S.J., Hornero, R., Poza, J., (...), Pinto, N., Gómez, C. Computational modeling of the effects of EEG volume conduction on functional connectivity metrics. Application to Alzheimer's disease continuum Journal of Neural Engineering 16 (2019) |
2019 |
Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Classical and quantum evaluation codes at the trace roots IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 2593--2602 (2019) |
2019 |
Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes over arbitrary finite fields Quantum Inf. Process. 18 Art. 116, 18 (2019) |
2019 |
Galindo, Carlos and Geil, Olav and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego New binary and ternary LCD codes IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 1008--1016 (2019) |
2019 |
San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín and González-De-la-Rosa, Manuel and Febles-Acosta, Jaime Analysis of an inventory system with discrete scheduling period, time-dependent demand and backlogged shortages Comput. Oper. Res. 109 200--208 (2019) |
2019 |
Pando, Valentín and San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín Profitability ratio maximization in an inventory model with stock-dependent demand rate and non-linear holding cost Appl. Math. Model. 66 643--661 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-Garrido, Javier and Kamimoto, Shingo and Lastra, Alberto and Sanz, Javier Multisummability in Carleman ultraholomorphic classes by means of nonzero proximate orders J. Math. Anal. Appl. 472 627--686 (2019) |
2019 |
López-Gobernado, M., Pérez-Rubio, A., López-García, E., (...), Cabezas Pascual, C., Eiros, J.M. Economic evaluation of pneumococcal vaccination in adults aged over 65 years in Castilla y León (SPAIN) Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia 54 309-314 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-Garrido, Javier and Sanz, Javier and Schindl, Gerhard Sectorial extensions, via Laplace transforms, in ultraholomorphic classes defined by weight functions Results Math. 74 Art. 27, 44 (2019) |
2019 |
Galán-Martín, M.A., Montero-Cuadrado, F., Lluch-Girbes, E., (...), Mayo-Iscar, A., Cuesta-Vargas, A. Pain neuroscience education and physical exercise for patients with chronic spinal pain in primary healthcare: A randomised trial protocol BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-Garrido, Javier and Sanz, Javier and Schindl, Gerhard Injectivity and surjectivity of the asymptotic Borel map in Carleman ultraholomorphic classes J. Math. Anal. Appl. 469 136--168 (2019) |
2019 |
Martín-Rodríguez, F., López-Izquierdo, R., Del Pozo Vegas, C., (...), Martín, V.M., Villamor, M.A.C. Accuracy of National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) in Prehospital Triage on In-Hospital Early Mortality: A Multi-Center Observational Prospective Cohort Study Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 34 610-618 (2019) |
2019 |
Maturana-Candelas, A., Gómez, C., Poza, J., Pinto, N., Hornero, R. EEG characterization of the Alzheimer's disease continuum by means of multiscale entropies Entropy 21 (2019) |
2019 |
Santamaria-Vazquez, E., Martinez-Cagigal, V., Gomez-Pilar, J., Hornero, R. Asynchronous Control of ERP-Based BCI Spellers Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Elicited by Peripheral Stimuli IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 27 1883-1892 (2019) |
2019 |
Molina, V., Bachiller, A., de Luis, R., Lubeiro, A., Poza, J., Hornero, R., Alonso, J. F., Mañanas, M. A., Marqués, P., Romero, S. Topography of activation deficits in schizophrenia during P300 task related to cognition and structural connectivity European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 269 419-428 (2019) |
2019 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Gomez-Pilar, J., Hornero, R. Towards an accessible use of smartphone-based social networks through brain-computer interfaces Expert Systems with Applications 120 155-166 (2019) |
2019 |
Romero-Oraá, R., Jiménez-García, J., García, M., (...), Oraá-Pérez, J., Hornero, R. Entropy rate superpixel classification for automatic red lesion detection in fundus images Entropy 21 (2019) |
2019 |
Álvarez, D., Sánchez-Fernández, A., Andrés-Blanco, A.M., (...), Hornero, R., del Campo, F. Influence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and moderate-to-severe sleep apnoea in overnight cardiac autonomic modulation: Time, frequency and non-linear analyses Entropy 21 (2019) |
2019 |
Rueda, C., Larriba, Y., Peddada, S.D. Frequency Modulated Möbius Model Accurately Predicts Rhythmic Signals in Biological and Physical Sciences Scientific Reports 9 (2019) |
2019 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Hornero, R. Asynchronous control of P300-based brain-computer interfaces using sample entropy Entropy 21 (2019) |
2019 |
Jiménez-García, J., Romero-Oraá, R., García, M., López-Gálvez, M.I., Hornero, R. Combination of global features for the automatic quality assessment of retinal images Entropy 21 (2019) |
2019 |
Herranz, F.J., Ballesteros, A., Gutierrez-Sagredo, I., Santander, M. Cayley–Klein Poisson homogeneous spaces Geometry, Integrability and Quantization 20 (2019) |
2019 |
Álvarez-García, O., García-Escudero, L.Á., Salvà-Mut, F., Calvo-Sastre, A. Variables influencing pre-service teacher training in education for sustainable development: A case study of two Spanish universities Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (2019) |
2019 |
Cariñena, J.F., Rañada, M.F., Santander, M. Killing vector fields and quantisation of natural hamiltonians Springer Proceedings in Physics 229 121-145 (2019) |
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Fernández, M.A., García-Escudero, L.Á., Molinero, A. Analysis of real crashes against metal roadside barriers PLoS ONE 14 (2019) |
2019 |
Arroyo, Y., Sanz-Tejedor, M.A., San José, J., García-Escudero, L.A. Statistical Study of Combustion Characteristics and Optimal Operation Factor Determination in an Emulsion Burner Fueled with Vegetable Oils Energy and Fuels 0 (2019) |
2019 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Gordaliza, Paula and Lescornel, H'el`ene and Loubes, Jean-Michel Central limit theorem and bootstrap procedure for Wasserstein's variations with an application to structural relationships between distributions J. Multivariate Anal. 169 341--362 (2019) |
2019 |
del Barrio, E. and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matr'an, C. and Mayo-'Iscar, A. Robust clustering tools based on optimal transportation Stat. Comput. 29 139--160 (2019) |
2019 |
del Barrio, E.; Gamboa, F.; Gordaliza, P.; Loubes, J.-M. Obtaining fairness using optimal transport theory Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 97 2357--2365 (2019) |
2019 |
Gutiérrez-Diez, P.J., López-Marcos, M.Á., Martínez-Rodríguez, J., Russo, J. The effects of time valuation in cancer optimal therapies: A study of chronic myeloid leukemia Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 16 (2019) |
2019 |
Fernández, M.A., García-Escudero, L.Á., Molinero, A. Analysis of real crashes against metal roadside barriers PLoS ONE 14 (2019) |
2019 |
Larriba, Y., Rueda, C., Fernández, M.A., Peddada, S.D. Microarray Data Normalization and Robust Detection of Rhythmic Features Methods in Molecular Biology 1986 207-225 (2019) |
2019 |
Llamazares, B. Using interval weights in MADM problems Computers and Industrial Engineering 136 345-354 (2019) |
2019 |
Llamazares, B. SUOWA operators: A review of the state of the art International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34 790-818 (2019) |
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Llamazares, B. An Analysis of Winsorized Weighted Means Group Decision and Negotiation 0 (2019) |
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Durán, A. On a nonlocal boussinesq system for internal wave propagation SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 18 121-139 (2019) |
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Cabo, F., García-González, A. Interaction and imitation in a world of Quixotes and Sanchos Journal of Evolutionary Economics 29 1037-1057 (2019) |
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Cabo, F., Martín-Román, A. Dynamic collective bargaining and labor adjustment costs Journal of Economics 126 103-133 (2019) |
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Campillo, A., Delgado, F., Gusein-Zade, S.M. Are algebraic links in the Poincaré sphere determined by their Alexander polynomials? Mathematische Zeitschrift 0 (2019) |
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Franceschini, F., García-Lapresta, J.L. Decision-making in semi-democratic contexts Information Fusion 52 281-289 (2019) |
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Pérez-Fernández, R., García-Lapresta, J.L., De Baets, B. Chronicle of a failure foretold: 2017 rector election at ghent university Economies 7 (2019) |
2019 |
Javier de Frutos & Guiomar Martín-Herrán Spatial vs. Non-Spatial Transboundary Pollution Control in a Class of Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Dynamic Games European Journal of Operational Research 276 379-394 (2019) |
2019 |
Martín-Herrán, G., Sigué, S.P. Manufacturer defensive and offensive advertising in competing distribution channels International Transactions in Operational Research 0 (2019) |
2019 |
Martínez-Panero, M., Arredondo, V., Peña, T., Ramírez, V. A new quota approach to electoral disproportionality Economies 7 (2019) |
2019 |
Beites, P.D., Piñera-Nicolás, A., Saraiva, P., Vitória, J. Vector cross product differential and difference equations in r 3 and in r 7 Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 34 675-686 (2018) |
2018 |
Gomez-Pilar, J., Poza, J., Gómez, C., (...), Molina, V., Hornero, R. Altered predictive capability of the brain network EEG model in schizophrenia during cognition Schizophrenia Research 201 120-129 (2018) |
2018 |
Ruiz-Gómez, S.J., Gómez, C., Poza, J., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Measuring alterations of spontaneous EEG neural coupling in alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment by means of cross-entropy metrics Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 12 (2018) |
2018 |
Gomez, C., Ruiz-Gomez, S.J., Poza, J., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Assessment of EEG Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Phase Slope Index Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 263-266 (2018) |
2018 |
García, M., Poza, J., Santamarta, D., Romero-Oraá, R., Hornero, R. Continuous wavelet transform in the study of the time-scale properties of intracranial pressure in hydrocephalus Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 376 (2018) |
2018 |
Dotto, F.; Farcomeni, A; Garcia-Escudero, L.A.; Mayo-Iscar, A A Reweighting Approach to Robust Clustering Statistics and Computing 28 477–493 (2018) |
2018 |
Gomez-Pilar, J., de Luis-García, R., Lubeiro, A., (...), Poza, J., Hornero, R., Molina, V. Relations between structural and EEG-based graph metrics in healthy controls and schizophrenia patients Human Brain Mapping 39 3152-3165 (2018) |
2018 |
Garcia-Escudero, L.A.; F. Greselin; Mayo-Iscar, A Robust, fuzzy, and parsimonious clustering based on mixtures of Factor Analyzers International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 94 60–75 (2018) |
2018 |
Molina, V., Bachiller, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., (...), Haidar, M.-K., Poza, J. Deficit of entropy modulation of the EEG in schizophrenia associated to cognitive performance and symptoms. A replication study Schizophrenia Research 195 334-342 (2018) |
2018 |
Gomez-Pilar, J., Poza, J., Bachiller, A., (...), Molina, V., Hornero, R. Quantification of Graph Complexity Based on the Edge Weight Distribution Balance: Application to Brain Networks International Journal of Neural Systems 28 (2018) |
2018 |
Javier de Frutos y Guiomar Martín-Herrán Selection of a Markov Perfect Nash Equilibrium in a Class of Differential Games Dynamic Games and Applications 83 620-636 (2018) |
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Ruiz-Gómez, S.J., Gómez, C., Poza, J., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Automated multiclass classification of spontaneous EEG activity in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment Entropy 20 (2018) |
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Guiomar Martín-Herrán y Santiago Rubio Optimal environmental policy for a Polluting Monopoly with Abatement Costs: Taxes versus Standards Environmental Modelling & Assessment 236 671-689 (2018) |
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Núñez, P., Poza, J., Gómez, C., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Analysis of electroencephalographic dynamic functional connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease IFMBE Proceedings 68 165-168 (2018) |
2018 |
Guiomar Martín-Herrán y Santiago Rubio Second-Best Taxation for a Polluting Monopoly with Abatement Investment Energy Economics 73 178-193 (2018) |
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Gómez, C., Juan-Cruz, C., Poza, J., (...), Fernández, A., Hornero, R. Alterations of effective connectivity patterns in mild cognitive impairment: An MEG Study Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 65 843-854 (2018) |
2018 |
Gomez-Pilar, J., de Luis-García, R., Lubeiro, A., (...), Poza, J., Hornero, R., Molina, V. Deficits of entropy modulation in schizophrenia are predicted by functional connectivity strength in the theta band and structural clustering NeuroImage: Clinical 18 382-389 (2018) |
2018 |
Abia, L. M. and Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Approximating the survival probability in finite life-span population models J. Comput. Appl. Math. 330 783--793 (2018) |
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Lucani, D.E., Pedersen, M.V., Ruano, D., (...), Nguyen, V., Reisslein, M. Fulcrum: Flexible network coding for heterogeneous devices IEEE Access 6 77890-77910 (2018) |
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Alonso-Mallo, I. and Cano, B. and Reguera, N. Avoiding order reduction when integrating linear initial boundary value problems with exponential splitting methods IMA J. Numer. Anal. 38 1294--1323 (2018) |
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Alonso-Mallo, I. and Portillo, A. M. Time exponential splitting integrator for the Klein-Gordon equation with free parameters in the Hagstrom-Warburton absorbing boundary conditions J. Comput. Appl. Math. 333 185--199 (2018) |
2018 |
Álvarez-Esteban, Pedro C. and del Barrio, Eustasio and Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A. and Matrán, Carlos Wide consensus aggregation in the Wasserstein space. Application to location-scatter families Bernoulli 24 3147--3179 (2018) |
2018 |
Crespo, A., Álvarez, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Hornero, R., del Campo, F. Assessment of oximetry-based statistical classifiers as simplified screening tools in the management of childhood obstructive sleep apnea Sleep and Breathing 22 1063-1073 (2018) |
2018 |
Abia, Luis M. and Angulo, Óscar and López-Marcos, Juan Carlos and López-Marcos, Miguel Ángel A numerical study on the estimation of the stable size distribution for a cell population balance model Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 41 2894--2905 (2018) |
2018 |
Gozal, D., Hornero, R., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., (...), Crespo, A., del Campo, F. Wavelet analysis of oximetry recordings to assist in the automated detection of moderate-to-severe pediatric sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome PLoS ONE 13 (2018) |
2018 |
Abia, L. M. and Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Approximating the survival probability in finite life-span population models J. Comput. Appl. Math. 330 783--793 (2018) |
2018 |
Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Álvarez, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Detrended fluctuation analysis of the oximetry signal to assist in paediatric sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome diagnosis Physiological Measurement 39 (2018) |
2018 |
Angulo, O. and Crauste, F. and López-Marcos, J. C. Numerical integration of an erythropoiesis model with explicit growth factor dynamics J. Comput. Appl. Math. 330 770--782 (2018) |
2018 |
Gutierrez-Tobal, G.C., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Bispectral Analysis to Enhance Oximetry as a Simplified Alternative for Pediatric Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 175-178 (2018) |
2018 |
Abia, Luis M. and Angulo, Óscar and López-Marcos, Juan Carlos and López-Marcos, Miguel Ángel A numerical study on the estimation of the stable size distribution for a cell population balance model Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 41 2894--2905 (2018) |
2018 |
Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Alvarez, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Improving the Diagnostic Ability of Oximetry Recordings in Pediatric Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome by Means of Multi-Class AdaBoost Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 167-170 (2018) |
2018 |
Alvarez, D., Crespo, A., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., (...), Del Campo, F., Garde, A. Symbolic dynamics to enhance diagnostic ability of portable oximetry from the Phone Oximeter in the detection of paediatric sleep apnoea Physiological Measurement 39 (2018) |
2018 |
Barbero, Ángela and Ytrehus, O yvind Rate $(n-1)/n$ systematic memory maximum distance separable convolutional codes IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 3018--3030 (2018) |
2018 |
del Campo, F., Crespo, A., Cerezo-Hernández, A., (...), Hornero, R., Álvarez, D. Oximetry use in obstructive sleep apnea Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 12 665-681 (2018) |
2018 |
Molina, V., Bachiller, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., (...), Haidar, M.-K., Poza, J. Deficit of entropy modulation of the EEG in schizophrenia associated to cognitive performance and symptoms. A replication study Schizophrenia Research 195 334-342 (2018) |
2018 |
Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Álvarez, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Utility of bispectrum in the screening of pediatric sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome using oximetry recordings Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 156 141-149 (2018) |
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Campillo, Antonio and Olivares, Jorge Foliations by curves uniquely determined by minimal subschemes of its singularities J. Singul. 18 105--113 (2018) |
2018 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Hornero, R. Controlling a smartphone with brain-computer interfaces: A preliminary study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 10945 34-43 (2018) |
2018 |
Guseuin-Zade, S. M. and Delgado, F. and Campillo, A. Integration over the space of functions and Poincar'e series: a new look Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 302 161--175 (2018) |
2018 |
Mendoza Laiz, N., Del Valle Díaz, S., Rioja Collado, N., Gomez-Pilar, J., Hornero, R. Potential benefits of a cognitive training program in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 36 207-213 (2018) |
2018 |
Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., Álvarez, D., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., (...), del Campo, F., Hornero, R. Pulse rate variability analysis to enhance oximetry as at-home alternative for sleep apnea diagnosing IFMBE Proceedings 68 213-217 (2018) |
2018 |
Cano, Begoña and Moreta, María Jesús Exponential quadrature rules without order reduction for integrating linear initial boundary value problems SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 56 1187--1209 (2018) |
2018 |
Bailon-Cuadrado, M., Perez-Saborido, B., Sanchez-Gonzalez, J., (...), Mayo-Iscar, A., Pacheco-Sanchez, D. A new dimensional-reducing variable obtained from original inflammatory scores is highly associated to morbidity after curative surgery for colorectal cancer International Journal of Colorectal Disease 33 1225-1234 (2018) |
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Cuesta, Eduardo and Ponce, Rodrigo Well-posedness, regularity, and asymptotic behavior of continuous and discrete solutions of linear fractional integro-differential equations with time-dependent order Electron. J. Differential Equations 0 Paper No. 173, 27 (2018) |
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Tapia, J.A., Salvador, B., Rodríguez, J.M. Data envelopment analysis in satisfaction survey research: Sample size problem Journal of the Operational Research Society 69 1096-1104 (2018) |
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de Frutos, Javier and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar Selection of a Markov perfect Nash equilibrium in a class of differential games Dyn. Games Appl. 8 620--636 (2018) |
2018 |
de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and John, Volker and Novo, Julia Analysis of the grad-div stabilization for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with inf-sup stable finite elements Adv. Comput. Math. 44 195--225 (2018) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Error analysis of projection methods for non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements: the Navier-Stokes equations J. Sci. Comput. 74 426--455 (2018) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Error analysis of projection methods for non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements. The transient Stokes problem Appl. Math. Comput. 322 154--173 (2018) |
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Celeghini, Enrico and Gadella, Manuel and del Olmo, Mariano A. Hermite functions, Lie groups and Fourier analysis Entropy 20 Paper No. 816, 14 (2018) |
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Celeghini, E. and Gadella, M. and del Olmo, M. A. Spherical harmonics and rigged Hilbert spaces J. Math. Phys. 59 053502, 14 (2018) |
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Durán, A. On a model for internal waves in rotating fluids Appl. Math. Nonlinear Sci. 3 627--647 (2018) |
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Durán, A. An efficient method to compute solitary wave solutions of fractional Korteweg--de Vries equations Int. J. Comput. Math. 95 1362--1374 (2018) |
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Blanco, R. and Encinas, S. A procedure for computing the log canonical threshold of a binomial ideal Manuscripta Math. 155 141--181 (2018) |
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Farrán, José I. and García-Sánchez, Pedro A. and Heredia, Benjamín A. On the second Feng-Rao distance of algebraic geometry codes related to Arf semigroups Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86 2893--2916 (2018) |
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Farrán, José I. and García-Sánchez, Pedro A. and Heredia, Benjamín A. and Leamer, Micah J. The second Feng-Rao number for codes coming from telescopic semigroups Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86 1849--1864 (2018) |
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Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. A study of periodic potentials based on quadratic splines Internat. J. Modern Phys. C 29 1850067, 18 (2018) |
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Galindo, Carlos and Geil, Olav and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Improved constructions of nested code pairs IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 2444--2459 (2018) |
2018 |
Losada, Marcelo and Fortin, Sebastian and Gadella, Manuel and Holik, Federico Dynamics of algebras in quantum unstable systems Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 33 1850109, 17 (2018) |
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Civitarese, Osvaldo and Gadella, Manuel The definition of entropy for quantum unstable systems: a view-point based on the properties of Gamow states Entropy 20 Paper No. 231, 9 (2018) |
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Fassari, S. and Gadella, M. and Glasser, M. L. and Nieto, L. M. Spectroscopy of a one-dimensional V-shaped quantum well with a point impurity Ann. Physics 389 48--62 (2018) |
2018 |
García-Escudero, L. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Matrán, C. and Mayo-Íscar, A. Comments on ``The power of monitoring: how to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample'' [MR3884794] Stat. Methods Appl. 27 605--608 (2018) |
2018 |
García-Escudero, Luis Ángel and Gordaliza, Alfonso and Greselin, Francesca and Ingrassia, Salvatore and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín Eigenvalues and constraints in mixture modeling: geometric and computational issues Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 12 203--233 (2018) |
2018 |
Cerioli, Andrea and García-Escudero, Luis Angel and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín and Riani, Marco Finding the number of normal groups in model-based clustering via constrained likelihoods J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 27 404--416 (2018) |
2018 |
Dotto, Francesco and Farcomeni, Alessio and García-Escudero, Luis Angel and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín A reweighting approach to robust clustering Stat. Comput. 28 477--493 (2018) |
2018 |
García-Lapresta, José Luis and González del Pozo, Raquel and Pérez-Román, David Metrizable ordinal proximity measures and their aggregation Inform. Sci. 0 149--163 (2018) |
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Gómez-Valle, L. and Habibilashkary, Z. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. A multiplicative seasonal component in commodity derivative pricing J. Comput. Appl. Math. 330 835--847 (2018) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Novo, V. and Ródenas-Pedregosa, J. L. A note on existence of weak efficient solutions for vector equilibrium problems Optim. Lett. 12 615--623 (2018) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Approximate solutions of vector optimization problems via improvement sets in real linear spaces J. Global Optim. 70 875--901 (2018) |
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Gutiérrez, César and Huerga, Lidia and Novo, Vicente Nonlinear scalarization in multiobjective optimization with a polyhedral ordering cone Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 25 763--779 (2018) |
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Lucani, D.E. and Pedersen, M.V. and Ruano, D. and Sørensen, C.W. and Fitzek, F.H.P. and Heide, J. and Geil, O. and Nguyen, V. and Reisslein, M. Fulcrum: Flexible Network Coding for Heterogeneous Devices IEEE Access 5 77890--77910 (2018) |
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Josa-Fombellida, Ricardo and López-Casado, Paula and Rincón-Zapatero, Juan Pablo Portfolio optimization in a defined benefit pension plan where the risky assets are processes with constant elasticity of variance Insurance Math. Econom. 82 73--86 (2018) |
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Josa-Fombellida, Ricardo and Rincón-Zapatero, Juan Pablo Stochastic differential games for which the open-loop equilibrium is subgame perfect Dyn. Games Appl. 8 379--400 (2018) |
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Llamazares, Bonifacio An analysis of the generalized TODIM method European J. Oper. Res. 269 1041--1049 (2018) |
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García-López, J. and Marijuán, C. and Pozo-Coronado, L. M. Structural properties of minimal strong digraphs versus trees Linear Algebra Appl. 540 203--220 (2018) |
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Borges-Quintana, Mijail and Borges-Trenard, Miguel Ángel and Martínez-Moro, Edgar On the weak order ideal associated to linear codes Math. Comput. Sci. 12 339--347 (2018) |
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Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Miret, Josep M. and Piñeiro, Luis Ramiro Foreword [CIMPA research school in mathematical models for security applications] Math. Comput. Sci. 12 247--250 (2018) |
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Bandi, Ramakrishna and Tabue, Alexandre Fotue and Martínez-Moro, Edgar On counting subring-submodules of free modules over finite commutative Frobenius rings Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86 2247--2254 (2018) |
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Mart'inez-Moro, Edgar and Otal, Kamil and Özbudak, Ferruh Additive cyclic codes over finite commutative chain rings Discrete Math. 341 1873--1884 (2018) |
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Martínez-Moro, E. and Piñera-Nicolás, A. and Rúa, I. F. Codes over affine algebras with a finite commutative chain coefficient ring Finite Fields Appl. 49 94--107 (2018) |
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Martínez-Moro, E. and Piñera-Nicolás, A. and Rúa, I. F. Multivariable codes in principal ideal polynomial quotient rings with applications to additive modular bivariate codes over F4 J. Pure Appl. Algebra 222 359--367 (2018) |
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Cerioli, Andrea and García-Escudero, Luis Angel and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín and Riani, Marco Finding the number of normal groups in model-based clustering via constrained likelihoods J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 27 404--416 (2018) |
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Fern'andez-Sánchez, Percy and Mozo-Fernández, Jorge and Neciosup, Hernán Dicritical nilpotent holomorphic foliations Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 38 3223--3237 (2018) |
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Carrillo, Sergio A. and Mozo-Fernández, Jorge An extension of Borel-Laplace methods and monomial summability J. Math. Anal. Appl. 457 461--477 (2018) |
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Munuera, Carlos and Tenorio, Wanderson Locally recoverable codes from rational maps Finite Fields Appl. 54 80--100 (2018) |
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Mierczynski, Janusz and Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael Principal Floquet subspaces and exponential separations of type II with applications to random delay differential equations Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 38 6163--6193 (2018) |
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Caraballo, Tomás and Langa, José A. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Global and cocycle attractors for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations. The case of null upper Lyapunov exponent J. Differential Equations 265 3914--3951 (2018) |
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Faria, Teresa and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Asymptotic behaviour for a class of non-monotone delay differential systems with applications J. Dynam. Differential Equations 30 911--935 (2018) |
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Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Is uniform persistence a robust property in almost periodic models? A well-behaved family: almost-periodic Nicholson systems Nonlinearity 31 388--413 (2018) |
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Beites, Patricia D. and Nicolás, Alejandro P. and Saraiva, Paulo and Vitoria, José Vector cross product differential and difference equations in R3 and in R7 Electron. J. Linear Algebra 34 675--686 (2018) |
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Portillo, A. M. Near conserving energy numerical schemes for two-dimensional coupled seismic wave equations Comput. Math. Appl. 75 1016--1037 (2018) |
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Portillo, A. M. High-order full discretization for anisotropic wave equations Appl. Math. Comput. 323 1--16 (2018) |
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Piltant, Olivier and Reguera, Ana J. Local uniformization and arc spaces J. Pure Appl. Algebra 222 1898--1905 (2018) |
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Mourtada, Hussein and Reguera, Ana J. Mather discrepancy as an embedding dimension in the space of arcs Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 54 105--139 (2018) |
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Reguera, Ana J. Coordinates at stable points of the space of arcs J. Algebra 494 40--76 (2018) |
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Galindo, Carlos and Geil, Olav and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Improved constructions of nested code pairs IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 2444--2459 (2018) |
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Taleizadeh, Ata Allah and Tavakoli, Shayan and San-José A lot sizing model with advance payment and planned backordering Ann. Oper. Res. 271 1001--1022 (2018) |
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San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín and Alcaide-López-de-Pablo, David An inventory system with demand dependent on both time and price assuming backlogged shortages European J. Oper. Res. 270 889--897 (2018) |
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San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín and González-de-la-Rosa, Manuel and Febles-Acosta, Jaime An economic order quantity model with nonlinear holding cost, partial backlogging and ramp-type demand Eng. Optim. 50 1164--1177 (2018) |
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López-Hernanz, Lorena and Sanz Sánchez, Fernando Parabolic curves of diffeomorphisms asymptotic to formal invariant curves J. Reine Angew. Math. 739 277--296 (2018) |
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Le Gal, Olivier and Sanz, Fernando and Speissegger, Patrick Trajectories in interlaced integral pencils of 3-dimensional analytic vector fields are o-minimal Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 2211--2229 (2018) |
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Rivera-García, D., García-Escudero, L.A., Mayo-Iscar, A., Ortega, J. Robust clustering for functional data based on trimming and constraints Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 0 1-25 (2018) |
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'Alvarez-Esteban, Pedro C. and del Barrio, Eustasio and Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A. and Matr'an, Carlos Wide consensus aggregation in the Wasserstein space. Application to location-scatter families Bernoulli 24 3147--3179 (2018) |
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Rivera-García, D., García-Escudero, L.A., Mayo-Iscar, A., Ortega, J. Time Series, Spectral Densities and Robust Functional Clustering Neural Processing Letters 0 (2018) |
2018 |
García-Escudero, L.A., Gordaliza, A., Greselin, F., Mayo-Iscar, A. Robust Approaches for Fuzzy Clusterwise Regression Based on Trimming and Constraints Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 142 155-164 (2018) |
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Larriba, Y., Rueda, C., Fernández, M.A., Peddada, S.D. A bootstrap based measure robust to the choice of normalization methods for detecting rhythmic features in high dimensional data Frontiers in Genetics 9 (2018) |
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Llamazares, B. Closed-form expressions for some indices of SUOWA operators Information Fusion 41 80-90 (2018) |
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Llamazares, B. Construction of Choquet integrals through unimodal weighting vectors International Journal of Intelligent Systems 33 771-790 (2018) |
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Marijuán, C., Pisonero, M. On spectra of weighted graphs of order ≤5 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 68 95-100 (2018) |
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Johnson, C.R., Marijuán, C., Paparella, P., Pisonero, M. The NIEP Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 267 199-220 (2018) |
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Durán, Á. On the Numerical Approximation to Generalized Ostrovsky Equations: I: A Numerical Method and Computation of Solitary-Wave Solutions Understanding Complex Systems 0 339-368 (2018) |
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Durán, Á. On the Numerical Approximation to Generalized Ostrovsky Equations: II: Dynamics of Solitary-Wave Solutions Understanding Complex Systems 0 369-403 (2018) |
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Angulo, O., Gandrillon, O., Crauste, F. Investigating the role of the experimental protocol in phenylhydrazine-induced anemia on mice recovery Journal of Theoretical Biology 437 286-298 (2018) |
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García-Miranda, I., Hernán-Muñoz, L., Díaz, F., (...), Álvarez-Esteban, P.C., López-Leones, J. AIRPORTS metrics: A big data application for computing flights' performance indexes based on flown trajectories AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings 0 (2018) |
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del Barrio, E., Cuesta-Albertos, J.A., Matrán, C. An Optimal Transportation Approach for Assessing Almost Stochastic Order Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 142 33-44 (2018) |
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García-Lapresta, J.L., Pérez-Román, D. Aggregating opinions in non-uniform ordered qualitative scales Applied Soft Computing Journal 67 652-657 (2018) |
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García-Lapresta, J.L., Borge, L. Measuring Dispersion in the Context of Ordered Qualitative Scales Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 142 605-614 (2018) |
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García-Lapresta, J.L., González del Pozo, R. An ordinal multi-criteria decision-making procedure in the context of uniform qualitative scales Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 357 297-304 (2018) |
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González del Pozo, R., García-Lapresta, J.L., Pérez-Román, D. Clustering U.S. 2016 presidential candidates through linguistic appraisals Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 642 (2018) |
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Charro, M.E., Glasser, M.L., Nieto, L.M. Dirac Green function for δ potentials EPL 120 (2017) |
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Donaire, M., Muñoz-Castañeda, J.M., Nieto, L.M. Dipole-dipole interaction in cavity QED: The weak-coupling, nondegenerate regime Physical Review A 96 (2017) |
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Nieto, L.M., Gadella, M., Mateos Guilarte, J., Muñoz-Castañeda, J.M., Romaniega, C. Towards Modelling QFT in Real Metamaterials: Singular Potentials and Self-Adjoint Extensions Journal of Physics: Conference Series 839 (2017) |
2017 |
E. Martínez-Moro, A. Piñera-Nicolás, I.F. Rúa Multivariable codes in principal ideal polynomial quotient rings with applications to additive modular bivariate codes over F4 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 0 (2017) |
2017 |
Fassari, S., Gadella, M., Nieto, L.M., Rinaldi, F. On the spectrum of the one-dimensional schrödinger hamiltonian perturbed by an attractive gaussian potential Acta Polytechnica 57 385-390 (2017) |
2017 |
Salma Karray, Guiomar Martín-Herrán, Georges Zaccour Assessing the Profitability of Cooperative Advertising Programs in Competing Channels International Journal of Production Economics 187 142-158 (2017) |
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Guiomar Martín-Herrán & Simon-Pierre Sigué Retailer and Manufacturer Advertising Scheduling in a Marketing Channel Journal of Business Research 78 93-100 (2017) |
2017 |
Beites, P.D., Piñera-Nicolás, A. A Note on Standard Composition Algebras of Types II and III Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 27 955-964 (2017) |
2017 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Cano, B. and Reguera, N. Analysis of order reduction when integrating linear initial boundary value problems with Lawson methods Appl. Numer. Math. 118 64--74 (2017) |
2017 |
Beites, P.D., Piñera-Nicolás, A., Vitória, J. On skew-symmetric matrices related to the vector cross product in R7 Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 32 138-150 (2017) |
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Álvarez-Esteban, P. C. and del Barrio, E. and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. Models for the assessment of treatment improvement: the ideal and the feasible Statist. Sci. 32 469--485 (2017) |
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Caravantes, J., Gonzalez-Vega, L., Piñera-Nicolás, A. Solving positioning problems with minimal data GPS Solutions 21 149-161 (2017) |
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del Barrio, E. and Loubes, J.M. Pelletier, B. An Inverse Problem: Recovery of a Distribution Using Wasserstein Barycenter Annals of Economics and Statistics 0 229--259 (2017) |
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García-Escudero, L.A.; Gordaliza, A; Greselin, F., Ingrassia, S.; Mayo-Iscar, A Robust estimation of mixtures of regressions with random covariates, via trimming and constraints Statistics and Computing 27 377–402 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Escudero, L.A.; Mayo Iscar, A; Sánchez-Gutiérrez, C.I Fitting parabolas in noisy images Computional Statistics and Data Analysis 112 80-87 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Escudero, L.A.; Duque-Perez, O; Fernández-Temprano, M.A.; Morinigo-Sotelo,D Robust detection of incipient faults in VSI-fed induction motors using quality control charts IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 3076-3085 (2017) |
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Croux, C.; Garcia-Escudero, L.A.; Gordaliza, A.; Ruwet, Ch.; San Martín, R. Robust Principal Component Analysis Based On Trimming Around Affine Subspaces Statistica Sinica, 27 1437-1459 (2017) |
2017 |
Dotto, F.; Farcomeni, A.; Garcia-Escudero, L.A.; Mayo-Iscar, A. Approach to Robust Regression Clustering Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 11 691-710 (2017) |
2017 |
Gomez, C., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Poza, J., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Bispectral analysis of spontaneous EEG activity from patients with moderate dementia due to Alzheimer's disease Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 422-425 (2017) |
2017 |
Poza, J., Bachiller, A., Gomez, C., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Phase-amplitude coupling analysis of spontaneous EEG activity in Alzheimer's disease Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 2259-2262 (2017) |
2017 |
Poza, J., Gómez, C., García, M., (...), Cano, M., Hornero, R. Spatio-temporal fluctuations of neural dynamics in mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease Current Alzheimer Research 14 924-936 (2017) |
2017 |
Gomez-Pilar, J., Lubeiro, A., Poza, J., (...), Blanco, J.A., Molina, V. Functional EEG network analysis in schizophrenia: Evidence of larger segregation and deficit of modulation Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 76 116-123 (2017) |
2017 |
Lubeiro, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., Martín, O., (...), Poza, J., Hornero, R., Molina, V. Variation at NRG1 genotype related to modulation of small-world properties of the functional cortical network European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 267 25-32 (2017) |
2017 |
Núñez, P., Poza, J., Bachiller, A., (...), Molina, V., Hornero, R. Exploring non-stationarity patterns in schizophrenia: Neural reorganization abnormalities in the alpha band Journal of Neural Engineering 14 (2017) |
2017 |
A. Campillo, F. Delgado, and S. M. Gusein-Zade On the topological type of a set of plane valuations with symmetries Math. Nachr. 0 (2017) |
2017 |
Bachiller, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., Poza, J., (...), Molina, V., Hornero, R. Event-Related Phase-Amplitude Coupling: A Comparative Study Biosystems and Biorobotics 15 757-761 (2017) |
2017 |
Núñez, P., Poza, J., Bachiller, A., (...), Molina, V., Hornero, R. Analysis of Functional Connectivity During an Auditory Oddball Task in Schizophrenia Biosystems and Biorobotics 15 751-755 (2017) |
2017 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Cano, B. and Reguera, N. Avoiding order reduction when integrating linear initial boundary value problems with Lawson methods IMA J. Numer. Anal. 37 2091--2119 (2017) |
2017 |
Juan-Cruz, C., Gómez, C., Poza, J., Fernández, A., Hornero, R. Assessment of Effective Connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Granger Causality Biosystems and Biorobotics 15 763-767 (2017) |
2017 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Cano, B. and Reguera, N. Analysis of order reduction when integrating linear initial boundary value problems with Lawson methods Appl. Numer. Math. 118 64--74 (2017) |
2017 |
Geil, O., Martin, S., Martínez-Peñas, U., Matsumoto, R., Ruano, D. On asymptotically good ramp secret sharing schemes IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences 0 2699-2708 (2017) |
2017 |
Matsumoto, R., Ruano, D. Geometric and computational approach to classical and quantum secret sharing Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 198 267-272 (2017) |
2017 |
Alvarez-Esteban, P. C. and del Barrio, E. and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. Models for the assessment of treatment improvement: the ideal and the feasible Statist. Sci. 32 469--485 (2017) |
2017 |
Álvarez, J. and Durán, A. Numerical generation of periodic traveling wave solutions of some nonlinear dispersive wave systems J. Comput. Appl. Math. 316 29--39 (2017) |
2017 |
Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. A second-order numerical method for a cell population model with asymmetric division J. Comput. Appl. Math. 309 522--531 (2017) |
2017 |
Gómez-Valle, L. and Habibilashkary, Z. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. A new technique to estimate the risk-neutral processes in jump-diffusion commodity futures models J. Comput. Appl. Math. 309 435--441 (2017) |
2017 |
Donat, Rosa and Calvo Cabrero, Mari Paz and Casas Pérez, Fernando Celebrating 25 years of SEMA SeMA J. 74 233--235 (2017) |
2017 |
Cano, B. and Reguera, N. Avoiding order reduction when integrating nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Strang method J. Comput. Appl. Math 316 86--99 (2017) |
2017 |
Araújo, A. and Barbeiro, S. and Cuesta, E. and Durán, A. Cross-diffusion systems for image processing: I. The linear case J. Math. Imaging Vision 58 447--467 (2017) |
2017 |
Araújo, A. and Barbeiro, S. and Cuesta, E. and Durán, A. Cross-diffusion systems for image processing: II. The nonlinear case J. Math. Imaging Vision 58 427--446 (2017) |
2017 |
Coco-Martín, M.B., López-Miguel, A., Cuadrado, R., (...), Mayo-Íscar, A., Pastor, J.C., Maldonado, M.J. Reading Performance Improvements in Patients with Central Vision Loss without Age-Related Macular Degeneration after Undergoing Personalized Rehabilitation Training Current Eye Research 42 1260-1268 (2017) |
2017 |
Ahmad, B. and Alsaedi, A. and Cuesta, E. and Kirane, M. On blowing-up solutions for multi-time nonlinear hyperbolic equations and systems Filomat 31 2599--2609 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Medrano, B., Mesuro Domínguez, N., Simón Pérez, C., (...), Mayo-Íscar, A., Gayoso Rodríguez, M.J., Martín Ferrero, M.A. Repair of nerve injury by implanting prostheses obtained from isogenic acellular nerve segments Revista Espanola de Cirugia Ortopedica y Traumatologia 61 359-366 (2017) |
2017 |
Álvarez, J. and Durán A. Numerical generation of periodic traveling wave solutions of some nonlinear dispersive wave systems J. Comput. Appl. Math. 316 29--39 (2017) |
2017 |
Lara-Sánchez, H., Álvarez Nuño, C., Gil-Carcedo Sañudo, E., Mayo Iscar, A., Vallejo Valdezate, L.Á. Assessment of nasal obstruction with rhinomanometry and subjective scales and outcomes of surgical and medical treatment Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola 68 145-150 (2017) |
2017 |
de Frutos, Javier and Gatón, Víctor Chebyshev reduced basis function applied to option valuation Comput. Manag. Sci. 14 465--491 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Escudero, L.A., Greselin, F., Mayo-Iscar, A. Fuzzy clustering through robust factor analyzers Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456 229-235 (2017) |
2017 |
Carlos M. Gómez, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto Fernández, Fernando Maestú, Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez Absolute Power Spectral Density Changes in the Magnetoencephalographic Activity During the Transition from Childhood to Adulthood Brain Topography 30 87-97 (2017) |
2017 |
de Frutos, Javier and Gatón, Víctor A spectral method for an optimal investment problem with transaction costs under potential utility J. Comput. Appl. Math. 319 262--276 (2017) |
2017 |
Sanz, J. Asymptotic analysis and summability of formal power series Trends in Mathematics 0 199-262 (2017) |
2017 |
Hornero, R., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., (...), Verhulst, S., Gozal, D. Nocturnal oximetry-based evaluation of habitually snoring children American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 196 1591-1598 (2017) |
2017 |
Andrés-Blanco, A.M., Álvarez, D., Crespo, A., (...), Hornero, R., Del Campo, F. Assessment of automated analysis of portable oximetry as a screening test for moderate-to-severe sleep apnea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease PLoS ONE 12 (2017) |
2017 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Hornero, R. P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Channel Selection using Swarm Intelligence RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial 14 372-383 (2017) |
2017 |
Barrios, L.J., Hornero, R., Pérez-Turiel, J., (...), Vidal, J., Azorín, J.M. State of the Art in Neurotechnologies for Assistance and Rehabilitation in Spain: Fundamental Technologies RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial 14 346-354 (2017) |
2017 |
Gutierrez-Tobal, G.C., De Frutos, J., Alvarez, D., (...), Del Campo, F., Hornero, R. A Bayesian neural network approach to compare the spectral information from nasal pressure and thermistor airflow in the automatic sleep apnea severity estimation Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 3741-3744 (2017) |
2017 |
Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Alvarez, D., Gutierrez-Tobal, G.C., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Usefulness of discrete wavelet transform in the analysis of oximetry signals to assist in childhood sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome diagnosis Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 0 3753-3756 (2017) |
2017 |
Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Gusein-Zade, S. M. On the topological type of a set of plane valuations with symmetries Math. Nachr. 290 1925--1938 (2017) |
2017 |
Barroso-García, V., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., (...), Gozal, D., Hornero, R. Irregularity and variability analysis of airflow recordings to facilitate the diagnosis of paediatric sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome Entropy 19 (2017) |
2017 |
Martinez-Cagigal, V., Gomez-Pilar, J., Alvarez, D., Hornero, R. An Asynchronous P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Web Browser for Severely Disabled People IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 1332-1342 (2017) |
2017 |
Gomez-Pilar, J., Lubeiro, A., Poza, J., (...), Hornero, R., Blanco, J.A., Molina, V. Functional EEG network analysis in schizophrenia: Evidence of larger segregation and deficit of modulation Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 76 116-123 (2017) |
2017 |
Crespo, A., Álvarez, D., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., (...), Hornero, R., del Campo, F. Multiscale entropy analysis of unattended oximetric recordings to assist in the screening of paediatric sleep apnoea at home Entropy 19 (2017) |
2017 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Hornero, R. A binary bees algorithm for p300-based brain-computer interfaces channel selection Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 10306 453-463 (2017) |
2017 |
Martínez-Cagigal, V., Núñez, P., Hornero, R. Spectral Regression Kernel Discriminant Analysis for P300 Speller Based Brain-Computer Interfaces Biosystems and Biorobotics 15 789-793 (2017) |
2017 |
Bravo, A. and Encinas, S. and Pascual-Escudero, B. Nash multiplicities and resolution invariants Collect. Math. 68 175--217 (2017) |
2017 |
Álvarez, D., Alonso-Álvarez, M.L., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G.C., (...), Hornero, R., TerÁn-Santos, J., Del Campo, F. Automated screening of children with obstructive sleep apnea using nocturnal oximetry: An alternative to respiratory polygraphy in unattended settings Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 13 693-702 (2017) |
2017 |
Erman, Fatih and Gadella, Manuel and Uncu, Haydar One-dimensional semirelativistic Hamiltonian with multiple Dirac delta potentials Phys. Rev. D 95 045004, 30 (2017) |
2017 |
Gadella, M. and Kuru, S. and Negro, J. The hyperbolic step potential: anti-bound states, SUSY partners and Wigner time delays Ann. Physics 379 86--101 (2017) |
2017 |
Galindo, Carlos and Geil, Olav and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego On the distance of stabilizer quantum codes from $J$-affine variety codes Quantum Inf. Process. 16 Art. 111, 32 (2017) |
2017 |
Geil, Olav and Martin, Stefano and Martínez-Peñas, Umberto and Ruano, Diego Refined analysis of RGHWs of code pairs coming from Garcia-Stichtenoth's second tower J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Struct. Appl. 4 37--47 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Lapresta, José Luis and Pérez-Román, David A consensus reaching process in the context of non-uniform ordered qualitative scales Fuzzy Optim. Decis. Mak. 16 449--461 (2017) |
2017 |
Gómez-Valle, L. and Habibilashkary, Z. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. The jump size distribution of the commodity spot price and its effect on futures and option prices Abstr. Appl. Anal. 0 Art. ID 3286549, 10 (2017) |
2017 |
Gómez-Valle, L. and Habibilashkary, Z. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. A new technique to estimate the risk-neutral processes in jump-diffusion commodity futures models J. Comput. Appl. Math. 309 435--441 (2017) |
2017 |
Gutiérrez, César and Huerga, Lidia and Köbis, Elisabeth and Tammer, Christiane Approximate solutions of set-valued optimization problems using set-criteria Appl. Anal. Optim. 1 501--519 (2017) |
2017 |
Guti'errez, C. and Kassay, G. and Novo, V. and R'odenas-Pedregosa, J. L. Ekeland variational principles in vector equilibrium problems SIAM J. Optim. 27 2405--2425 (2017) |
2017 |
Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Novo, V. and Thibault, L. Sequential $varepsilon$-subdifferential calculus for scalar and vector mappings Set-Valued Var. Anal. 25 383--403 (2017) |
2017 |
Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego and Geil, Olav List decoding algorithm based on voting in Gröbner bases for general one-point AG codes J. Symbolic Comput. 79 384--410 (2017) |
2017 |
Geil, Olav and Martin, Stefano and Martínez-Peñas, Umberto and Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego On asymptotically good ramp secret sharing schemes IEICE Trans. Fundamentals 100 2699--2708 (2017) |
2017 |
Marijuán, C. and Pisonero, M. and Soto, Ricardo L. A map of sufficient conditions for the symmetric nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem Linear Algebra Appl. 530 344--365 (2017) |
2017 |
Johnson, C. R. and Marijuán, C. and Pisonero, M. Symmetric nonnegative realizability via partitioned majorization Linear Multilinear Algebra 65 1417--1426 (2017) |
2017 |
Dotto, Francesco and Farcomeni, Alessio and García-Escudero, Luis Angel and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín A fuzzy approach to robust regression clustering Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 11 691--710 (2017) |
2017 |
L. López, F. Sanz Parabolic curves of dieffeomorphisms asymptotic to formal invariant curves Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle’s Journal) 0 1-19 (2017) |
2017 |
Kuru, S. and Negro, J. and Ragnisco, O. The Perlick system type I: from the algebra of symmetries to the geometry of the trajectories Phys. Lett. A 381 3355--3363 (2017) |
2017 |
Drigho-Filho, E. and Kuru, S. and Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. Superintegrability of the Fock-Darwin system Ann. Physics 383 101--119 (2017) |
2017 |
Güngör, F. and Kuru, Ş. and Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. The hyperbolic step potential: anti-bound states, SUSY partners and Wigner time delays Nonlinearity 30 1788--1808 (2017) |
2017 |
Güngör, F. and Kuru, cS. and Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. Heisenberg-type higher order symmetries of superintegrable systems separable in Cartesian coordinates Nonlinearity 30 1788--1808 (2017) |
2017 |
Maroto, Ismael and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Exponential stability for nonautonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 22 3167--3197 (2017) |
2017 |
Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Nonautonomous linear-quadratic dissipative control processes without uniform null controllability J. Dynam. Differential Equations 29 355--383 (2017) |
2017 |
Maroto, Ismael and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Dynamical properties of nonautonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 37 3939--3961 (2017) |
2017 |
Longo, Iacopo P. and Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael Topologies of Lploc type for Carathéodory functions with applications in non-autonomous differential equations J. Differential Equations 263 7187--7220 (2017) |
2017 |
Campos, Juan and Obaya, Rafael and Tarallo, Massimo Favard theory and Fredholm alternative for disconjugate recurrent second order equations Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 16 1199--1232 (2017) |
2017 |
Caraballo, T. and Langa, J. A. and Obaya, R. Pullback, forward and chaotic dynamics in 1D non-autonomous linear-dissipative equations Nonlinearity 30 274--299 (2017) |
2017 |
Campos, Juan and Obaya, Rafael and Tarallo, Massimo Favard theory for the adjoint equation and Fredholm alternative J. Differential Equations 262 749--802 (2017) |
2017 |
Crouzeix, M. and Palencia, C. The numerical range is a (1+√2)-spectral set SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 38 649--655 (2017) |
2017 |
Beites, Patricia D. and Nicolás, Alejandro P. and Vitoria, José On skew-symmetric matrices related to the vector cross product in R7 Electron. J. Linear Algebra 32 138--150 (2017) |
2017 |
Beites, P. D. and Nicolás, A. P. A note on standard composition algebras of types II and III Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebr. 27 955--964 (2017) |
2017 |
Galindo, Carlos and Geil, Olav and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego On the distance of stabilizer quantum codes from $J$-affine variety codes Quantum Inf. Process. 16 Art. 111, 32 (2017) |
2017 |
Geil, Olav and Martin, Stefano and Martínez-Peñas, Umberto and Ruano, Diego Refined analysis of RGHWs of code pairs coming from Garcia-Stichtenoth's second tower J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Struct. Appl. 4 37--47 (2017) |
2017 |
Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego and Geil, Olav List decoding algorithm based on voting in Gröbner bases for general one-point AG codes J. Symbolic Comput. 79 384--410 (2017) |
2017 |
Lombardía, María José and López-Vizcaíno, Esther and Rueda, Cristina Mixed generalized Akaike information criterion for small area models J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. A 180 1229--1252 (2017) |
2017 |
San-José, Luis A. and Sicilia, Joaquín and González-De-la-Rosa, Manuel and Febles-Acosta, Jaime Optimal inventory policy under power demand pattern and partial backlogging Appl. Math. Model. 46 618--630 (2017) |
2017 |
Cariñena, José F. and Rañada, Manuel F. and Santander, Mariano Quantization of Hamiltonian systems with a position dependent mass: Killing vector fields and Noether momenta approach J. Phys. A 50 465202, 20 (2017) |
2017 |
Jiménez-Garrido, Javier and Sanz, Javier and Schindl, Gerhard Log-convex sequences and nonzero proximate orders J. Math. Anal. Appl. 448 1572--1599 (2017) |
2017 |
Salma Karray, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and Simon-Pierre Sigué Cooperative Advertising for Competing Manufacturers: The Impact of Long-Term Promotional Effects International Journal of Production Economics 184 21-32 (2017) |
2017 |
Guiomar Martín-Herrán and Simon-Pierre Sigué An Integrative Framework of Cooperative Advertising: Should Manufacturers continuously support retailer advertising Journal of Business Research 70 67-73 (2017) |
2017 |
Torres, Raúl and De Michele, Carlo and Laniado, Henry and Lillo, Rosa E. Directional multivariate extremes in environmental phenomena Environmetrics 28 e2428, 15 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Escudero, L.A., Greselin, F., Iscar, A.M. Fuzzy clustering through robust factor analyzers Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456 229-235 (2017) |
2017 |
Rivera-García, D., García-Escudero, L.A., Mayo-Iscar, A., Ortega, J. Robust clustering for time series using spectral densities and functional data analysis Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 10306 142-153 (2017) |
2017 |
Dotto, F., Farcomeni, A., García-Escudero, L.A., Mayo-Iscar, A. Robust fuzzy clustering via trimming and constraints Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456 197-204 (2017) |
2017 |
Barragan, S., Rueda, C., Fernandez, M.A. Circular Order Aggregation and Its Application to Cell-Cycle Genes Expressions IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 14 819-829 (2017) |
2017 |
Llamazares, B. Aggregating preference rankings using an optimistic-pessimistic approach: Closed-form expressions Computers and Industrial Engineering 110 109-113 (2017) |
2017 |
Kotsireas, I.S., Martínez-Moro, E. Preface Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 198 (2017) |
2017 |
Borges-Quintana, M., Borges-Trenard, M.A., Martínez-Moro, E. Trial set and gröbner bases for binary codes Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 198 21-27 (2017) |
2017 |
Martínez-Prieto, M.A., Bregon, A., García-Miranda, I., Álvarez-Esteban, P.C., Díaz, F., Scarlatti, D. Integrating flight-related information into a (Big) data lake AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings 0 (2017) |
2017 |
Barbero, Á.I., Skachek, V., Ytrehus, Ø. Coding theory and applications: 5th international castle meeting, ICMCTA 2017 Vihula, Estonia, august 28-31, 2017 proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10495 (2017) |
2017 |
Arguedas, C., Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G. Optimal Pollution Standards and Non-compliance in a Dynamic Framework Environmental and Resource Economics 68 537-567 (2017) |
2017 |
Cabo, F., Tidball, M. Promotion of cooperation when benefits come in the future: A water transfer case Resource and Energy Economics 47 56-71 (2017) |
2017 |
Johnson, C. R. and Marijuán, C. and Pisonero, M. Ruling out certain 5-spectra for the symmetric nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem Linear Algebra Appl. 512 129--135 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Lapresta, J.L., Martínez-Panero, M. Positional Voting Rules Generated by Aggregation Functions and the Role of Duplication International Journal of Intelligent Systems 32 926-946 (2017) |
2017 |
Campión, M.J., Falcó, E., García-Lapresta, J.L., Induráin, E. Assigning numerical scores to linguistic expressions Axioms 6 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Lapresta, J.L., Pérez-Román, D. Consensus-based agglomerative hierarchical clustering Studies in Computational Intelligence 671 123-135 (2017) |
2017 |
García-Lapresta, J.L., Pérez-Román, D. Consensus-based clustering in numerical decision-making Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456 237-243 (2017) |
2017 |
Gutiérrez, C., Kassay, G., Novo, V., Ródenas-Pedregosa, J.L. Ekeland variational principles in vector equilibrium problems SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 2405-2425 (2017) |
2017 |
Johnson, Russell and Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Preface [Issue on nonautonomous dynamics] Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1--iii (2016) |
2016 |
J.S. Ardenghi, M. Gadella, J. Negro Approximate solutions to the quantum problem of two opposite charges in a constant magnetic field Physics Letters A 380 1817-1823 (2016) |
2016 |
E. Celeghini, M. Gadella, M.A. del Olmo Applications of rigged Hilbert spaces in quantum mechanics and signal processing Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 072105+21 (2016) |
2016 |
O. Civitarese, M. Gadella Gamow states as solutions of a modified Lippmann- Schwinger equation NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS 25 1650075-+11 (2016) |
2016 |
José F. Cariñena, Manuel F. Rañada and Mariano Santander A new look at the Feynman ‘hodograph’ approach to the Kepler first law Eur. J. Phys. 37 025004 (2016) |
2016 |
Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. and Ruiz-Garzón, G. Vector critical points and efficiency in vector optimization with Lipschitz functions Optim. Lett. 10 47--62 (2016) |
2016 |
Gutiérrez, César and Miglierina, Enrico and Molho, Elena and Novo, Vicente Convergence of solutions of a set optimization problem in the image space J. Optim. Theory Appl. 170 358--371 (2016) |
2016 |
Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Novo, V. and Tammer, C. Duality related to approximate proper solutions of vector optimization problems J. Global Optim. 64 117--139 (2016) |
2016 |
Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Henig approximate proper efficiency and optimization problems with difference of vector mappings J. Convex Anal. 23 661--690 (2016) |
2016 |
Gutiérrez, César and López, Rubén and Novo, Vicente On Hadamard well-posedness of families of Pareto optimization problems J. Math. Anal. Appl. 444 881--899 (2016) |
2016 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Portillo, A. M. Time exponential splitting technique for the Klein-Gordon equation with Hagstrom-Warburton high-order absorbing boundary conditions J. Comput. Phys. 311 196--212 (2016) |
2016 |
Gadella, M. and Mateos-Guilarte, J. and Muñoz-Castañeda, J. M. and Nieto, L. M. Two-point one-dimensional $\delta$-$\delta'$ interactions: non-abelian addition law and decoupling limit J. Phys. A 49 015204, 22 (2016) |
2016 |
Álvarez, J. and Durán, A. Petviashvili type methods for traveling wave computations: II. Acceleration with vector extrapolation methods Math. Comput. Simulation 123 19--36 (2016) |
2016 |
Gómez-Valle, L. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. Estimation of risk-neutral processes in single-factor jump-diffusion interest rate models J. Comput. Appl. Math. 291 48--57 (2016) |
2016 |
Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Daniel Álvarez, Félix del Campo, Roberto Hornero Utility of AdaBoost to Detect Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome from Single-Channel Airflow IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 636-646 (2016) |
2016 |
Carlos Gómez, Jesús Poza, María T. Gutiérrez, Esther Prada, Nuria Mendoza, Roberto Hornero Characterization of EEG patterns in brain-injured subjects and controls after a Snoezelen® intervention Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 136 1-9 (2016) |
2016 |
Llamazares, Bonifacio SUOWA operators: constructing semi-uninorms and analyzing specific cases Fuzzy Sets Syst. 287 119-136 (2016) |
2016 |
Javier Gomez-Pilar, Rebeca Corralejo, Luis F. Nicolas-Alonso, Daniel Álvarez, Roberto Hornero Neurofeedback training with a motor imagery-based BCI: neurocognitive improvements and EEG changes in the elderly Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 54 1655-1666 (2016) |
2016 |
Carlos Munuera, Wanderson Tenório, Fernando Torres Quantum error-correcting codes from Algebraic Geometry codes of Castle type Quantum Information Processing 15 (2016) |
2016 |
Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, María García, Miguel A. Tola-Arribas, Alicia Carreres, Mónica Cano, Roberto Hornero Spatio-temporal fluctuations of neural dynamics in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease Current Alzheimer Research 0 (2016) |
2016 |
María García, Jesús Poza, Alejandro Bachiller, David Santamarta, Roberto Hornero Effect of infusion tests on the dynamical properties of intracranial pressure in hydrocephalus Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 134 225-235 (2016) |
2016 |
Javier Gomez-Pilar, Oscar Martin-Santiago, Vanessa Suazo, Sonia Ruiz, Ricardo Gallardo, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero, Vicente Molina Association between EEG modulation, psychotic-like experiences and cognitive performance in the general population Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 70 286-294 (2016) |
2016 |
J. Víctor Marcos, Roberto Hornero, Ian T. Nabney, Daniel Álvarez, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Félix del Campo Regularity analysis of nocturnal oximetry recordings to assist in the diagnosis of sleep apnoea syndrome Medical Engineering and Physics 38 216-224 (2016) |
2016 |
Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Study on the efficiency in the numerical integration of size-structured population models: error and computational cost J. Comput. Appl. Math. 291 391--401 (2016) |
2016 |
Eduardo Cuesta, Carmen Quintano Pastor, y Alfonso Fernández-Manso Generalized fractional integrals in advanced remote sensing Proceedings of 12th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded systems and Application 0 (2016) |
2016 |
Furtado, S., Johnson, C.R., Marijuán, C., Pisonero, M. Comparison on the spectral radii of weighted digraphs that differ in a certain subdigraph Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 0 85-90 (2016) |
2016 |
Marijuán, C., García, J., Pozo, L. Structural and spectral properties of minimal strong digraphs Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 0 91-96 (2016) |
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Pérez, Ana and Prieto-Alaiz, Mercedes Measuring the Dependence Among Dimensions of Welfare: A Study Based on Spearman's Footrule and Gini's Gamma Internat. J. Uncertain. Fuzziness Knowledge-Based Systems 24 87--105 (2016) |
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Pérez, Ana and Prieto-Alaiz, Mercedes Measuring the Dependence Among Dimensions of Welfare: A Study Based on Spearman's Footrule and Gini's Gamma Internat. J. Uncertain. Fuzziness Knowledge-Based Systems 24 87--105 (2016) |
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Pérez, Ana and Prieto-Alaiz, Mercedes A note on nonparametric estimation of copula-based multivariate extensions of Spearman's rho Statist. Probab. Lett. 112 41--50 (2016) |
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Angeles Carnero, Ana Pérez y Esther Ruiz Identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers Series - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 7 179-201 (2016) |
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C. Gutiérrez, V. Novo, J.L. Rodenas-Pedregosa, and T. Tanaka Nonconvex separation functional in linear spaces with applications to vector equilibria SIAM J. Optim. 26 2677--2695 (2016) |
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C. Gutiérrez, L. Huerga, V. Novo, and L. Thibault Sequential epsilon-subdifferential calculus for scalar and vector mappings Set-Valued Var. Anal 0 (2016) |
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Cesáreo González, Mechthild Thalhammer Higher-order exponential integrators for quasi-linear parabolic problems. Part II: Convergence SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 52 2868-2888 (2016) |
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Zorita, A.L.; Fernández-Temprano, M.A.; García-Escudero, L.A.; Duque-Perez, O. A statistical modeling approach to detect anomalies in energetic efficiency of buildings Energy and Buildings 0 377-386 (2016) |
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Benchekroun, Hassan and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar The impact of foresight in a transboundary pollution game European J. Oper. Res. 251 300--309 (2016) |
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Yolanda Larriba, Cristina Rueda, Miguel A. Fernández, Shyamal Das Peddada Order restricted inference for oscillatory systems for detecting rhythmic signals Nucleic Acids Research 44 e163, 1-8 (2016) |
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Valentín González de Garibay, Miguel A. Fernández, Isabel de la Torre-Díez, Miguel López-Coronado Utility of a mHealth App for Self-Management and Education of Cardiac Diseases in Spanish Urban and Rural Areas Journal of Medical Systems 40 1-8 (2016) |
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Cristina Rueda, Miguel A. Fernández, Sandra Barragán, Kanti V. Mardia, Shyamal Peddada Circular piecewise regression with an application to cell-cycle biology Biometrics 72 1266-1274 (2016) |
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Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Daniel Álvarez, Roberto Hornero An Asynchronous P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Web Browser for Severely Disabled People IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 0 (2016) |
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Vicente Molina, Alejandro Bachiller, Vanessa Suazo, Alba Lubeiro, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero Noise power associated to decreased task-induced variability of brain electrical activity in schizophrenia European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 1 55-61 (2016) |
2016 |
Oscar Martin-Santiago, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Alba Lubeiro, Marta Ayuso, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero, Myriam Fernandez, Sonia Ruiz de Azua, Cesar Valcarcel, Vicente Molina Oscar Martin-Santiago, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Alba Lubeiro, Marta Ayuso, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero, Myriam Fernandez, Sonia Ruiz de Azua, Cesar Valcarcel, Vicente Molina Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 3 54-62 (2016) |
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Carmen Valverde, María García, Roberto Hornero, María I. López-Gálvez Automated detection of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 1 26-32 (2016) |
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de Frutos, Javier and John, Volker and Novo, Julia Projection methods for incompressible flow problems with {WENO} finite difference schemes J. Comput. Phys. 309 368--386 (2016) |
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Amine Khadmaoui, Carlos Gómez, Jesús Poza, Alejandro Bachiller, Alberto Fernández, Javier Quintero, Roberto Hornero. MEG Analysis of Neural Interactions in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2016 (2016) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and John, Volker and Novo, Julia Grad-div stabilization for the evolutionary Oseen problem with inf-sup stable finite elements J. Sci. Comput. 66 991--1024 (2016) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Local error estimates for the {SUPG} method applied to evolutionary convection-reaction-diffusion equations J. Sci. Comput. 66 528--554 (2016) |
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Álvarez-Esteban, P.C., del Barrio, E., Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. y Matrán, C. A fixed-point approach to barycenters in Wasserstein space Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 441 744-762 (2016) |
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Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Gusein-Zade, S. M. Equivariant Poincaré series and topology of valuations Doc. Math. 21 271--286 (2016) |
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García-Escudero, Luis Angel and Gordaliza, Alfonso and Greselin, Francesca and Ingrassia, Salvatore and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín The joint role of trimming and constraints in robust estimation for mixtures of Gaussian factor analyzers Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 99 131--147 (2016) |
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Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Uniform and strict persistence in monotone skew-product semiflows with applications to non-autonomous Nicholson systems J. Differential Equations 261 4135--4163 (2016) |
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Cardoso, C. A. and Langa, J. A. and Obaya, R. Characterization of cocycle attractors for nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 26 1650135, 20 (2016) |
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Campos, Juan and Obaya, Rafael and Tarallo, Massimo Recurrent equations with sign and Fredholm alternative Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 959--977 (2016) |
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Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Null controllable sets and reachable sets for nonautonomous linear control systems Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1069--1094 (2016) |
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Johnson, Russell and Fabbri, Roberta and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Preface [Issue on nonautonomous dynamics] Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 9 1--iii (2016) |
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Ortiz-Toquero, Sara; Perez, Sofia; Rodriguez, Guadalupe; de Juan, Victoria; Mayo-Iscar, Agustin; Martin, Raul The influence of the refractive correction on the vision-related quality of life in keratoconus patients QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH 25 1043-1051 (2016) |
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Cabo, Francisco and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Martínez-García, María Pilar Unbounded growth in the Neoclassical growth model with non-constant discounting Math. Social Sci. 84 93--104 (2016) |
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Carmen Arguedas, Francisco Cabo and Guiomar Martín-Herrán Optimal Pollution Standards and Non-Compliance in a Dynamic Framework Environmental and Resource Economics. 0 (2016) |
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Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and María Pilar Martínez-García A Note on the Stability of Fully-Endogenous Growth with Increasing Returns and Exhaustible Resources Macroeconomic Dynamics 20 819-831 (2016) |
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B. Cano; A. González-Pachón Plane waves numerical stability of some explicit exponential methods for cubic Schrödinger equation Journal of Computational Mathematics 34 385-406 (2016) |
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Denys Dutykh, Didier Clamond, Angel Durán Efficient computation of capillary–gravity generalised solitary waves Wave Motion 65 1-16 (2016) |
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García-Lapresta, José Luis and Pérez-Román, David Consensus-based clustering under hesitant qualitative assessments Fuzzy Sets and Systems 292 261--273 (2016) |
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Sanz-Serna, J. M. Symplectic Runge-Kutta schemes for adjoint equations, automatic differentiation, optimal control, and more SIAM Rev. 58 3--33 (2016) |
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Murua, A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Computing normal forms and formal invariants of dynamical systems by means of word series Nonlinear Anal. 138 326--345 (2016) |
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Llamazares, Bonifacio A behavioral analysis of WOWA and SUOWA operators Int. J. Intell. Syst. 31 827-851 (2016) |
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Molpeceres-Abella, Mercedes and García-Lapresta, José Luis Quality of Life and Poverty: Measurement and Comparability Internat. J. Uncertain. Fuzziness Knowledge-Based Systems 24 63--85 (2016) |
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Llamazares, Bonifacio Ranking candidates through convex sequences of variable weights Group Decis. Negot. 25 567-584 (2016) |
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García-Lapresta, José Luis and Marques Pereira, Ricardo Alberto Foreword Internat. J. Uncertain. Fuzziness Knowledge-Based Systems 24 v--ix (2016) |
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V. A. Dougalis, A. Durán, D. Mitsotakis Numerical approximation of solitary waves of the Benjamin equation Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 127 56-79 (2016) |
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Francisco Cabo; Mabel Tidball Promotion of cooperation when benefits come in the future: A water transfer case Resource and Energy Economics 0 (2016) |
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Gimenez, Philippe and Simis, Aron and Vasconcelos, Wolmer V. and Villarreal, Rafael H. On complete monomial ideals J. Commut. Algebra 8 207--226 (2016) |
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Rueda, C., Ugarte, D. and Militino, A. Checking unimodality using isotonic regression: an application to breast cancer mortality rates. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 30 1277-1288 (2016) |
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Molina. V., Lubeiro. A., Rueda,C., Sanz, J. and Hernández, J.A. Identification of two clusters within schizophrenia with different structural, functional and clinical characteristics. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 0 (2016) |
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Pedro César Alvarez-Esteban, Carolina Eúan, Joaquín Ortega Time Series Clustering Using the Total Variation Distance with Applications in Oceanography Environmetrics 27 355--369 (2016) |
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Jiménez-Garrido, Javier and Sanz, Javier Strongly regular sequences and proximate orders J. Math. Anal. Appl. 438 920--945 (2016) |
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Lastra, A. and Malek, S. and Sanz, J. Strongly regular multi-level solutions of singularly perturbed linear partial differential equations Results Math. 70 581--614 (2016) |
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Arratia, Argimiro and Marijuán, Carlos On graph combinatorics to improve eigenvector-based measures of centrality in directed networks Linear Algebra Appl. 504 325--353 (2016) |
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Johnson, Charles R. and Marijuán, Carlos and Pisonero, Miriam and Yeh, Michael Exponential polynomial inequalities and monomial sum inequalities in p-Newton sequences Czechoslovak Math. J. 66 793--819 (2016) |
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Josa-Fombellida, Ricardo and Rincón-Zapatero, Juan Pablo Euler-Lagrange equations of stochastic differential games: application to a game of a productive asset Econom. Theory 59 61--108 (2015) |
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Cano, B. and González-Pachón, A. Exponential time integration of solitary waves of cubic Schrödinger equation Appl. Numer. Math. 91 26--45 (2015) |
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Cano, Begoña and González-Pachón, Adolfo Projected explicit Lawson methods for the integration of Schrödinger equation Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 31 78--104 (2015) |
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Gutiérrez, César and Huerga, Lidia and Novo, Vicente and Thibault, Lionel Chain rules for a proper epsilon-subdifferential of vector mappings J. Optim. Theory Appl. 167 502--526 (2015) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. and Ruiz-Garzón, G. Efficiency through variational-like inequalities with Lipschitz functions Appl. Math. Comput. 259 438--449 (2015) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Miglierina, E. and Molho, E. Scalarization in set optimization with solid and nonsolid ordering cones J. Global Optim. 61 525--552 (2015) |
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Llamazares, Bonifacio A study of SUOWA operators in two dimensions Math. Probl. Eng. 2015 Art. ID 271491, 12 (2015) |
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Llamazares, Bonifacio and Peña, Teresa Scoring rules and social choice properties: some characterizations Theory Decis. 78 429-450 (2015) |
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García-Lapresta, J.L., Pérez-Román, D. Ordinal proximity measures in the context of unbalanced qualitative scales and some applications to consensus and clustering Applied Soft Computing 35 864-872 (2015) |
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Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego New quantum codes from evaluation and matrix-product codes Finite Fields Appl. 36 98--120 (2015) |
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Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Stabilizer quantum codes from $J$-affine variety codes and a new Steane-like enlargement Quantum Inf. Process. 14 3211--3231 (2015) |
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Galindo, Carlos and Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Stabilizer quantum codes from $J$-affine variety codes and a new Steane-like enlargement Quantum Inf. Process. 14 3211--3231 (2015) |
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Bialecki, B. and Fairweather, G. and López-Marcos, J. C. The extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for a quasilinear parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary conditions J. Sci. Comput. 62 265--283 (2015) |
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Calzada, Juan A. and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Continuous separation for monotone skew-product semiflows: from theoretical to numerical results Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 20 915--944 (2015) |
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Eduardo Custa Montero, Carmen Quintano Pastor Linear fractional-based filter as a pre-classifier to map burned areas in Mediterranean countries International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 3293-3316 (2015) |
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Ana Perez; Mercedes Prieto Measuring dependence between dimensions of poverty in Spain: An approach based on copulas Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society For Fuzzy Logic and Technology 89 734-741 (2015) |
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Chartier, P. and Murua, A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Higher-order averaging, formal series and numerical integration {III}: error bounds Found. Comput. Math. 15 591--612 (2015) |
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Campos, Cédric M. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Extra chance generalized hybrid Monte Carlo J. Comput. Phys. 281 365--374 (2015) |
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Llamazares, B, Peña, T. Positional voting systems generated by cumulative standings functions Group Decision and Negotiation 24 777-801 (2015) |
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Duque-Perez; O; Garcia-Escudero, L.A.; Moriñigo-Sotelo, D.; Gardel, P.E.y Perez-Alonso, M. Analysis of Fault Signatures for the Diagnosis of Induction Motors fed by Voltage Source Inverters using ANOVA and Additive Models Electric Power Systems Research 121 (2015) |
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Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Sigué, Simon-Pierre Trade deals and/or on-package coupons European J. Oper. Res. 241 541--554 (2015) |
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Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Taboubi, Sihem Price coordination in distribution channels: a dynamic perspective European J. Oper. Res. 240 401--414 (2015) |
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Sandra Barragán, Cristina Rueda, Miguel A. Fernández, Shyamal Peddada Determination of temporal order among the components of an oscillatory system PLOS ONE 10 1-14 (2015) |
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David Conde, Miguel A. Fernández, Bonifacio Salvador, Cristina Rueda dawai: An R Package for Discriminant Analysis With Additional Information Journal of Statistical Software 66 1-19 (2015) |
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Gadella, M. and Giacomini, H. and Lara, L. P. Periodic analytic approximate solutions for the Mathieu equation Appl. Math. Comput. 271 436--445 (2015) |
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Alejandro Bachiller, Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, Vicente Molina, Vanessa Suazo, Roberto Hornero A comparative study of event-related coupling patterns during an auditory oddball task in schizophrenia Journal of Neural Engineering 12 (2015) |
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Gadella, M. A discussion on the properties of Gamow states Found. Phys. 45 177--197 (2015) |
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Daniel Álvarez, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Félix del Campo, Roberto Hornero Positive airway pressure and electrical stimulation methods for obstructive sleep apnea treatment: a patent review (2005-2014) Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Patents 9 971-989 (2015) |
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de Frutos, Javier and Martín-Herrán, Guiomar Does flexibility facilitate sustainability of cooperation over time? A case study from environmental economics J. Optim. Theory Appl. 165 657--677 (2015) |
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Luis F. Nicolás-Alonso, Rebeca Corralejo, Javier Gómez-Pilar, Daniel Alvarez, Roberto Hornero Adaptive Stacked Generalization for Multiclass Motor Imagery-based Brain Computer Interfaces IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 23 702-712, (2015) |
2015 |
Alejandro Bachiller, Sergio Romero, Vicente Molina, Joan F. Alonso, Miguel A. Mañanas, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero Auditory P3a and P3b neural generators in schizophrenia: An adaptive sLORETA P300 localization approach Schizophrenia Research 169 318-325 (2015) |
2015 |
Alejandro Bachiller, Alba Lubeiro, Álvaro Díez, Vanessa Suazo, Cristina Domínguez, José A. Blanco, Marta Ayuso, Roberto Hornero, Jesús Poza, Vicente Molina Decreased entropy modulation of EEG response to novelty and relevance in schizophrenia during a P300 task European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 265 525-535 (2015) |
2015 |
Luis F. Nicolás-Alonso, Rebeca Corralejo, Javier Gómez-Pilar, Daniel Alvarez, Roberto Hornero Adaptive semi-supervised classification to reduce intersession non-stationarity in multiclass motor imagery-based brain computer interfaces Neurocomputing 159 186-196 (2015) |
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Javier Gomez-Pilar, Jesús Poza, Alejandro Bachiller, Carlos Gómez, Vicente Molina, Roberto Hornero Neural Network Reorganization Analysis during an Auditory Oddball Task in Schizophrenia using Wavelet Entropy Entropy 17 5241-5256 (2015) |
2015 |
Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Daniel Álvarez, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Félix del Campo, Roberto Hornero Assessment of Time and Frequency Domain Entropies to Detect Sleep Apnoea in Heart Rate Variability Recordings from Men and Women Entropy 17 123-141 (2015) |
2015 |
Jesús Monge, Carlos Gómez, Jesús Poza, Alberto Fernández, Javier Quintero, Roberto Hornero MEG analysis of neural dynamics in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder with Fuzzy Entropy Medical Engineering & Physics 37 416–423 (2015) |
2015 |
Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, M. Luz Alonso-Álvarez, Daniel Álvarez, Félix del Campo, Joaquín Terán-Santos, Roberto Hornero Diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea: preliminary findings using automatic analysis of airflow and oximetry recordings obtained at patients' home Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 18 401-407 (2015) |
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Agulló-Antolín, Marina and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Lescornel, Héléne and Loubes, Jean-Michel A parametric registration model for warped distributions with Wasserstein's distance J. Multivariate Anal. 135 117--130 (2015) |
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Ming-Chien Chyu, Tony Austin, Fethi Calisir, Samuel Chanjaplammootil, Mark J. Davis, BSIE, Jesus Favela, Heng Gan, Amit Gefen, Ram Haddas, Shoshana Hahn-Goldberg, Roberto Hornero, Yu-Li Huang, Øystein Jensen, Zhongwei Jiang, J.S. Katsanis, Jeong-A Lee, Gl Healthcare Engineering Defined: A White Paper Journal of Healthcare Engineering 6 635–648 (2015) |
2015 |
Alba Lubeiro, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Oscar Martín, Aitor Palomino, Myriam Fernández, Ana González Pinto, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero, Vicente Molina Variation at NRG1 genotype related to modulation of small-world properties of the functional cortical network European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 0 (2015) |
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Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and María Pilar Martínez-García Non-Constant Discounting and Ak-type Growth Models Economics Letters 131 54-58 (2015) |
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Ordonez, JL ; Amaral, AT ; Carcaboso, AM ; Herrero-Martin, D ; Garcia-Macias, MDC ; Sevillano, V ; Alonso, D ; Pascual-Pasto, G ; San-Segundo, L ; Vila-Ubach, M ; Rodrigues, T ; Fraile, S ; Teodosio, C ; Mayo-Iscar, A ; Aracil, M ; Galmarini, CM The PARP inhibitor olaparib enhances the sensitivity of Ewing sarcoma to trabectedin ONCOTARGET 6 18875-18890 (2015) |
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García-Escudero, L. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Mayo-Iscar, A. Comments on: Multivariate functional outlier detection [ {MR}3376852] Stat. Methods Appl. 24 233--235 (2015) |
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Pablo Andrés-Domenech, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and Georges Zaccour Cooperation for Sustainable Forest Management. An Empirical Differential Game Approach Ecological Economics 117 118-128 (2015) |
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García-Escudero, L. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Matrán, C. and Mayo-Iscar, A. Avoiding spurious local maximizers in mixture modeling Stat. Comput. 25 619--633 (2015) |
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Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Gusein-Zade, S. M. On Poincaré series of filtrations Azerb. J. Math. 5 125--139 (2015) |
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Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Gusein-Zade, S. M. An equivariant Poincaré series of filtrations and monodromy zeta functions Rev. Mat. Complut. 28 449--467 (2015) |
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Borges-Quintana, M. and Borges-Trenard, M. A. and Márquez-Corbella, I. and Martínez-Moro, E. Computing coset leaders and leader codewords of binary codes J. Algebra Appl. 14 1550128, 19 (2015) |
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Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Szabo, Steve and Yildiz, Bahattin Linear codes over $rac{Bbb Z_4[x]}{langle x^2+2x
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Fernández, J. J. and Izquierdo, J. M. and del Olmo, M. A. Contractions from $osp(1|32) \oplus osp(1|32)$ to the M-theory superalgebra extended by additional fermionic generators Nuclear Phys. B 897 87--97 (2015) |
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Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Özadam, Hakan and Özbudak, Ferruh and Szabo, Steve On a class of repeated-root monomial-like abelian codes J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Struct. Appl. 2 75--84 (2015) |
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Didier Clamond; Denys Dutykh; Angel Duran. A plethora of generalised solitary gravity-capillary water waves Journal of Fluid Mechanics 784 664-680 (2015) |
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Rodriguez-Lizundia, Eduardo and Marcos, Samuel and Zalama, Edeuardo and Gomez-Garcia-Bermejo, Jaime and Gordaliza, Alfonso A bellboy robot: Study of the effects of robot behaviour on user engagement and comfort International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 82 83--95 (2015) |
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Kotsireas, I. and Martínez-Moro, Edgar Foreword: computer algebra in coding theory and cryptography Des. Codes Cryptogr. 76 1--2 (2015) |
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Didier Clamond; Denys Dutykh; Angel Duran. A plethora of generalised solitary gravity-capillary water waves Journal of Fluid Mechanics 784 664-680 (2015) |
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García-Lapresta, José Luis and Marques Pereira, Ricardo Alberto The dual decomposition of aggregation functions and its application in welfare economics Fuzzy Sets and Systems 281 188--197 (2015) |
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Llamazares, Bonifacio Constructing Choquet integral-based operators that generalize weighted means and OWA operators Inform. Fusion 23 131-138 (2015) |
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Lastra, Alberto and Malek, Stéphane and Sanz, Javier Summability in general Carleman ultraholomorphic classes J. Math. Anal. Appl. 430 1175--1206 (2015) |
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Diez-Hermano, S., Valero, J. Rueda, C., Ganfornina, M.D and Sanchez, D. An automated image analysis method to measure regularity in biological patterns: A case study in a Drosophila neurodegenerative model. Molecular neurodegeneration, 10 1-10 (2015) |
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González, Cesáreo and Thalhammer, Mechthild Higher-order exponential integrators for quasi-linear parabolic problems. Part I: Stability SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 53 701--719 (2015) |
2015 |
Glasser, M. L.; Nieto, L. M. The energy level structure of a variety of one-dimensional confining potentials and the effects of a local singular perturbation Can. J. Phys. 93 1588-1596 (2015) |
2015 |
Gordaliza, Alfonso Christmas Lottery: an excuse to talk about statistics and education Bol. Estad. Investig. Oper. 30 325--339 (2014) |
2014 |
Abia, L. M. and Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Numerical integration of a hierarchically size-structured population model with contest competition J. Comput. Appl. Math. 258 116--134 (2014) |
2014 |
Di Cagno, Daniela and Neugebauer, Tibor and Rodriguez-Palmero, Carlos and Sadrieh, Abdolkarim Recall searching with and without recall Theory and Decision 77 297--311 (2014) |
2014 |
Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Proper approximate solutions and epsilon-subdifferentials in vector optimization: Moreau-Rockafellar type theorems J. Convex Anal. 21 857--886 (2014) |
2014 |
Gutiérrez, César and López, Rubén and Novo, Vicente Existence and boundedness of solutions in infinite-dimensional vector optimization problems J. Optim. Theory Appl. 162 515--547 (2014) |
2014 |
Carrillo, S. A. and Sanz, F. Briot-Bouquet's theorem in high dimension Publ. Mat. 58 135--152 (2014) |
2014 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Portillo, A. M. A proof of the well posedness of discretized wave equation with an absorbing boundary condition J. Numer. Math. 22 271--287 (2014) |
2014 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Portillo, A. M. High order full discretizations of coupled wave equations with absorbing boundary conditions and geometric integration J. Comput. Phys. 265 16--33 (2014) |
2014 |
Delgado, F. and Maugendre, H. On the topology of the image by a morphism of plane curve singularities Rev. Mat. Complut. 27 369--384 (2014) |
2014 |
Álvarez, J. and Durán, A. Petviashvili type methods for traveling wave computations: I. Analysis of convergence J. Comput. Appl. Math. 266 39--51 (2014) |
2014 |
Cossart, Vincent and Piltant, Olivier and Reguera, Ana J. Invariants of the graded algebras associated to divisorial valuations dominating a rational surface singularity 0 148--166 (2014) |
2014 |
Álvarez, J. and Durán, A. An extended Petviashvili method for the numerical generation of traveling and localized waves Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 19 2272--2283 (2014) |
2014 |
Fernández-Sánchez, Percy and Mozo-Fernández, Jorge and Neciosup, Hernán On codimension one foliations with prescribed cuspidal separatrix J. Differential Equations 256 1702--1717 (2014) |
2014 |
de Azcárraga, J. A. and Izquierdo, J. M. Minimal =4$ supergravity from the superMaxwell algebra Nuclear Phys. B 885 34--45 (2014) |
2014 |
Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Analysis of an efficient integrator for a size-structured population model with a dynamical resource Comput. Math. Appl. 68 941--961 (2014) |
2014 |
Adimy, Mostafa and Angulo, Oscar and Marquet, Catherine and Sebaa, Leila A mathematical model of multistage hematopoietic cell lineages Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 19 1--26 (2014) |
2014 |
Angulo, Oscar and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Numerical analysis of a size-structured population model with a dynamical resource BIOMATH 3 1403241, 11 (2014) |
2014 |
Adimy, M. and Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Asymptotic behaviour of a mathematical model of hematopoietic stem cell dynamics Int. J. Comput. Math. 91 198--208 (2014) |
2014 |
Pando, V. and San-José, L. A. and García-Laguna, J. and Sicilia, J. Some general properties for the newsboy problem with an extraordinary order TOP 22 674--693 (2014) |
2014 |
Pando, Valentín and San-José, Luis A. and García-Laguna, Juan and Sicilia, Joaquín A newsvendor inventory model with an emergency order to supply a non-increasing fraction of shortage Appl. Math. Comput. 237 560--570 (2014) |
2014 |
Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Uniform weak disconjugacy and principal solutions for linear Hamiltonian systems Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 94 131--159 (2014) |
2014 |
Novo, Sylvia and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Skew-product semiflows for non-autonomous partial functional differential equations with delay Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 4291--4321 (2014) |
2014 |
Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen The Kalman-Bucy filter revisited Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 4139--4153 (2014) |
2014 |
Erdamar, B., García-Lapresta, J.L., Pérez-Román, D., Sanver, M.R. Measuring consensus in a preference-approval context Information Fusion 17 14-21 (2014) |
2014 |
Geil, Olav and Martin, Stefano and Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego and Luo, Yuan Relative generalized Hamming weights of one-point algebraic geometric codes IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 5938--5949 (2014) |
2014 |
Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Pellikaan, Ruud and Ruano, Diego Computational aspects of retrieving a representation of an algebraic geometry code J. Symbolic Comput. 64 67--87 (2014) |
2014 |
Barbero, A.I., Rosnes, E., Yang, G. and Ytrehus, Ø. Near-Field passive RFID communication: Channel model and code design. IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 1716-1727 (2014) |
2014 |
Delgado, Manuel and Farrán, José I. and García-Sánchez, Pedro A. and Llena, David On the weight hierarchy of codes coming from semigroups with two generators IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 282--295 (2014) |
2014 |
Blanes, Sergio and Casas, Fernando and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Numerical integrators for the hybrid Monte Carlo method SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36 A1556--A1580 (2014) |
2014 |
Cabo, F. and Martín-Herrán, G. and Martínez-García, M. P. Property rights for natural resources and sustainable growth in a two-country trade model Decis. Econ. Finance 37 99--123 (2014) |
2014 |
Burrage, Kevin and Sanz-Serna, Chus and Jackiewicz, Zdzislaw Preface [Special issue for John Butcher in celebration of his 80th birthday: {ANODE} 2013] Numer. Algorithms 65 375--376 (2014) |
2014 |
C. Gutiérrez and L. Huerga Approximate solutions of multiobjective optimization problems Boletin de Estadística e Investigación Operativa 30 30--48 (2014) |
2014 |
Aguiló, Francesc and Marijuán, Carlos Classification of numerical 3-semigroups by means of L-shapes Semigroup Forum 88 670--688 (2014) |
2014 |
San-José, L.A., Sicilia, J., García-Laguna, J. Optimal lot size for a production-inventory system with partial backlogging and mixture of dispatching policies INT J PROD ECON 155 194-203 (2014) |
2014 |
Gadella, M. and García-Ferrero, M. A. and González-Martín, S. and Maldonado-Villamizar, F. H. The infinite square well with a point interaction: a discussion on the different parameterizations Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 53 1614--1627 (2014) |
2014 |
Dobry, A. and Fojón, O. and Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. Some numerical estimations of energy levels on a model for a graphene ribbon in a magnetic field Appl. Math. Comput. 235 8--16 (2014) |
2014 |
Civitarese, O. and Gadella, M. On the entropy for unstable fermionic and bosonic states Phys. A 404 302--314 (2014) |
2014 |
Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Sigué, Simon Pierre and Zaccour, Georges Downstream horizontal integration and multiunit dealership Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 21 81--101 (2014) |
2014 |
Barbero, A.I., and Ytrehus. Ø Information exchange for routing protocols. Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 2014 0 (2014) |
2014 |
de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and John, Volker and Novo, Julia An adaptive {SUPG} method for evolutionary convection-diffusion equations Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 273 219--237 (2014) |
2014 |
Granja, Ángel and Martínez, Ma. Carmen and Rodríguez, Cristina Real valuations on skew polynomial rings Algebr. Represent. Theory 17 1413--1436 (2014) |
2014 |
Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, María García, Rebeca Corralejo, Alberto Fernández, Roberto Hornero Analysis of neural dynamics in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease using the wavelet turbulence Journal of Neural Engineering 11 (2014) |
2014 |
Carlos Gómez, Joseph Troy Lizier, Michael Schaum, Patricia Wollstadt, Christine Grützner, Peter Uhlhaas, Christine M. Freitag, Sabine Schlitt, Sven Bölte, Roberto Hornero, Michael Wibral Reduced predictable information in brain signals in Autism Spectrum Disorder Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 8 9 (2014) |
2014 |
Alejandro Bachiller, Alvaro Díez, Vanessa Suazo, Cristina Domínguez, Marta Ayuso, Roberto Hornero, Jesús Poza, Vicente Molina Decreased spectral entropy modulation in patients with schizophrenia during a P300 task European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 264 533-543 (2014) |
2014 |
García-Escudero, L. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Mayo-Iscar, A. A constrained robust proposal for mixture modeling avoiding spurious solutions Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 8 27--43 (2014) |
2014 |
Rebeca Corralejo, Luis F. Nicolás-Alonso, Daniel Álvarez, Roberto Hornero A P300-based brain–computer interface aimed at operating electronic devices at home for severely disabled people Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 52 861-872 (2014) |
2014 |
Márquez-Corbella, I. and Martínez-Moro, E. and Suárez-Canedo, E. On the composition of secret sharing schemes related to codes Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 6 1450013, 8 (2014) |
2014 |
Martínez-Moro, E. and Nicolás, A. P. and Rúa, I. F. On additive modular bivariate codes over F_4 Finite Fields Appl. 28 199--213 (2014) |
2014 |
Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Pellikaan, Ruud and Ruano, Diego Computational aspects of retrieving a representation of an algebraic geometry code J. Symbolic Comput. 64 67--87 (2014) |
2014 |
Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Pellikaan, Ruud On the unique representation of very strong algebraic geometry codes Des. Codes Cryptogr. 70 215--230 (2014) |
2014 |
Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Gusein-Zade, S. M. Hilbert function, generalized Poincaré series and topology of plane valuations Monatsh. Math. 174 403--412 (2014) |
2014 |
Campillo, Antonio and Delgado, Félix and Gusein-Zade, Sabir M. Equivariant Poincaré series of filtrations and topology Ark. Mat. 52 43--59 (2014) |
2014 |
Falcó, Edurne and García-Lapresta, José Luis and Roselló, Lloren{c{c}} Allowing agents to be imprecise: a proposal using multiple linguistic terms Inform. Sci. 258 249--265 (2014) |
2014 |
Sanz, Javier Flat functions in Carleman ultraholomorphic classes via proximate orders J. Math. Anal. Appl. 415 623--643 (2014) |
2014 |
Llamazares, Bonifacio An application of binomial coefficients to Social Choice Theory Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 90 109-117 (2014) |
2014 |
Gimenez, Philippe and Srinivasan, Hema A note on Gorenstein monomial curves Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 45 671--678 (2014) |
2014 |
Fernández-Ramos, Oscar and Gimenez, Philippe Regularity 3 in edge ideals associated to bipartite graphs J. Algebraic Combin. 39 919--937 (2014) |
2014 |
Francisco Cabo; Katrin Erdlenbruch; Mabel Tidball Dynamic management of water transfer between two interconnected river basins Resource and Energy Economics 0 17-38 (2014) |
2014 |
Francisco Cabo; Guiomar Martín-Herrán; Maria Pilar Martínez García Can Sustained Growth be Attained through Trading Exhaustible Resources for Foreign Research? The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 23 267-298 (2014) |
2014 |
Francisco Cabo; Ana García-González The endogenous determination of retirement age and Social Security benefits Macroeconomic Dynamics 18 93-113 (2014) |
2014 |
Alonso-González, C. and Cano, F. and Rosas, R. Infinitesimal Poincaré-Bendixson problem in dimension 3 Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 0 5994--6019 (2014) |
2014 |
Cano, F and Roche, C. and Spivakovsky, M. Reduction of singularities of three-dimensional line foliations Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 108 221--258 (2014) |
2014 |
Glasser, M. L.; March, N. H.; Nieto, L. M. Ground-state energy of an s-state model of the inhomogeneous electron liquid in relation to an exactly solvable model of He with additional radial correlation PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 52 571-575 (2014) |
2014 |
Furtado, Susana and Johnson, C. R. and Marijuán, C. and Pisonero, M. Submatrix monotonicity of the Perron root, II Linear Algebra Appl. 458 679--688 (2014) |
2014 |
Beites, P. D. and Nicolás, A. P. The equation ax=xb in certain standard composition algebras of type II Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 0 89--96 (2014) |
2014 |
Gómez-Pérez, Domingo and Nicolás, Alejandro P. and Ostafe, Alina and Sadornil, Daniel Stable polynomials over finite fields Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 30 523--535 (2014) |
2014 |
M. Gadella, L.P. Lara On the solutions of a nonlinear `pseudo'-oscillator equation Physica scripta 89 105205+4 (2014) |
2014 |
Gordaliza, Alfonso The time of statisticians has finally come Bol. Estad. Investig. Oper. 29 229--245 (2013) |
2013 |
Cano, B. Conservation of invariants by symmetric multistep cosine methods for second-order partial differential equations BIT 53 29--56 (2013) |
2013 |
Angulo, José Miguel and Ugarte, María Dolores and Gordaliza, Alfonso LOMCE: An opportunity to strengthen the presence of statistics in secondary and high school education Bol. Estad. Investig. Oper. 29 141--148 (2013) |
2013 |
Cano, B. and Moreta, M. J. High-order symmetric multistep cosine methods Appl. Numer. Math. 66 30--44 (2013) |
2013 |
Vela, Carmen and Gordaliza, Alfonso Spanish advancement of mathematics in interdisciplinarity and internationalization Bol. Estad. Investig. Oper. 29 78--89 (2013) |
2013 |
H. Ben-Ameur and J. de Frutos and T. Fakhfakh and V. Diaby Upper and Lower Bounds for Convex Value Functions of Derivative Contracts Economic Modelling 34 (2013) |
2013 |
Calvo, M. P. and Rodrigo, I. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. A simplified variable metric hybrid Monte Carlo method AIP Conference Proceedings 0 14-17 (2013) |
2013 |
Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Proper approximate solutions and epsilon-subdifferentials in vector optimization: basic properties and limit behaviour Nonlinear Anal. 79 52--67 (2013) |
2013 |
Glasser, M. L. and March, N. H. and Nieto, L. M. Weak harmonic confinement of the quintet solution of a Moshinsky atom with 4 electrons J. Math. Chem. 51 1515--1520 (2013) |
2013 |
Grandjean, Vincent and Sanz, Fernando On restricted analytic gradients on analytic isolated surface singularities J. Differential Equations 255 1684--1708 (2013) |
2013 |
Le Gal, O. and Sanz, F. and Speissegger, P. Non-interlaced solutions of 2-dimensional systems of linear ordinary differential equations Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 2429--2438 (2013) |
2013 |
Ayuso, P. Fortuny Derivations and valuation rings Canad. Math. Bull. 56 31--38 (2013) |
2013 |
Rueda, Cristina Degrees of freedom and model selection in semiparametric additive monotone regression J. Multivariate Anal. 117 88--99 (2013) |
2013 |
Honda, Naofumi and Prelli, Luca Multi-specialization and multi-asymptotic expansions Adv. Math. 232 432--498 (2013) |
2013 |
Rueda, Oscar M. and Rueda, Cristina and Diaz-Uriarte, Ramon A Bayesian {HMM} with random effects and an unknown number of states for {DNA} copy number analysis J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 83 82--96 (2013) |
2013 |
Ward, J. R. Periodic solutions of first order systems Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 33 381--389 (2013) |
2013 |
Álvarez-Esteban, P. C. and del Barrio, E. and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. Searching for a common pooling pattern among several samples Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 67 1--14 (2013) |
2013 |
Llamazares, Bonifacio On the structure of voting systems between two alternatives Rev. Econ. Des. 17 239-248 (2013) |
2013 |
Gómez-Valle, L. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. Advances in pricing commodity futures: multifactor models Math. Comput. Modelling 57 1722--1731 (2013) |
2013 |
Llamazares, Bonifacio and Peña, Teresa Aggregating preferences rankings with variable weights European J. Oper. Res. 230 348-355 (2013) |
2013 |
de Azcárraga, J. A. and Izquierdo, J. M. $-Leibniz algebras from lower order ones: from Lie triple to Lie $ll$-ple systems J. Math. Phys. 54 093510, 14 (2013) |
2013 |
de Azcárraga, J. A. and Izquierdo, J. M. and Lukierski, J. and Woronowicz, M. Generalizations of Maxwell (super)algebras by the expansion method Nuclear Phys. B 869 303--314 (2013) |
2013 |
Duran, Angel and Dutykh, Denys and Mitsotakis, Dimitrios On the Galilean invariance of some nonlinear dispersive wave equations Stud. Appl. Math. 131 359--388 (2013) |
2013 |
Angulo, Oscar and Milner, Fabio and Sega, Laurentiu A {SIR} epidemic model structured by immunological variables J. Biol. Systems 21 1340013, 21 (2013) |
2013 |
Angulo, Óscar and Bravo de la Parra, Rafael and López-Marcos, Juan C. and Zavala, Miguel A. Stand dynamics and tree coexistence in an analytical structured model: the role of recruitment J. Theoret. Biol. 333 91--101 (2013) |
2013 |
Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. A semi-Lagrangian method for a cell population model in a dynamical environment Math. Comput. Modelling 57 1860--1866 (2013) |
2013 |
Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. and Martínez-Rodríguez, J. Numerical analysis of a population model of marine invertebrates with different life stages Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 18 2153--2163 (2013) |
2013 |
Munuera, C. and Sepúlveda, A. and Torres, F. Generalized Hermitian codes Des. Codes Cryptogr. 69 123--130 (2013) |
2013 |
Olaya-León, Wilson and Munuera, Carlos On the minimum distance of Castle codes Finite Fields Appl. 20 55--63 (2013) |
2013 |
Fabbri, Roberta and Johnson, Russell and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen On linear-quadratic dissipative control processes with time-varying coefficients Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 33 193--210 (2013) |
2013 |
Bivià-Ausina, Carles and Encinas, Santiago Lojasiewicz exponent of families of ideals, Rees mixed multiplicities and Newton filtrations Rev. Mat. Complut. 26 773--798 (2013) |
2013 |
Johnson, Russell and Núñez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael Dynamical methods for linear Hamiltonian systems with applications to control processes J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 679--713 (2013) |
2013 |
Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael Non-autonomous functional differential equations and applications 2065 185--263 (2013) |
2013 |
Gadella, M. and Gómez-Cubillo, F. and Rodriguez, L. and Wickramasekara, S. Point-form dynamics of quasistable states J. Math. Phys. 54 072303, 41 (2013) |
2013 |
Bialecki, B. and Fairweather, G. and López-Marcos, J. C. The Crank-Nicolson Hermite cubic orthogonal spline collocation method for the heat equation with nonlocal boundary conditions Adv. Appl. Math. Mech. 5 442--460 (2013) |
2013 |
Hernando, Fernando and O'Sullivan, Michael and Ruano, Diego List decoding of repeated codes Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput. 24 237--253 (2013) |
2013 |
Geil, Olav and Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego Feng-Rao decoding of primary codes Finite Fields Appl. 23 35--52 (2013) |
2013 |
Matsumoto, Ryutaroh and Ruano, Diego and Geil, Olav Generalization of the Lee-O'Sullivan list decoding for one-point AG codes J. Symbolic Comput. 55 1--9 (2013) |
2013 |
Delgado, M. and Farrán, J. I. and García-Sánchez, P. A. and Llena, D. On the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups generated by intervals Math. Comp. 82 1813--1836 (2013) |
2013 |
Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Topological dynamics for monotone skew-product semiflows with applications J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 1201--1231 (2013) |
2013 |
Hernando, Fernando and Ruano, Diego Decoding of matrix-product codes J. Algebra Appl. 12 1250185, 15 (2013) |
2013 |
Beelen, Peter and Ruano, Diego Bounding the number of points on a curve using a generalization of Weierstrass semigroups Des. Codes Cryptogr. 66 221--230 (2013) |
2013 |
Novo, Sylvia and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Uniform persistence and upper Lyapunov exponents for monotone skew-product semiflows Nonlinearity 26 2409--2440 (2013) |
2013 |
Farrán, J. I. and Munuera, C. and Tizziotti, G. and Torres, F. Gröbner basis for norm-trace codes J. Symbolic Comput. 48 54--63 (2013) |
2013 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Janssen, Arnold and Pauly, Markus The $m(n)$ out of $k(n)$ bootstrap for partial sums of St. Petersburg type games Electron. Commun. Probab. 18 no. 91, 10 (2013) |
2013 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Matrán, Carlos The empirical cost of optimal incomplete transportation Ann. Probab. 41 3140--3156 (2013) |
2013 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Matrán, Carlos Rates of convergence for partial mass problems Probab. Theory Related Fields 155 521--542 (2013) |
2013 |
Beskos, Alexandros and Pillai, Natesh and Roberts, Gareth and Sanz-Serna, Jesus-Maria and Stuart, Andrew Optimal tuning of the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm Bernoulli 19 1501--1534 (2013) |
2013 |
Conde, David and Salvador, Bonifacio and Rueda, Cristina and Fernández, Miguel A. Performance and estimation of the true error rate of classification rules built with additional information. An application to a cancer trial Stat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 12 583--602 (2013) |
2013 |
Pando, V., San-José, L.A., García-Laguna, J., Sicilia, J. A newsboy problem with an emergency order under a general backorder rate function OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S 41 1020-1028 (2013) |
2013 |
Pando, V., San-José, L.A., García-Laguna, J., Sicilia, J. An economic lot-size model with non-linear holding cost hinging on time and quantity INT J PROD ECON 145 294-303 (2013) |
2013 |
Santander, Mariano A perspective on the magic square and the ``special unitary'' realization of real simple Lie algebras Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 10 1360002, 43 (2013) |
2013 |
Gadella, M. and Negro, J. and Pronko, G. P. and Santander, M. Spectrum generating algebra for the continuous spectrum of a free particle in Lobachevski space J. Math. Phys. 54 023510, 15 (2013) |
2013 |
J.-P. Rolin, R. Martín, F. Sanz Local Monomialization of Generalized Analytic Functions RACSAM, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. 107 189-211 (2013) |
2013 |
Isaías Alonso Mallo, Nuria Reguera A self-adjusting algorithm for solitary wave simulations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS 90 2174-2184 (2013) |
2013 |
Civitarese, O. and Gadella, M. On the concept of entropy for quantum decaying systems Found. Phys. 43 1275--1294 (2013) |
2013 |
Alvarez, J. J. and Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. and Maldonado-Villamizar, F. H. Unstable quantum oscillator with point interactions: maverick resonances, antibound states and other surprises Phys. Lett. A 377 2510--2519 (2013) |
2013 |
Fernández, M.A.; Zorita, A.L.; García-Escudero, L.A.; Duque, O.; Moríñigo, D.; Riesco, M. and Muñoz, M. Cost optimization of electrical contracted capacity for large customers International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 46 123-131 (2013) |
2013 |
Ishii, Shihoko and Reguera, Ana J. Singularities with the highest Mather minimal log discrepancy Math. Z. 275 1255--1274 (2013) |
2013 |
Lejeune-Jalabert, Monique and Mourtada, Hussein and Reguera, Ana Jet schemes and minimal embedded desingularization of plane branches Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 107 145--157 (2013) |
2013 |
Civitarese, Osvaldo and Gadella, Manuel An approximation to the entropy for quantum decaying states Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 10 1360009, 8 (2013) |
2013 |
Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. A numerical method for solving {ODE} by rational approximation Appl. Math. Sci. (Ruse) 7 1119--1130 (2013) |
2013 |
Sandra Barragán, Miguel A. Fernández, Cristina Rueda, Shyamal Peddada isocir: An R package for Isotonic Inference for Circular data. An application in Cell Biology Journal of Statistical Software 54 1-17 (2013) |
2013 |
García-Escudero, L. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Mayo-Iscar, A. Comments on: model-based clustering and classification with non-normal mixture distributions [MR3127088] Stat. Methods Appl. 22 459--461 (2013) |
2013 |
Obaya, Rafael; Villarragut, Víctor M. Direct exponential ordering for neutral compartmental systems with non-autonomous D-operator. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B (2013), no. 1, 185–207. 18 185-207 (2013) |
2013 |
Daniel Alvarez, Roberto Hornero, J. Víctor Marcos, Niels Wessel, Thomas Penzel and Félix del Campo Assessment of feature selection and classification approaches to enhance information from overnight oximetry in the context of sleep apnea diagnosis International Journal of Neural Systems 23 1-18 (2013) |
2013 |
Fritz, Heinrich and García-Escudero, Luis A. and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín Robust constrained fuzzy clustering Inform. Sci. 245 38--52 (2013) |
2013 |
Carlos Gómez, Jose M. Pérez-Macías, Jesús Poza, Alberto Fernández, Roberto Hornero. Spectral changes in spontaneous MEG activity across the life span Journal of Neural Engineering 10 (2013) |
2013 |
Ruwet, C. and García-Escudero, L. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Mayo-Iscar, A. On the breakdown behavior of the TCLUST clustering procedure TEST 22 466--487 (2013) |
2013 |
Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, María T. Gutiérrez, Nuria Mendoza, Roberto Hornero Effects of a multi-sensory environment on brain-injured patients: assessment of spectral patterns Medical Engineering & Physics 35 368-375 (2013) |
2013 |
Fritz, Heinrich and García-Escudero, Luis A. and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín A fast algorithm for robust constrained clustering Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 61 124--136 (2013) |
2013 |
Javier Escudero, Emmanuel Ifeachor, Alberto Fernández, Juan J. López-Ibor, Roberto Hornero Changes in the MEG background activity in patients with positive symptoms of schizophrenia: spectral analysis and impact of age Physiological Measurement 34 265-279 (2013) |
2013 |
Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Daniel Álvarez, J. Víctor Marcos, Félix del Campo, Roberto Hornero Pattern recognition in airflow recordings to assist in the sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome diagnosis Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 51 1367-1380 (2013) |
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María García, Jesús Poza, David Santamarta, Daniel Abásolo, Patricia Barrio, Roberto Hornero Spectral analysis of intracranial pressure signals recorded during infusion studies in patients with hydrocephalus Medical Engineering & Physics 35 1490-1498 (2013) |
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Coco-Martin, MB ; Cuadrado-Asensio, R ; Lopez-Miguel, A ; Mayo-Iscar, A ; Maldonado, MJ ; Pastor, JC Design and Evaluation of a Customized Reading Rehabilitation Program for Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration OPHTHALMOLOGY 120 151-159 (2013) |
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Mario Martínez-Zarzuela, Carlos Gómez, Francisco Javier Díaz-Pernas, Alberto Fernández, Roberto Hornero Cross-approximate entropy parallel computation on GPUs for biomedical signal analysis. Application to MEG recordings Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 112 189-199 (2013) |
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Bouyukliev, Iliya and Bulygin, Stanislav and Martínez-Moro, Edgar Foreword: computer algebra in coding theory and cryptography Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput. 24 157--158 (2013) |
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Alberto Fernández, Carlos Gómez, Roberto Hornero, Juan José López-Ibor Complexity and Schizophrenia Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 45 267-276 (2013) |
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J. José Fernández-Valdivia; Alberto Lastra; Sergio Chueca; Javier Sanz; José Manuel Rodríguez-Ramos Tip-tilt restoration of a segmented optical mirror using a geometric sensor Optical Engineering 52 056601 (2013) |
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J.J. Alvarez, M. Gadella, L.M. Nieto Dirac comb with a periodic mass jump Revista Mexicana de Física 59 606-612 (2013) |
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Michèle Breton and Javier de Frutos Approximation of Dynamic Programs Handbook of Computational Finance,Springer Handb. Comput. Stat., Springer 0 633-649. (2012) |
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Cano, B. and Moreta, M. J. Stability and resonances of multistep cosine methods J. Comput. Math. 30 517--532 (2012) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Equivalent epsilon-efficiency notions in vector optimization TOP 20 437--455 (2012) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Improvement sets and vector optimization European J. Oper. Res. 223 304--311 (2012) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Huerga, L. and Novo, V. Scalarization and saddle points of approximate proper solutions in nearly subconvexlike vector optimization problems J. Math. Anal. Appl. 389 1046--1058 (2012) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Miglierina, E. and Molho, E. and Novo, V. Pointwise well-posedness in set optimization with cone proper sets Nonlinear Anal. 75 1822--1833 (2012) |
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Munuera, Carlos and Barbier, Morgan Wet paper codes and the dual distance in steganography Adv. Math. Commun. 6 273--285 (2012) |
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Chartier, Philippe and Murua, Ander and Sanz-Serna, Jesús María A formal series approach to averaging: exponentially small error estimates Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 32 3009--3027 (2012) |
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Pando, V., García-Laguna, J., San-José, L.A., Sicilia, J. Maximizing profits in an inventory model with both demand rate and holding cost per unit time dependent on the stock level COMPUT IND ENG 62 599-608 (2012) |
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Cariñena, José F. and Rañada, Manuel F. and Santander, Mariano The quantum free particle on spherical and hyperbolic spaces: a curvature dependent approach. {II} J. Math. Phys. 53 102109, 19 (2012) |
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Cariñena, José F. and Rañada, Manuel F. and Santander, Mariano Curvature-dependent formalism, Schrödinger equation and energy levels for the harmonic oscillator on three-dimensional spherical and hyperbolic spaces J. Phys. A 45 265303, 14 (2012) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Static two-grid mixed finite-element approximations to the Navier-Stokes equations J. Sci. Comput. 52 619--637 (2012) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Optimal error bounds for two-grid schemes applied to the Navier-Stokes equations Appl. Math. Comput. 218 7034--7051 (2012) |
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Miguel A. Fernández, Cristina Rueda, Shyamal Das Peddada Identification of a core set of signature cell cycle genes whose relative order of time to peak expression is conserved across species Nucleic Acids Research 40 2823-2832 (2012) |
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Nú~nez, Carmen and Obaya, Rafael and Sanz, Ana M. Minimal sets in monotone and concave skew-product semiflows I: a general theory J. Differential Equations 252 5492--5517 (2012) |
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Obaya, Rafael and Pituk, Mihály A variant of the Krein-Rutman theorem for Poincaré difference equations J. Difference Equ. Appl. 18 1751--1762 (2012) |
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Guiomar Martín-Herrán, Shaun McQuitty; Simon-Pierre Sigué Offensive versus Defensive Spending: What is the Optimal Mix? International Journal of Research in Marketing 29 210-219. (2012) |
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J. Víctor Marcos, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez, Mateo Aboy, Félix Del Campo. Automated Prediction of the Apnea-Hypopnea Index from Nocturnal Oximetry Recordings IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, 1, pp. 141-149, Enero, 2012. ISSN: 0018-9294 59 141-149 (2012) |
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Daniel Álvarez, Roberto Hornero, J. Víctor Marcos, Félix del Campo Javier Escudero, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Abásolo. Feature selection from nocturnal oximetry using genetic algorithms to assist in obstructive sleep apnoea diagnosis Medical Engineering & Physics 34 1049-1057 (2012) |
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Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and María Pilar Martínez-García Can Sustained Growth be Attained through Trading Exhaustible Resources for Foreign Research? The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 23 267-298 (2012) |
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Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez, J. Víctor Marcos, Félix del Campo Linear and nonlinear analysis of airflow recordings to help in sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome diagnosis Physiological Measurement 33 1261-1275 (2012) |
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Analysis of spontaneous MEG activity in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease using spectral entropies and statistical complexity measures Ricardo Bruña, Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, Alberto Fernández, Maria García and Roberto Hornero Journal of Neural Engineering 9 (2012) |
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David Santamarta, Daniel Abásolo, Manuel Martínez-Madrigal, Roberto Hornero Characterisation of the intracranial pressure waveform during infusion studies by means of central tendency measure Acta Neurochirurgica 154 1595-1602 (2012) |
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Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Martínez-Moro, Edgar Decomposition of modular codes for computing test sets and Graver basis Math. Comput. Sci. 6 147--165 (2012) |
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María Andreína Méndez, Pilar Zuluaga, Alfonso Rodríguez-Palancas, Roberto Hornero, Carlos Gómez, Javier Escudero, Tomás Ortiz, Alberto Fernández Complexity analysis of spontaneous brain activity in Major Depression: an approach to understand the process of symtom remisison Journal of Psychopharmacology 26 636-643 (2012) |
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Kotsireas, Ilias S. and Márquez-Corbella, Irene and Martínez-Moro, Edgar Foreword [Matroids in coding theory and related topics] Math. Comput. Sci. 6 107--108 (2012) |
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Alberto Fernández, Pilar Zuluaga, Daniel Abásolo, Carlos Gómez, Anahi Serra, María Andreína Méndez, Roberto Hornero Brain oscillatory complexity across the life-span Clinical Neurophysiology 123 2154-2162 (2012) |
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Calzada, J. A. and Kuru, {cS}. and Negro, J. and del Olmo, M. A. Dynamical algebras of general two-parametric Pöschl-Teller Hamiltonians Ann. Physics 327 808--822 (2012) |
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Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, Alejandro Bachiller, Roberto Hornero Spectral and non-linear analyses of spontaneous MEG activity in Alzheimer’s disease Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3 299-322 (2012) |
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Lastra, Alberto and Malek, Stéphane and Sanz, Javier Continuous right inverses for the asymptotic Borel map in ultraholomorphic classes via a Laplace-type transform J. Math. Anal. Appl. 396 724--740 (2012) |
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Lastra, Alberto and Malek, Stéphane and Sanz, Javier On $q-$asymptotics for linear $q-$difference-differential equations with Fuchsian and irregular singularities J. Differential Equations 252 5185--5216 (2012) |
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Han, Jen-Yin and Lin, Chin-Yuan Power series solutions of singular linear systems Internat. J. Math. 23 1250034, 34 (2012) |
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Lastra, Alberto and Malek, Stéphane On $q-$Gevrey asymptotics for singularly perturbed $q-$difference-differential problems with an irregular singularity Abstr. Appl. Anal. 0 Art. ID 860716, 35 (2012) |
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Pellegrino, Daniel and Santos, Joedson On summability of nonlinear mappings: a new approach Math. Z. 270 189--196 (2012) |
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Contreras-Astorga, Alonso and Fernández C., David J. and Negro, Javier Solutions of the Dirac equation in a magnetic field and intertwining operators SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 8 Paper 082, 10 (2012) |
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Kuru, {cS}. and Negro, J. Classical spectrum generating algebra of the Kepler-Coulomb system and action-angle variables Phys. Lett. A 376 260--264 (2012) |
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P. Chamorro-Posada, P. Martin-Ramos, J. Sanchez-Curto, J. C. Garcia-Escartin, J. A. Calzada, C. Palencia, A. Durán Nonlinear Bloch modes, optical switching and Bragg solitons in tightly coupled micro-ring resonator chains j. Optics 14 015205 (2012) |
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Vegas-Sanchez-Ferrero, Gonzalo and Aja-Fernandez, Santiago and Palencia, Cesar and Martin-Fernandez, Marcos A generalized gamma mixture model for ultrasonic tissue characterization Comput. Math. Methods Med. 0 Art. ID 481923, 25 (2012) |
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García-López, J. and Marijuán, C. Minimal strong digraphs Discrete Math. 312 737--744 (2012) |
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Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, Gonzalo and Aja-Fernández, Santiago and Martín-Fernández, Marcos and Palencia, César A direct calculation of moments of the sample variance Math. Comput. Simulation 82 790--804 (2012) |
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Johnson, C. R. and Marijuán, C. and Pisonero, M. Submatrix monotonicity of the Perron root Linear Algebra Appl. 437 2429--2435 (2012) |
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Glasser, M. L.; March, N. H.; Nieto, L. M. An analytically solvable model of confined electrons in a magnetic field and its relation to Landau diamagnetism Physics Letters A 376 1477-1480 (2012) |
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Glasser, M. L.; March, N. H.; Nieto, L. M. Proposed interpretation of the transverse magnetic field dependence of the melting temperature $T_m(B)$ of a two-dimensional one-component plasma driven by logarithmic interactions Phase Transitions 85 1018-1021 (2012) |
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Glasser, M. L.; March, N. H.; Nieto, L. M. Analytic structure of ground-state energies and wave functions for the inhomogeneous electron liquid in non-relativistic He-like atomic ions with nuclear charge $Ze$ PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 50 389-398 (2012) |
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R. Campoamor-Stursberg, M. Gadella, S. Kuru, J. Negro Action-angle variables, ladder operators and coherent states Physics Letters A 376 2515-2521 (2012) |
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Analyticity of the time dependence of resonance poles: Solving the Friedrichs model with a time-dependent interaction Physical Review C 86 024602+6 (2012) |
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Flores-Bazán, F. and Gutiérrez, C. and Novo, V. A Brézis-Browder principle on partially ordered spaces and related ordering theorems J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 245--260 (2011) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. A generic approach to approximate efficiency and applications to vector optimization with set-valued maps J. Global Optim. 49 313--342 (2011) |
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Gutiérrez, C. and Jiménez, B. and Novo, V. Higher order strong convexity and global strict minimizers in multiobjective optimization J. Convex Anal. 18 85--103 (2011) |
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Gadella, M. and Glasser, M. L. and Nieto, L. M. The infinite square well with a singular perturbation Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 50 2191--2200 (2011) |
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Álvarez, J. J. and Gadella, M. and Nieto, L. M. A study of resonances in a one-dimensional model with singular Hamiltonian and mass jumps Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 50 2161--2169 (2011) |
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Gadella, M. and Glasser, M. L. and Nieto, L. M. One dimensional models with a singular potential of the type $-a \delta (x)+b \delta'(x)$ Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 50 2144--2152 (2011) |
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Fernández C., David J. and Gadella, Manuel and Nieto, Luis Miguel Supersymmetry transformations for delta potentials SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 7 Paper 029, 14 (2011) |
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Randriambololona, Serge and Starchenko, Sergei Some (non-)elimination results for curves in geometric structures Fund. Math. 214 181--198 (2011) |
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Kawakami, Tomohiro A definable strong $ retract of a definable $ set in a real closed field Bull. Fac. Ed. Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 0 7--11 (2011) |
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Álvarez-Esteban, P. C. and del Barrio, E. and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. Uniqueness and approximate computation of optimal incomplete transportation plans Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat. 47 358--375 (2011) |
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Aoki, Takashi and Honda, Naofumi Geometric properties of the Riemann surfaces associated with the Noumi-Yamada systems with a large parameter J. Math. Soc. Japan 63 1085--1119 (2011) |
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de Azcárraga, José A. and Izquierdo, José M. On a class of $-Leibniz deformations of the simple Filippov algebras J. Math. Phys. 52 023521, 13 (2011) |
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de Azcárraga, José A. and Izquierdo, José M. and Picón, Moisés Contractions of Filippov algebras J. Math. Phys. 52 013516, 24 (2011) |
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Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Numerical approximation of singular asymptotic states for a size-structured population model with a dynamical resource Math. Comput. Modelling 54 1693--1698 (2011) |
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Bohm, Arno R. and Gadella, Manuel and Kielanowski, Piotr Time asymmetric quantum mechanics SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 7 Paper 086, 13 (2011) |
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Bohm, Arno and Gadella, Manuel and Gomez-Cubillo, Fernando and Wickramasekara, Sujeev Short range potential Schrödinger scattering Internat. J. Modern Phys. D 20 877--892 (2011) |
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Gómez-Cubillo, F. and Suchanecki, Z. Inner functions and local shape of orthonormal wavelets Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 30 273--287 (2011) |
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García -Escudero, L.A., Duque-Pérez, O., Morinigo-Sotelo, D., Perez-Alonso, M. Robust Condition Monitoring for early detection of broken rotor bars in induction motors Expert Systems with Applications 38 2653–2660 (2011) |
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Cariñena, José F. and Rañada, Manuel F. and Santander, Mariano The quantum free particle on spherical and hyperbolic spaces: a curvature dependent approach J. Math. Phys. 52 072104, 21 (2011) |
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Gadella, M. and Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. and Pronko, G. P. and Santander, M. Spectrum generating algebras for the free motion in $S^3$ J. Math. Phys. 52 063509, 19 (2011) |
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Gadella, M. and Kielanowski, P. Eigenfunction expansions and Lippmann-Schwinger formulas Rep. Math. Phys. 68 251--260 (2011) |
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Gadella, M. and Pronko, G. P. The Friedrichs model and its use in resonance phenomena Fortschr. Phys. 59 795--859 (2011) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Nonlinear convection-diffusion problems: fully discrete approximations and a posteriori error estimates IMA J. Numer. Anal. 31 1402--1430 (2011) |
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Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. and Pronko, G. P. Iterative solution of some nonlinear differential equations Appl. Math. Comput. 217 9480--9487 (2011) |
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Obaya, Rafael; Villarragut, Víctor M. Exponential ordering for neutral functional differential equations with non-autonomous linear D-operator J. Dynam. Differential Equations 23 695--725 (2011) |
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Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Simon-Pierre Sigué Prices, promotions, and channel profitability: was the conventional wisdom mistaken? European J. Oper. Res. 211 415--425 (2011) |
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Carlos Gómez, Kim T. E. Olde Dubbelink, Cornelis J. Stam, Daniel Abásolo, Henk W. Berendse, Roberto Hornero Complexity analysis of resting-state MEG activity in early-stage Parkinson's disease patients Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39 2935-2944 (2011) |
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Javier Escudero, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Abásolo, Alberto Fernández Quantitative Evaluation of Artifact Removal in Real Magnetoencephalogram Signals With Blind Source Separation Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39 2274-2286 (2011) |
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Falcó, Edurne and García-Lapresta, José Luis A distance-based extension of the majority judgement voting system Acta Univ. M. Belii Ser. Math. 18 17--27 (2011) |
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Joan Francesc Alonso, Jesús Poza, Miguel A. Mañanas, Sergio Romero, Alberto Fernández, Roberto Hornero MEG connectivity analysis in patients with Alzheimer's disease using cross mutual information and spectral coherence Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39 524-536 (2011) |
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Javier Escudero, Saeid Sanei, Delaram Jarchi, Daniel Abásolo, Roberto Hornero Regional coherence evaluation in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease based on adaptively extracted magnetoencephalogram rhythms Physiological Measurement 32 1163-1180 (2011) |
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Alberto Fernandez, Marcos Ríos-Lago, Daniel Abásolo, Roberto Hornero, Juan Alvarez-Linera, Nuria Paul, Fernando Maestú, Tomás Ortiz The correlation between white-matter microstructure and the complexity of spontaneous brain activity: a difussion tensor imaging-MEG study Neuroimage 57 1300-1307 (2011) |
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Alberto Fernández, María-Inés López-Ibor, Agustín Turrero, Juan-Matías Santos, María-Dolores Morón, Roberto Hornero, Carlos Gómez, María Andreina Méndez, Tomás Ortiz, Juan José López-Ibor Lempel-Ziv complexity in schizophrenia: a MEG study Clinical Neurophysiology 122 2227-2235 (2011) |
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Falcó, Edurne and García-Lapresta, José Luis A distance-based extension of the majority judgement voting system Acta Univ. M. Belii Ser. Math. 18 17--27 (2011) |
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Angulo, O; Lopez-Marcos, JC; Lopez-Marcos, MA; Martinez-Rodriguez, J Numerical investigation of the recruitment process in open marine population models JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT 0 P01003 (2011) |
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Alvarez-Sanchez, JJ, Gomez-Cubillo, F, Kuru, S, Negro, J and Nieto, LM Special Issue in Honour of Prof. M. Gadella with Occasion of His 60th Birthday INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 50 1991-1992 (2011) |
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Plyushchay, Mikhail S.; Arancibia, Adrian; Nieto, Luis-Miguel Exotic supersymmetry of the kink-antikink crystal, and the infinite period limit Physical Review D 83 065025 (2011) |
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Jakubsky, Vit; Nieto, Luis-Miguel; Plyushchay, Mikhail S. Klein tunneling in carbon nanostructures: A free-particle dynamics in disguise Physical Review D 83 047702 (2011) |
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Abia, L. M. and Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. Long-time simulation of a size-structured population model with a dynamical resource Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 5 1--21 (2010) |
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García-Laguna, Juan and San-José, Luis A. and Cárdenas-Barrón, Leopoldo E. and Sicilia, Joaquín The integrality of the lot size in the basic {EOQ} and {EPQ} models: Applications to other production-inventory models Appl. Math. Comput. 216 1660--1672 (2010) |
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Angulo, O. and López-Marcos, J. C. and López-Marcos, M. A. and Milner, F. A. A numerical method for nonlinear age-structured population models with finite maximum age J. Math. Anal. Appl. 361 150--160 (2010) |
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Aristondo, O., García-Lapresta, J.L., Lasso de la Vega, C., Marques Pereira, R.A. The Gini index, the dual decomposition of aggregation functions, and the consistent measurement of inequality International Journal of Intelligent Systems 27 132-152 (2010) |
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Suchanecki, Z. and Gómez-Cubillo, F. Evolution semigroups and time operators on Banach spaces J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 454--464 (2010) |
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Gadella, Manuel and Gómez-Cubillo, Fernando Eigenfunction expansions and transformation theory Acta Appl. Math. 109 721--742 (2010) |
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Carmen Quintano Pastor, Eduardo Cuesta Montero Improving satellite image classification by using fractional type convolution filtering International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 298–301 (2010) |
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Eduardo Cuesta A variable step size numerical method based on fractional type quadratures for linear integro-differential equations Advances in Engineering Software 41 64-69 (2010) |
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de Frutos, Javier and García-Archilla, Bosco and Novo, Julia Accurate approximations to time-dependent nonlinear convection-diffusion problems IMA J. Numer. Anal. 30 1137--1158 (2010) |
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Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. An algebraic method to solve the radial Schrödinger equation Comput. Math. Appl. 60 2701--2711 (2010) |
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Fojón, O. and Gadella, M. and Lara, L. P. The quantum square well with moving boundaries: a numerical analysis Comput. Math. Appl. 59 964--976 (2010) |
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García-Escudero, Luis Angel and Gordaliza, Alfonso and Matrán, Carlos and Mayo-Iscar, Agustín A review of robust clustering methods Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 4 89--109 (2010) |
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García-Lapresta, José Luis and Lasso De La Vega, Casilda and Marques Pereira, Ricardo Alberto and Urrutia, Ana Marta A class of poverty measures induced by the dual decomposition of aggregation functions Internat. J. Uncertain. Fuzziness Knowledge-Based Systems 18 493--511 (2010) |
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Javier Escudero, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Abásolo Consistency of the Blind Source Separation Computed With Five Common Algorithms for Magnetoencephalogram Background Activity Medical Engineering & Physics 32 1137-1144 (2010) |
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Lyakhovsky, V. D. and del Olmo, M. A. Chains of twists and induced deformations Czechoslovak J. Phys. 50 129--134 (2000) |
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Calzada, Juan A. and Negro, J. and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Rodríguez, Miguel A. Contraction of superintegrable Hamiltonian systems J. Math. Phys. 41 317--336 (2000) |
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Fernández C., David J. and Negro, Javier and Nieto, Luis M. Second-order supersymmetric periodic potentials Phys. Lett. A 275 338--349 (2000) |
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Herranz, F. J. and Pérez Bueno, J. C. and Santander, M. Central extensions of the families of quasi-unitary Lie algebras J. Phys. A 31 5327--5347 (1998) |
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Santander, Mariano and Nieto, Luis M. and Cordero, Nicolás A. A curvature-based derivation of the Schwarzschild metric Amer. J. Phys. 65 1200--1209 (1997) |
1997 |
Herranz, Francisco J. and Santander, Mariano Casimir invariants for the complete family of quasisimple orthogonal algebras J. Phys. A 30 5411--5426 (1997) |
1997 |
Nieto, L. M. and Negro, J. and Santander, M. Two-dimensional Cayley-Klein algebras generated by expansions Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 12 259--264 (1997) |
1997 |
Santander, M. and Herranz, F. J. Geometries of orthogonal groups and their contractions: a unified classical deformation viewpoint Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 12 99--107 (1997) |
1997 |
López-Marcos, M. A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Skeel, Robert D. Explicit symplectic integrators using Hessian-vector products SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 18 223--238 (1997) |
1997 |
Araújo, A. L. and Murua, A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Symplectic methods based on decompositions SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 34 1926--1947 (1997) |
1997 |
Bohm, A. and Gadella, M. and Maxson, S. Extending the stationary quantum mechanics of being to a nonstationary quantum theory of becoming and decaying Comput. Math. Appl. 34 427--466 (1997) |
1997 |
Bohm, A. and Loewe, Mark and Maxson, S. and Patuleanu, P. and Püntmann, C. and Gadella, M. Gamow-Jordan vectors and non-reducible density operators from higher-order $-matrix poles J. Math. Phys. 38 6072--6100 (1997) |
1997 |
Rueda, C. and Salvador, B. and Fernández, M. A. A good property of the maximum likelihood estimator in a restricted normal model Test 6 127--135 (1997) |
1997 |
Fernández, M. A. and Rueda, C. and Salvador, B. On the maximum likelihood estimator under order restrictions in uniform probability models Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 26 1971--1980 (1997) |
1997 |
Rueda, C. and Salvador, B. and Fernández, M. A. Simultaneous estimation in a restricted linear model J. Multivariate Anal. 61 61--66 (1997) |
1997 |
Calvo, Mari Paz and Iserles, Arieh and Zanna, Antonella Numerical solution of isospectral flows Math. Comp. 66 1461--1486 (1997) |
1997 |
Reguera, Ana-José Curves and proximity on rational surface singularities J. Pure Appl. Algebra 122 107--126 (1997) |
1997 |
de Frutos, J. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Accuracy and conservation properties in numerical integration: the case of the Korteweg-de Vries equation Numer. Math. 75 421--445 (1997) |
1997 |
de Azcárraga, J. A. and del Olmo, M. A. and Pérez Bueno, J. C. and Santander, M. Graded contractions and bicrossproduct structure of deformed inhomogeneous algebras J. Phys. A 30 3069--3086 (1997) |
1997 |
Negro, J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Rodríguez-Marco, A. Nonrelativistic conformal groups. {II}. Further developments and physical applications J. Math. Phys. 38 3810--3831 (1997) |
1997 |
Negro, J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Rodríguez-Marco, A. Nonrelativistic conformal groups J. Math. Phys. 38 3786--3809 (1997) |
1997 |
Campillo, Antonio and Giménez, Philippe Graphes arithmétiques et syzygies C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 324 313--316 (1997) |
1997 |
Negro, J. and Herranz, F. J. and Ballesteros, A. On a class of nonstandard quantum algebras and their representations Czechoslovak J. Phys. 47 1259--1266 (1997) |
1997 |
Campillo, Antonio and Galindo, Carlos On the graded algebra relative to a valuation Manuscripta Math. 92 173--189 (1997) |
1997 |
Ballesteros, Angel and Herranz, Francisco J. and Negro, Javier Boson representations, non-standard quantum algebras and contractions J. Phys. A 30 6797--6809 (1997) |
1997 |
Campillo, Antonio and Carnicer, Manuel M. Proximity inequalities and bounds for the degree of invariant curves by foliations of $old P^2_{f C}$ Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 2211--2228 (1997) |
1997 |
Novikov, D. and Yakovenko, S. A complex analogue of the Rolle theorem and polynomial envelopes of irreducible differential equations in the complex domain J. London Math. Soc. (2) 56 305--319 (1997) |
1997 |
Sanz, Fernando Trajectoires non-oscillantes des champs de vecteurs gradients C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 325 429--432 (1997) |
1997 |
Cano, J. Construction of invariant curves for singular holomorphic vector fields Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 2649--2650 (1997) |
1997 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. and Tuero-Díaz, A. On the monotonicity of optimal transportation plans J. Math. Anal. Appl. 215 86--94 (1997) |
1997 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. and Tuero-Díaz, A. Optimal transportation plans and convergence in distribution J. Multivariate Anal. 60 72--83 (1997) |
1997 |
Cano, B. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Error growth in the numerical integration of periodic orbits, with application to Hamiltonian and reversible systems SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 34 1391--1417 (1997) |
1997 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Gordaliza, A. and Matrán, C. Trimmed k-means: an attempt to robustify quantizers Ann. Statist. 25 553--576 (1997) |
1997 |
Abia, Luis M. and López-Marcos, J. C. and Martínez, Julia Blow-up for semidiscretizations of reaction-diffusion equations Appl. Numer. Math. 20 145--156 (1996) |
1996 |
Alonso-Mallo, I. and Palencia, C. On the convolution operators arising in the study of abstract initial-boundary value problems Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 126 515--539 (1996) |
1996 |
Fairweather, G. and López-Marcos, J. C. Galerkin methods for a semilinear parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary conditions Adv. Comput. Math. 6 243--262 (1997) (1996) |
1996 |
Ferrándiz, J. M. and Sansaturio, M. E. and Vigo, I. Nonintegrability of the truncated zonal satellite Hamiltonian at any order Phys. Lett. A 221 153--157 (1996) |
1996 |
Arratia, O. and Martín, M. A. and del Olmo, M. A. Moyal quantization and group theory Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 54 191--201 (1996) |
1996 |
López-Marcos, M. A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Díaz, J. C. Are Gauss-Legendre methods useful in molecular dynamics? J. Comput. Appl. Math. 67 173--179 (1996) |
1996 |
Butcher, J. C. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. The number of conditions for a Runge-Kutta method to have effective order $ Appl. Numer. Math. 22 103--111 (1996) |
1996 |
Calvo, M. P. and Iserles, A. and Zanna, A. Runge-Kutta methods for orthogonal and isospectral flows Appl. Numer. Math. 22 153--163 (1996) |
1996 |
Bonechi, F. and Giachetti, R. and del Olmo, M. A. and Sorace, E. and Tarlini, M. Quantum homogeneous spaces and special functions with a dimensional deformation parameter J. Phys. A 29 7973--7982 (1996) |
1996 |
Fernández C., David J. and Negro, Javier and del Olmo, Mariano A. Group approach to the factorization of the radial oscillator equation Ann. Physics 252 386--412 (1996) |
1996 |
Martín, Miguel A. and del Olmo, Mariano A. Central extensions and realizations of one-dimensional Galilean systems and quantization J. Phys. A 29 689--707 (1996) |
1996 |
Campillo, Antonio and Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Gérard and Lejeune-Jalabert, Monique Clusters of infinitely near points Math. Ann. 306 169--194 (1996) |
1996 |
Negro, Javier Irreducible $-boson realizations: the symmetric case Modern Phys. Lett. A 11 1349--1355 (1996) |
1996 |
Floreanini, Roberto and Negro, Javier and Nieto, Luis Miguel and Vinet, Luc Symmetries of the heat equation on the lattice Lett. Math. Phys. 36 351--355 (1996) |
1996 |
Negro, J. and Nieto, L. M. Symmetries of the wave equation in a uniform lattice J. Phys. A 29 1107--1114 (1996) |
1996 |
Brumatti, Paulo and Gimenez, Philippe and Simis, Aron Combinatorics of a certain ideal in the Segre coordinate ring Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 3285--3292 (1996) |
1996 |
Palencia, C. Maximum norm analysis of completely discrete finite element methods for parabolic problems SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 33 1654--1668 (1996) |
1996 |
Arenal-Gutiérrez, Eusebio and Matrán, Carlos and Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A. On the unconditional strong law of large numbers for the bootstrap mean Statist. Probab. Lett. 27 49--60 (1996) |
1996 |
Arenal-Gutiérrez, Eusebio and Matrán, Carlos and Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A. Unconditional Glivenko-Cantelli-type theorems and weak laws of large numbers for bootstrap Statist. Probab. Lett. 26 365--375 (1996) |
1996 |
Cano, Begoña and García-Archilla, Bosco A generalization to variable stepsizes of Störmer methods for second-order differential equations Appl. Numer. Math. 19 401--417 (1996) |
1996 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán, C. and Rachev, S. T. and Rüschendorf, L. Mass transportation problems in probability theory Math. Sci. 21 34--72 (1996) |
1996 |
Arenal-Gutiérrez, Eusebio and Matrán, Carlos A zero-one law approach to the central limit theorem for the weighted bootstrap mean Ann. Probab. 24 532--540 (1996) |
1996 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matrán-Bea, C. and Tuero-Diaz, A. On lower bounds for the ^2$-Wasserstein metric in a Hilbert space J. Theoret. Probab. 9 263--283 (1996) |
1996 |
Portillo, A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Lack of dissipativity is not symplecticness BIT 35 269--276 (1995) |
1995 |
Abia, L. M. and López Marcos, J. C. Runge-Kutta methods for age-structured population models Appl. Numer. Math. 17 1--17 (1995) |
1995 |
Rueda, Cristina and Salvador, Bonifacio Reduction of risk using restricted estimators Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 24 1011--1022 (1995) |
1995 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Salvador, B. Correction: ``Anomalies of the likelihood ratio test for testing restricted hypotheses'' [Ann. Statist. {f 19} (1991), no. 2, 889--898; {MR}1105850 (92h:62089)] Ann. Statist. 23 2292 (1995) |
1995 |
Gadella, M. Moyal formulation of quantum mechanics Fortschr. Phys. 43 229--264 (1995) |
1995 |
Calvo, M. P. and Hairer, E. Further reduction in the number of independent order conditions for symplectic, explicit partitioned Runge-Kutta and Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods Appl. Numer. Math. 18 107--114 (1995) |
1995 |
Calvo, M. P. and Hairer, E. Accurate long-term integration of dynamical systems Appl. Numer. Math. 18 95--105 (1995) |
1995 |
Reguera, A.-J. Families of arcs on rational surface singularities Manuscripta Math. 88 321--333 (1995) |
1995 |
de Frutos, J. and López Marcos, M. Á. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. A finite difference scheme for the (2,2)$ compacton equation J. Comput. Phys. 120 248--252 (1995) |
1995 |
García-Archilla, Bosco and de Frutos, Javier Time integration of the non-linear Galerkin method IMA J. Numer. Anal. 15 221--244 (1995) |
1995 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Pereña, C. M. and Santander, M. Non-standard quantum $(1+1)$ Poincaré group: a $-matrix approach J. Phys. A 28 7113--7125 (1995) |
1995 |
Ballesteros, A. and Gromov, N. A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Lie bialgebra contractions and quantum deformations of quasi-orthogonal algebras J. Math. Phys. 36 5916--5937 (1995) |
1995 |
Ballesteros, A. and Celeghini, E. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Universal R-matrices for non-standard (1+1) quantum groups J. Phys. A 28 3129--3138 (1995) |
1995 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. A new ``null-plane'' quantum Poincaré algebra Phys. Lett. B 351 137--145 (1995) |
1995 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Quantum algebras for maximal motion groups of $-dimensional flat spaces Lett. Math. Phys. 33 273--281 (1995) |
1995 |
González, J. J. and Negro, J. and del Olmo, M. A. Relativistic gauge invariant potentials Fortschr. Phys. 43 1--39 (1995) |
1995 |
Campillo, Antonio and Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Gérard and Lejeune-Jalabert, Monique Clusters, proximity inequalities and Zariski-Lipman complete ideal theory Publ. Mat. Urug. 6 7--46 (1995) |
1995 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Classical deformations, Poisson-Lie contractions, and quantization of dual Lie bialgebras J. Math. Phys. 36 631--640 (1995) |
1995 |
Campillo, Antonio and Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Gérard and Lejeune-Jalabert, Monique Enriques diagrams, resolutions and toric clusters C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 320 329--334 (1995) |
1995 |
Negro, Javier Irreducible $-boson realizations Modern Phys. Lett. A 10 2279--2288 (1995) |
1995 |
Cano, F. and Lion, J.-M. and Moussu, R. Fronti`ere dúne hypersurface pfaffienne Ann. Sci. 'Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 28 591--646 (1995) |
1995 |
Palencia, C. Stability of rational multistep approximations of holomorphic semigroups Math. Comp. 64 591--599 (1995) |
1995 |
Fernández C., David J. and Nieto, Luis M. and Rosas-Ortiz, Oscar Distorted Heisenberg algebra and coherent states for isospectral oscillator Hamiltonians J. Phys. A 28 2693--2708 (1995) |
1995 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Domínguez-Menchero, J. S. and Matrán, C. Consistency of $-best monotone approximations J. Statist. Plann. Inference 47 295--318 (1995) |
1995 |
Hermida Alonso, José Á. and Pisonero, Miriam What polynomial satisfies a given endomorphism? Linear Algebra Appl. 216 125--138 (1995) |
1995 |
Javier de Frutos and Jesús María Sanz-Serna Erring and being conservative Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 303 0 75-88 (1994) |
1994 |
Palencia, C. and Alonso Mallo, I. Abstract initial-boundary value problems Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 124 879--908 (1994) |
1994 |
de la Mata, Félix Delgado A factorization theorem for the polar of a curve with two branches Compositio Math. 92 327--375 (1994) |
1994 |
López Marcos, J. C. Crank-Nicolson method for the numerical solution of models of excitability Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 10 323--344 (1994) |
1994 |
Fairweather, G. and López Marcos, J. C. An explicit extrapolated box scheme for the Gurtin-MacCamy equation Comput. Math. Appl. 27 41--53 (1994) |
1994 |
Hairer, E. and Murua, A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. The non-existence of symplectic multi-derivative Runge-Kutta methods BIT 34 80--87 (1994) |
1994 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. An unconventional symplectic integrator of W. Kahan Appl. Numer. Math. 16 245--250 (1994) |
1994 |
Larsson, S. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. The behavior of finite element solutions of semilinear parabolic problems near stationary points SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 31 1000--1018 (1994) |
1994 |
López Marcos, M. Á. Numerical analysis of pseudospectral methods for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation IMA J. Numer. Anal. 14 233--242 (1994) |
1994 |
Pisonero, Miriam Determinants on modules that have a finite free resolution Linear and Multilinear Algebra 38 97--107 (1994) |
1994 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Four-dimensional quantum affine algebras and space-time $-symmetries J. Math. Phys. 35 4928--4940 (1994) |
1994 |
Ballesteros, A. and Celeghini, E. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. A universal nonquasitriangular quantization of the Heisenberg group J. Phys. A 27 L369--L373 (1994) |
1994 |
Calvo, M. P. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Canonical B-series Numer. Math. 67 161--175 (1994) |
1994 |
Hussin, Véronique and Negro, Javier and del Olmo, Mariano A. Invariant connections in a nonabelian principal bundle Ann. Physics 231 211--233 (1994) |
1994 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Quantum $(2+1)$ kinematical algebras: a global approach J. Phys. A 27 1283--1297 (1994) |
1994 |
Reguera, Ana-José Courbes et proximité sur les singularités rationnelles de surface C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 319 383--386 (1994) |
1994 |
Campillo, A. and Reguera, A.-J. Combinatorial aspects of sequences of point blowing ups Manuscripta Math. 84 29--46 (1994) |
1994 |
Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Kiyek, K. Gorenstein property and symmetry for one-dimensional local Cohen-Macaulay rings Manuscripta Math. 83 405--423 (1994) |
1994 |
Campillo, Antonio and Castellanos, Julio Arf closure relative to a divisorial valuation and transversal curves Amer. J. Math. 116 377--395 (1994) |
1994 |
Palencia, C. On the stability of variable stepsize rational approximations of holomorphic semigroups Math. Comp. 62 93--103 (1994) |
1994 |
'Alvarez, J. and Floría, L. On certain partial derivatives involved in a Delaunay normalization process Rev. Acad. Cienc. Zaragoza (2) 49 93--104 (1994) |
1994 |
Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Domínguez-Menchero, J. S. and Matrán-Bea, C. Some stochastics on monotone functions J. Comput. Appl. Math. 55 165--182 (1994) |
1994 |
Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A. and Matrán-Bea, Carlos Stochastic convergence through Skorohod representation theorems and Wasserstein distances Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. 0 89--113 (1994) |
1994 |
Gadella, M. and Nieto, L. M. On the Moyal formulation of quantum identical particles Fortschr. Phys. 42 261--279 (1994) |
1994 |
Abia, L. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Partitioned Runge-Kutta methods for separable Hamiltonian problems Math. Comp. 60 617--634 (1993) |
1993 |
Núñez, Manuel and Rojo, Jesús A {WKB} analysis of the Alfvén spectrum of the linearized magnetohydrodynamics equations Appl. Math. 38 23--38 (1993) |
1993 |
Munuera, Carlos and Tena, Juan G. An algorithm to compute the number of points on elliptic curves of $-invariant $0$ or $1728$ over a finite field Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 42 106--116 (1993) |
1993 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Larsson, S. Shadows, chaos, and saddles Appl. Numer. Math. 13 181--190 (1993) |
1993 |
López Marcos, M. Á. A note on the computation of bifurcation diagrams of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation by pseudospectral methods Appl. Numer. Math. 13 147--154 (1993) |
1993 |
Calvo, M. P. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. High-order symplectic Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14 1237--1252 (1993) |
1993 |
Calvo, M. P. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. The development of variable-step symplectic integrators, with application to the two-body problem SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14 936--952 (1993) |
1993 |
Ballesteros, A. and Herranz, F. J. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Quantum structure of the motion groups of the two-dimensional Cayley-Klein geometries J. Phys. A 26 5801--5823 (1993) |
1993 |
Cariñena, José F. and del Olmo, M. A. and Winternitz, P. On the relation between weak and strong invariance of differential equations Lett. Math. Phys. 29 151--163 (1993) |
1993 |
Negro, Javier and del Olmo, Mariano A. On the local equivalence in a unidimensional world J. Math. Phys. 34 1206--1217 (1993) |
1993 |
Campillo, Antonio and Pisón, Pilar Generators of a monomial curve and graphs for the associated semigroup Bull. Soc. Math. Belg. Sér. A 45 45--58 (1993) |
1993 |
Campillo, Antonio and Pisón, Pilar Lídéal dún semi-groupe de type fini C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 316 1303--1306 (1993) |
1993 |
Cano, Felipe Reduction of the singularities of nondicritical singular foliations. Dimension three Amer. J. Math. 115 509--588 (1993) |
1993 |
Palencia, C. A stability result for sectorial operators in Banach spaces SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 30 1373--1384 (1993) |
1993 |
Palencia, C. and García-Archilla, B. Stability of linear multistep methods for sectorial operators in Banach spaces Appl. Numer. Math. 12 503--520 (1993) |
1993 |
Gadella, M. and Nieto, L. M. Fermion systems and the Moyal formulation of quantum mechanics J. Phys. A 26 6043--6053 (1993) |
1993 |
Hussin, V. and Nieto, L. M. Supergroups factorizations through matrix realization J. Math. Phys. 34 4199--4220 (1993) |
1993 |
Cano, José On the series defined by differential equations, with an extension of the Puiseux polygon construction to these equations Analysis 13 103--119 (1993) |
1993 |
Cano, José An extension of the Newton-Puiseux polygon construction to give solutions of Pfaffian forms Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 43 125--142 (1993) |
1993 |
Hermida Alonso, José Á. and Pisonero, Miriam Cyclic endomorphisms of a module Bull. Soc. Math. Belg. Sér. A 45 173--181 (1993) |
1993 |
Hermida Alonso, José Á. and Pisonero, Miriam Invariant factors of an endomorphism and finite free resolutions Linear Algebra Appl. 187 201--226 (1993) |
1993 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Rueda, C. and Salvador, B. Dominance of likelihood ratio tests under cone constraints Ann. Statist. 20 2087--2099 (1992) |
1992 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Rueda, C. and Salvador, B. Testing nonoblique hypotheses Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 21 471--484 (1992) |
1992 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Salvador, B. Equivalence of likelihood ratio tests and obliquity Statist. Probab. Lett. 14 223--228 (1992) |
1992 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. Symplectic Runge-Kutta and related methods: recent results Phys. D 60 293--302 (1992) |
1992 |
Tourigny, Y. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. The numerical study of blowup with application to a nonlinear Schrödinger equation J. Comput. Phys. 102 407--416 (1992) |
1992 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Stuart, A. M. A note on uniform in time error estimates for approximations to reaction-diffusion equations IMA J. Numer. Anal. 12 457--462 (1992) |
1992 |
Eirola, T. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Conservation of integrals and symplectic structure in the integration of differential equations by multistep methods Numer. Math. 61 281--290 (1992) |
1992 |
Calvo, M. P. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Order conditions for canonical Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods BIT 32 131--142 (1992) |
1992 |
Fernández C., David J. and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Orbital Aharonov-Anandan geometric phase for confined motion in a precessing magnetic field J. Phys. A 25 6409--6418 (1992) |
1992 |
Fernández C., David J. and Nieto, Luis M. and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Aharonov-Anandan geometric phase for spin-1/2 periodic Hamiltonians J. Phys. A 25 5151--5163 (1992) |
1992 |
Ballesteros, A. and Gadella, M. and del Olmo, M. A. Moyal quantization of $(2+1)$-dimensional Galilean systems J. Math. Phys. 33 3379--3386 (1992) |
1992 |
Negro, Javier and del Olmo, Mariano A. Bundle realizations and invariant connections in an abelian principal bundle J. Math. Phys. 33 511--523 (1992) |
1992 |
de Frutos, J. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. An easily implementable fourth-order method for the time integration of wave problems J. Comput. Phys. 103 160--168 (1992) |
1992 |
Campillo, Antonio and Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Gérard and Lejeune-Jalabert, Monique Amas, idéaux `a support fini et cha^i nes toriques C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 315 987--990 (1992) |
1992 |
Ballesteros, Angel and Negro, Javier A characterization of functional realizations of three-dimensional quantum groups J. Phys. A 25 5945--5962 (1992) |
1992 |
Cano, F. and Cerveau, D. Desingularization of nondicritical holomorphic foliations and existence of separatrices Acta Math. 169 1--103 (1992) |
1992 |
Cano, F. and Mattei, J.-F. Hypersurfaces intégrales des feuilletages holomorphes Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 42 49--72 (1992) |
1992 |
Ku{`e}sta, Kh. A. and Domingez, Kh. S. and Matran, K. On the consistency of the $-isotonic regression Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen. 37 181--184 (1992) |
1992 |
Cuesta, Juan A. and Matrán, Carlos A review on strong convergence of weighted sums of random elements based on Wasserstein metrics J. Statist. Plann. Inference 30 359--370 (1992) |
1992 |
Nieto, Luis M. Green's function for crossed time-dependent electric and magnetic fields. Phase-space quantum mechanics approach J. Math. Phys. 33 3402--3409 (1992) |
1992 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Abia, L. Order conditions for canonical Runge-Kutta schemes SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 28 1081--1096 (1991) |
1991 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Rueda, C. and Salvador, B. Conditional test for testing a face of the tree order cone Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput. 20 751--762 (1991) |
1991 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Salvador, B. Correction to: ``An algorithm for isotonic median regression'' [Comput. Statist. Data Anal. {f 5} (1987), no. 4, 399--406; {MR}0907167 (88g:62002)] Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 11 203--204 (1991) |
1991 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Salvador, B. Anomalies of the likelihood ratio tests for testing restricted hypotheses Ann. Statist. 19 889--898 (1991) |
1991 |
López Marcos, J. C. An upwind scheme for a nonlinear hyperbolic integro-differential equation with integral boundary condition Comput. Math. Appl. 22 15--28 (1991) |
1991 |
Fairweather, G. and López Marcos, J. C. A box method for a nonlinear equation of population dynamics IMA J. Numer. Anal. 11 525--538 (1991) |
1991 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Griffiths, D. F. A new class of results for the algebraic equations of implicit Runge-Kutta processes IMA J. Numer. Anal. 11 449--455 (1991) |
1991 |
Iserles, A. and Koch, P. E. and N{o}rsett, S. P. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. On polynomials orthogonal with respect to certain Sobolev inner products J. Approx. Theory 65 151--175 (1991) |
1991 |
Tourigny, Y. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Morris, J. Ll. Approximation of radial functions by piecewise polynomials on arbitrary grids Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 7 1--8 (1991) |
1991 |
García-Archilla, B. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. A finite difference formula for the discretization of ^3/dx^3$ on nonuniform grids Math. Comp. 57 239--257 (1991) |
1991 |
Cariñena, José F. and López, Carlos and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Conformal geometry of the Kepler orbit space Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 52 307--343 (1991) |
1991 |
Gadella, Manuel and Martín, Miguel Á. and Nieto, Luis M. and del Olmo, Mariano A. The Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for one-dimensional kinematical groups J. Math. Phys. 32 1182--1192 (1991) |
1991 |
de Frutos, J. and Ortega, T. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Pseudospectral method for the ``good'' Boussinesq equation Math. Comp. 57 109--122 (1991) |
1991 |
Campillo, A. and Marijuan, C. Higher order relations for a numerical semigroup Sém. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux (2) 3 249--260 (1991) |
1991 |
Christie, I. and Palencia, C. An exact Riemann solver for a fluidized bed model IMA J. Numer. Anal. 11 493--508 (1991) |
1991 |
Cuesta, Juan Antonio and Matrán, Carlos On the asymptotic behavior of sums of pairwise independent random variables Statist. Probab. Lett. 11 201--210 (1991) |
1991 |
Fernández C., David J. and Nieto, Luis M. Floquet theory in phase space quantum mechanics for an electron in a rotating magnetic field Phys. Lett. A 161 202--206 (1991) |
1991 |
Nieto, Luis M. Phase-space study of a spinning quantum particle in a constant magnetic field J. Phys. A 24 1579--1585 (1991) |
1991 |
Gordaliza, A. On the breakdown point of multivariate location estimators based on trimming procedures Statist. Probab. Lett. 11 387--394 (1991) |
1991 |
Gordaliza, Alfonso Best approximations to random variables based on trimming procedures J. Approx. Theory 64 162--180 (1991) |
1991 |
Abia, L. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. The spectral accuracy of a fully-discrete scheme for a nonlinear third order equation Computing 44 187--196 (1990) |
1990 |
López Marcos, J. C. A difference scheme for a nonlinear partial integrodifferential equation SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 27 20--31 (1990) |
1990 |
Hairer, E. and Iserles, A. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Equilibria of Runge-Kutta methods Numer. Math. 58 243--254 (1990) |
1990 |
Sanz-Serna, J. and Doblaré, M. and Alarcón, E. Remarks on methods for the computation of boundary-element integrals by co-ordinate transformation Comm. Appl. Numer. Methods 6 121--123 (1990) |
1990 |
Fairweather, Graeme and Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Christie, I. A stabilized Galerkin method for a third-order evolutionary problem Math. Comp. 55 497--507 (1990) |
1990 |
del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. A study of the action from kinematical integral geometry point of view J. Geom. Phys. 7 171--189 (1990) |
1990 |
Cariñena, José F. and González, José A. and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Invariant electromagnetic fields Fortschr. Phys. 38 681--715 (1990) |
1990 |
Negro, Javier and del Olmo, Mariano A. Local realizations of kinematical groups with a constant electromagnetic field. {II}. The nonrelativistic case J. Math. Phys. 31 2811--2821 (1990) |
1990 |
del Olmo, M. A. and Rodríguez, M. A. and Winternitz, P. and Zassenhaus, H. Maximal abelian subalgebras of pseudounitary Lie algebras Linear Algebra Appl. 135 79--151 (1990) |
1990 |
de Frutos, J. and Ortega, T. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. A Hamiltonian explicit algorithm with spectral accuracy for the ``good'' Boussinesq system Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 80 417--423 (1990) |
1990 |
Negro, Javier and del Olmo, Mariano A. Local realizations of kinematical groups with a constant electromagnetic field. I. The relativistic case J. Math. Phys. 31 568--578 (1990) |
1990 |
Campillo, Antonio and Ruiz, Jesús M. Some remarks on Pythagorean real curve germs J. Algebra 128 271--275 (1990) |
1990 |
Ortega, T. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Nonlinear stability and convergence of finite-difference methods for the ``good'' Boussinesq equation Numer. Math. 58 215--229 (1990) |
1990 |
Cuesta, Juan Antonio and Matrán, Carlos A short proof of the law of convergence of types Sankhy=a Ser. A 52 259--260 (1990) |
1990 |
Abia, L. and Christie, I. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Stability of schemes for the numerical treatment of an equation modelling fluidized beds RAIRO Modél. Math. Anal. Numér. 23 191--204 (1989) |
1989 |
Verwer, J. G. and Blom, J. G. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. An adaptive moving grid method for one-dimensional systems of partial differential equations J. Comput. Phys. 82 454--486 (1989) |
1989 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Verwer, J. G. Convergence analysis of one-step schemes in the method of lines Appl. Math. Comput. 31 183--196 (1989) |
1989 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Verwer, J. G. Stability and convergence at the {PDE}/stiff {ODE} interface Appl. Numer. Math. 5 117--132 (1989) |
1989 |
Bohm, A. and Gadella, M. and Mainland, G. Bruce Gamow vectors and decaying states Amer. J. Phys. 57 1103--1108 (1989) |
1989 |
del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. Action and kinematical integral geometry J. Phys. A 22 L763--L767 (1989) |
1989 |
de Frutos, J. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Split-step spectral schemes for nonlinear Dirac systems J. Comput. Phys. 83 407--423 (1989) |
1989 |
de Frutos, J. Stability and convergence of numerical schemes for nonlinear Dirac systems Rev. Internac. Métod. Numér. Cálc. Dise~n. Ingr. 5 185--202 (1989) |
1989 |
Camacho, C. and Cano, F. and Sad, P. Absolutely isolated singularities of holomorphic vector fields Invent. Math. 98 351--369 (1989) |
1989 |
Cuesta, Juan A. and Matrán, Carlos Conditional bounds and best infty$-approximations in probability spaces J. Approx. Theory 56 1--12 (1989) |
1989 |
Gadella, Manuel and Gracia-Bondía, José M. and Nieto, Luis M. and Várilly, Joseph C. Quadratic Hamiltonians in phase-space quantum mechanics J. Phys. A 22 2709--2738 (1989) |
1989 |
Delgado de la Mata, Félix Gorenstein curves and symmetry of the semigroup of values Manuscripta Math. 61 285--296 (1988) |
1988 |
Martín Díaz, M. and Salvador González, B. The validity of the ``pool-adjacent-violator'' algorithm Statist. Probab. Lett. 6 143--145 (1988) |
1988 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. Runge-Kutta schemes for Hamiltonian systems BIT 28 877--883 (1988) |
1988 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. A numerical method for a partial integro-differential equation SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 25 319--327 (1988) |
1988 |
Blom, J. G. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Verwer, J. G. On simple moving grid methods for one-dimensional evolutionary partial differential equations J. Comput. Phys. 74 191--213 (1988) |
1988 |
López Marcos, J. C. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Stability and convergence in numerical analysis. {III}. Linear investigation of nonlinear stability IMA J. Numer. Anal. 8 71--84 (1988) |
1988 |
García-Prada, Oscar and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Locally operating realizations of nonconnected transformation Lie groups J. Math. Phys. 29 1083--1090 (1988) |
1988 |
Finat, J. Introduction to the algebraic geometry of complex projective threefolds with ordinary singularities Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact. Fís. Natur. Madrid 82 169--172 (1988) |
1988 |
Campillo, A. and Delgado, F. and Núñez, C. A. The arithmetic of Arf and saturated semigroups. Applications Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact. Fís. Natur. Madrid 82 161--163 (1988) |
1988 |
Cano, Felipe Réduction des singularitiés des feuilletages holomorphes C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 307 795--798 (1988) |
1988 |
Cano, Felipe and Cerveau, Dominique Le probl`eme de la séparatrice: une conséquence de la réduction des singularités de feuilletages C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 307 387--390 (1988) |
1988 |
Manoranjan, V. S. and Ortega, T. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Soliton and antisoliton interactions in the ``good'' Boussinesq equation J. Math. Phys. 29 1964--1968 (1988) |
1988 |
Cuesta, Juan A. and Matrán, Carlos Uniform consistency of $-means Statist. Probab. Lett. 7 65--71 (1988) |
1988 |
Cuesta, J. A. and Matrán, C. The strong law of large numbers for $-means and best possible nets of Banach valued random variables Probab. Theory Related Fields 78 523--534 (1988) |
1988 |
Nieto, L. M. and Noriega, J. M. Phase-space propagators for quantum quadratic Hamiltonians in one and two dimensions Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 27 1043--1058 (1988) |
1988 |
Delgado de la Mata, Félix The semigroup of values of a curve singularity with several branches Manuscripta Math. 59 347--374 (1987) |
1987 |
Menéndez, J. A. and Salvador, B. An algorithm for isotonic median regression Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 5 399--406 (1987) |
1987 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Verwer, J. G. and Hundsdorfer, W. H. Convergence and order reduction of Runge-Kutta schemes applied to evolutionary problems in partial differential equations Numer. Math. 50 405--418 (1987) |
1987 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Vadillo, F. Studies in numerical nonlinear instability. {III}. Augmented Hamiltonian systems SIAM J. Appl. Math. 47 92--108 (1987) |
1987 |
Cid, Rafael and San Saturio, María-Eugenia Motion of rigid bodies in a set of redundant variables Celestial Mech. 42 263--277 (1987) |
1987 |
del Olmo, M. A. and Rodríguez, M. A. and Winternitz, P. Superposition formulas for the rectangular matrix Riccati equations J. Math. Phys. 28 530--535 (1987) |
1987 |
Cano, F. Local and global results on the desingularization of three-dimensional vector fields Astérisque 0 15--58, 185 (1987) |
1987 |
Cano, Felipe Final forms for a three-dimensional vector field under blowing-up Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 37 151--193 (1987) |
1987 |
Cuesta, Juan A. and Matrán, Carlos Asymptotic behavior of $-predictions for vector valued random variables Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 100 716--720 (1987) |
1987 |
Gadella, M. and Nieto, L. M. and Noriega, J. M. and Santos, E. The generalized Weyl correspondence and time-dependent stochastic processes J. Math. Phys. 28 2961--2972 (1987) |
1987 |
Revilla, M. A. Simple time and space adaptation in one-dimensional evolutionary partial differential equations Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. 23 2263--2275 (1986) |
1986 |
Domínguez, Jesús M. Non-Archimedean ^{#}(X)$ Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 525--530 (1986) |
1986 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Verwer, J. G. Conservative and nonconservative schemes for the solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation IMA J. Numer. Anal. 6 25--42 (1986) |
1986 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Christie, I. A simple adaptive technique for nonlinear wave problems J. Comput. Phys. 67 348--360 (1986) |
1986 |
Vadillo, F. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Studies in numerical nonlinear instability. {II}. A new look at +uu_x=0$ J. Comput. Phys. 66 225--238 (1986) |
1986 |
Griffiths, D. F. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. On the scope of the method of modified equations SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 7 994--1008 (1986) |
1986 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Spijker, M. N. Regions of stability, equivalence theorems and the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition Numer. Math. 49 319--329 (1986) |
1986 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Verwer, J. G. A study of the recursion {n+1}=y_n+ au y^m_n$ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 116 456--464 (1986) |
1986 |
del Olmo, M. A. and Rodríguez, M. A. and Winternitz, P. Simple subgroups of simple Lie groups and nonlinear differential equations with superposition principles J. Math. Phys. 27 14--23 (1986) |
1986 |
Cano, F. Desingularizations of plane vector fields Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 296 83--93 (1986) |
1986 |
Cuesta, Juan A. and Matrán, Carlos Strong laws of large numbers in abstract spaces via Skorohod's representation theorem Sankhy=a Ser. A 48 98--103 (1986) |
1986 |
Cuesta, J. A. and Matrán, C. $-linear regression, consistency and significative regression in median J. Statist. Plann. Inference 13 15--30 (1986) |
1986 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. Studies in numerical nonlinear instability. I. Why do leapfrog schemes go unstable? SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 6 923--938 (1985) |
1985 |
Cariñena, José F. and Santander, Mariano Symmetry theory in a two-level quantum system Found. Phys. 15 851--859 (1985) |
1985 |
Gadella, M. A rigged Hilbert space for the free radiation field J. Math. Phys. 26 725--727 (1985) |
1985 |
Cariñena, J. F. and del Olmo, M. A. and Santander, M. A new look at dimensional analysis from a group theoretical viewpoint J. Phys. A 18 1855--1872 (1985) |
1985 |
Cariñena, José F. and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Locally operating realizations of transformation Lie groups J. Math. Phys. 26 2096--2106 (1985) |
1985 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Palencia, C. A general equivalence theorem in the theory of discretization methods Math. Comp. 45 143--152 (1985) |
1985 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Abia, L. Innterpolation of the coefficients in nonlinear elliptic Galerkin procedures SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 21 77--83 (1984) |
1984 |
Verwer, J. G. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Convergence of method of lines approximations to partial differential equations Computing 33 297--313 (1984) |
1984 |
Domínguez, Jesús M. The Gelcprime fand subalgebra of real or non-Archimedean valued continuous functions Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 90 145--148 (1984) |
1984 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. Convergence of the Lambert-McLeod trajectory solver and of the {CELF} method Numer. Math. 45 173--182 (1984) |
1984 |
Christie, I. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. A Galerkin method for a nonlinear integro-differential wave system Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 44 229--237 (1984) |
1984 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. Methods for the numerical solution of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation Math. Comp. 43 21--27 (1984) |
1984 |
Cariñena, José F. and del Olmo, Mariano A. and Santander, Mariano Local representation groups J. Phys. A 17 3091--3100 (1984) |
1984 |
Palencia, C. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. An extension of the Lax-Richtmyer theory Numer. Math. 44 279--283 (1984) |
1984 |
Palencia, C. and Sanz-Serna, J. M. Equivalence theorems for incomplete spaces: an appraisal IMA J. Numer. Anal. 4 109--115 (1984) |
1984 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Manoranjan, V. S. A method for the integration in time of certain partial differential equations J. Comput. Phys. 52 273--289 (1983) |
1983 |
Asorey, M. and Cariñena, J. F. and del Olmo, M. A. Vector bundle representations of groups in quantum physics J. Phys. A 16 1603--1609 (1983) |
1983 |
Campillo, Antonio Hamburger-Noether expansions over rings Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 279 377--388 (1983) |
1983 |
Cuesta Albertos, Juan-Antonio and Matrán Bea, Carlos Conditional midrange (asymptotic expression of conditional $-expectation) Trabajos Estadíst. Investigación Oper. 34 54--60 (1983) |
1983 |
Domínguez, Jesús M. The Gelcprime fand subalgebra of the ring of continuous functions with values in a non-Archimedean valued field Rev. Mat. Hisp.-Amer. (4) 42 133--138 (1982) |
1982 |
0 (0) |
0 |
Russell Johnson, Sylvia Novo, Carmen Nuñez, Rafael Obaya Nonautonomous Linear-Quadratic Dissipative Control Processes without Uniform Null Controllability Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0 29 (0) |
0 |
Juan Campos, Rafael Obaya, Massimo Tarallo Favard theory for the adjoint equation and Fredholm alternative Journal of Differential Equations 0 54 (0) |
0 |
T Caraballo, J A Langa, R Obaya Pullback, forward and chaotic dynamics in !D non-autonomous linear-dissipative equations Nonlinearity 0 26 (0) |
0 |
Teresa Faria, Rafael Obaya, Ana M. Sanz Asymptotic behaviour for a class of non-monotone delay differential systems with applications Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0 25 (0) |
0 |
Ismael Maroto, Carmen Nuñez, Rafael Obaya Dynamical properties of nonautonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems A 0 24 (0) |
0 |
Ismael Maroto, Carmen Nuñez , Rafael Obaya Exponential stability for non-autonomous functional differential equations with state-dependent delay Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 0 31 (0) |
0 |
Juan Campos, Rafael Obaya , Massimo Tarallo Favard theory and Fredholm alternative for disconjugate recurrent second order equations Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 0 36 (0) |
0 |
S. Ishii, A.J. Reguera Singularities in arbitrary characteristic via jet schemes 0 (0) |
0 |
Introduction to network coding for acyclic and cyclic networks 0 (0) |
0 |
A. Armada, B: Alsaedi, Eduardo Cuesta Montero,Mokhtar Kirane Kirane On nonexistence of global solution for multi-time nonlinear hyperbolic equations and systems 0 (0) |
0 |
Isabel de la Torre, Francisco Javier Díaz, Míriam Antón, Mario Martínez, José Fernando Díez, Daniel Boto, Miguel López, Roberto Hornero, María Isabel López Performance Evaluation of a Web-Based System to Exchange Electronic Health Records Using Queueing Model (M/M/1) Journal of Medical Systems 36 915-924 (0) |
0 |
Anna M. Bigatti, Philippe Gimenez, Eduardo Sáenz-de-Cabezón Computations and Combinatorics in Commutative Algebra (EACA School, Valladolid 2013). Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2176 - Springer (2017) |
2017 |
Johnson, Russell and Obaya, Rafael and Novo, Sylvia and Nú~nez, Carmen and Fabbri, Roberta Nonautonomous linear Hamiltonian systems: oscillation, spectral theory and control. Developments in Mathematics - xxi+497 (2016) |
2016 |
El legado matemático de Juan Bautista Sancho Guimerá A.Campillo, D.H.Ruipérez. Colección Aquilafuente - 276 Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (2015) |
2015 |
Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen and Dieci, Luca and Guglielmi, Nicola and Hairer, Ernst and Sanz-Serna, Jesús María and Zennaro, Marino Current challenges in stability issues for numerical differential equations. Lecture Notes in Mathematics - x+313 Springer, Cham; Fondazione C.I.M.E., Florence (2014) |
2014 |
A.Campillo, F.V.Kulhmann, B.Teissier Valuation Theory in interaction. EMS Series of Congress Reports - 670 EMS (2014) |
2014 |
Anna M. Bigatti, Philippe Gimenez and Eduardo Sáenz-de-Cabezón Monomial ideals, computations and applications (MONICA, Castro Urdiales, July 2011). Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2083 - xii+194 Springer (2013) |
2013 |
A.Campillo, G.Cardona, A. Melle, W.Veys, W.Zúñiga-Galindo (Editors) Recent trends on Zeta functions in Algebra and Geometry. Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 566 - 344 AMS-RSME (2012) |
2012 |
White, Roscoe B. Asymptotic analysis of differential equations. - xxiv+405 Imperial College Press, London (2010) |
2010 |
Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Munuera, Carlos and Ruano, Diego Advances in algebraic geometry codes. Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology, 5 - viii+444 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ (2008) |
2008 |
del Barrio, Eustasio and Deheuvels, Paul and van de Geer, Sara Lectures on empirical processes. EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics - x+254 European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich (2007) |
2007 |
Calvo Andrade, Omegar El espacio de foliaciones holomorfas de codimensión uno. Monografías del Seminario Iberoamericano de Matemáticas [Monographs of the Seminario Iberoamericano de Matemáticas] - 139 Instituto Interuniversitario de Estudios de Iberoamerica y Portugal, Tordesillas (2003) |
2003 |
Pereira, Jorge V. Integrabilidade de equac c~oes diferenciais no plano complexo. Monografías del Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines [Monographs of the Institute of Mathematics and Related Sciences] - 47 Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines, IMCA, Lima; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (2002) |
2002 |
Mozo Fernández, Jorge Desarrollos asintóticos y sumabilidad. Monografías del Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines [Monographs of the Institute of Mathematics and Related Sciences] - 86 Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines, IMCA, Lima; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (2001) |
2001 |
Durán, Angel Symmetries of differential equations and numerical applications. Textos de Matemática. Série B [Texts in Mathematics. Series B], 22 - ii+107 Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Matemática, Coimbra (1999) |
1999 |
Sanz-Serna, J. M. and Calvo, M. P. Numerical Hamiltonian problems. Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation - xii+207 Chapman & Hall, London (1994) |
1994 |
Bohm, A. and Gadella, M. Dirac kets, Gamow vectors and Gelcprime fand triplets. Lecture Notes in Physics - viii+119 Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1989) |
1989 |
Cano Torres, Felipe Desingularization strategies for three-dimensional vector fields. Lecture Notes in Mathematics - x+194 Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1987) |
1987 |
Cano Torres, Felipe and Hermida Alonso, José Ángel and L{^e} D{~u}ng Tráng Introducción a la geometría de los sistemas diferenciales. Colección de Monografías y Memorias de Matemáticas [Collection of Monographs and Memoirs in Mathematics], XXX - iii+256 Instituto ``Jorge Juan'' de Matemáticas, Madrid (1983) |
1983 |